Public Transport @ Poland

I'm in a youth movement and we are going on camp to Poland.
I have to figure out how the public transport is there?
So Polish people, could you tell me a bit more about it?

Thanks in advance
the words transport and poland don't match
hahahaaha :D
I see Poland Hybrid !
h3h3 polish trains all the way! :D
a see whole team Poland Poland
You mean you're a boy scout? In that case you should be able to figure it out by yourself and you do seem to have internet.
KSA and we won't go to Poland without arranging everything lol.
There are polar bears on the streets! You can ride one for 5$!

Seriously now - what city are you going to? Don't expect any 'lux' stuff here. Busses and trains will be probably the only thing you will use to move around.

If you want though, you can ride a TAXI!
Well we are still searching a country to go and some wanted to go to Poland so we are now checking everything like public transport and places to sleep etc
Oh, that's how it is.

Well, I think the dude which suggested going to Poland didn't take his medicine or he is simply stupid.
in estonia we drive the same way but we have a cage on it

I would rather try riding a polar bear. :p
wij gaan lekker naar Slovenië me de scouts

btw: scouts > KSA
hahah echt niet =D
slovenia ? woohoo
rent a bus with a driver
leave your mp3 at home :>
image: vrachtwagen_polen

very comfortable + traditional polish way to travel :-D
youth movement, ah zoiets als klein rechts ? :O
Doe es niet belachelijk, jochie.
in poland, bus drives you
as Addict has already noticed polish ppl can't do anything properly.
News or not?
legaly bought (even payed the duty for importing those 10-year-old wrecks) xD
lol, it depends. in somewhat 'big cities' (50 000+) you have buses, bus-stops n stuff.
in bigger cities (200 000 +) you have buses and (not always) trams. Underground is only in Warsow (one line xD). I guess as scouts you wont need taxis, but they are all there.

But if you mean communication between cities, there is public transport company called PKS (buses). It is divided on short-distance (from city to nearby villages) and long-distance buses (work out by yourself).

You can use planes as well. There are many airports out there.
come to malta during the summer
fucking rox
poland is a good place for camp, cheap, nice girls, friendly ppl :<
Think again about 'friendly people'. :|
ff kaartjes controleren !
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