low skilled and poor human being - admin of #3on3.et

1 am, i got high and thought to myself: hmm it's a great time to own some fuckers. joined #3on3.et, wrote "et merc avi high skilled" then got immediately banned by some random guy called " drlagalot"
Quote yuppie`afk has been kicked from #3on3.et by DrLagAlot [[email protected]]: You are not welcome on this channel
I don't know what's the matter, maybe I owned his lame ass in past too much. Since he's not answering @qnet, decided to try here.
so my message to this unknown piece of shit: i don't know if i made you cry in 2008, but this gem iz dead and u still give a shit enough to ruin fun for strangers who remembered ET and just wanted to play for a while. u frustrated on your life low skilled twat. after another day of being worthless shit, all you can do is ban some stranger and feel you have power over something. you dont, cheers
maybe nobody like finnish cheater cunts?
funny thing is this guy got caught under nick "vila" or something like that years ago.
ive never been caught.
yes drlagalot is vila

idc if you got caught or if you are even finnsih or from mars :D

just wanted to add my comment
whateva... same trash like frenchies
maybe, i dont know, im not familiar with them
Are you proud to be uneducated?
crêve fils d'inceste
unknown polak trash talking about being skilled, oh well, some things never change.
wanna play 3on3/2on2? i guarantee you would leave after 2 mins raging and screaming "cheater".
and im just skilled. mAus asked me for my mouse settings m8
also, never saw you "aniky".
your nick sounds gay in general
never saw you. nowhere. you don't exist in my eyes. get on at least low+ level and msg me brah
yuppie w formie widzie, cisnij ich tam ostro! :D

ego> skill
damn that must of hit a nerve hah.
dude get over it. not my fault you low. also if u want keep talking to me, give me your real nick instead of hiding under mysterious "aniky". unless...
Poor polak, cant even afford proper education, oh well, maybe some day u will actually have ur life a bit better, i hope.
"maus asked me for my mouse settings m8"

best sentence ever on crossfire probably
'You can do better than that.
ofc i can..im fucking awesome
this happend.
also, who r u dkz lol be serious xD
if you dont already know you dont need to know
Funny thing is that I know yuppie but I have no idea who you are.
in that case you were most probably living under a rock for past few years.
Ive been inactive or more years then hes playing this game, but doesnt change fact I know that polak, never heard of "aniki".
flame. flame never changes.
is this yuppie guy any good? in which clans did he play?
I honestly got no idea. I just saw him on cf few times, that's all. Another random claiming to be godlike, trolling and attentionwhoring here imo.
I merely replied to "some things never change" which reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE25wHQPHIE
Quote by yuppiesince now i dont give a shit about et at all so i'm gonna tell you,you dont have pro's from nc at all only fucking wnbs like me and i'm at least honest.

Quote by yuppiei'm not on this list, he just 'quoted' me from private talk with him and it's not true :) ill write a journal and explain everything if he is that retarded to quote priv talks i can do the same, just wait
out of context and I have not a faintest idea what your point was :(
doesn't need context, everything you need is there :D
then I am just stupid :D
yeah, i'm high skilled. also, got experience from many lans and eurocups. been playing for poland, belgium and germany.

why were you a mod in the nc forum?

Quotesince now i dont give a shit about et at all so i'm gonna tell you,you dont have pro's from nc at all only fucking wnbs like me and i'm at least honest.
many rage 2k14
jcrois que c'est le frère de l'autre roumain
This guy is an excheater so firstly he should ban himself. Thats some fucked up kind of logic he spread, but fuck game anyway
u are fuckin cunt on aimbot man, gtfo from here.
who r u low skill? ah sorry for destroying you 3on3. don't ask for med if you are low- : )
lol this guy is low+ max - i own him with luger -- cant be a hax
i own everyone with luger. even without ammo i still point at head.
Waiting for Vila to reply in this journal image: Kappa
he won't. probably hiding somewhere in basement with his friends - pimples.
+1 DrLagAlot
No one will miss you. Now bye.
actually drshitalot is a pathetic human beeing
dunno about this guy but drgayalot shouldnt have the rights to ban/kick people in 3on3.et
when he is actually pokemon- skilled at max....
I agree with that too. Also abuse of power sucks, but still.
werent u on a nc customer list years ago?
u wot m8?
Hi, I just came to say hallo

et merc avi highskilled
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