So what's the true story behind b2k?

Who can tell me the story behind b2k?
bkb, black king bar.

created when mkb(monkey king bar) is combined with pure photon.
omarion is gay!
He hacked and crashed servers in RtCW. ;{
he was a retard, he is a retard, he will never grow up. he is 20 years old. his moustache is so ugly that even his family is ashamed of him. he is a nolifer. he is ashamed of himself. he will never have a girlfriend. he will die alone.

in a nutshell.
Apart from that, what did he exactly do in rtcw?
fuck all, he was shit
oh about that, used skillboosters till tosspot busted him for those.
they arefucking niggers thats the reason why you never heard anymore about them
new school noobs, go to > forums > sort by asscending and threads from begining and you'll find the epic unravel.
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