CF Admin going for a laugh in the Basement

Created a Poll this MOrning but the Admin are not up for a laugh in our lovely dead Game :(

image: 4kj3fuiv

Hm just post the Name and i will count but only till 3 :(

Useless poll and wrong candidates.
hm why wwrong candidates?
another attention whore ;x
i don't need attention.. i need attention
rafek is back m8
i know man, was talking with him ;)
use strawpoll
really difficult question tbh
can't see the pic, who are the guys nominated
kitt, kapot, ochujcool and my master bobika
ofc kitt and ohurcool
i miss these polls, i used to be in "most retarded, hated and loved" polls and somehow would still get first in all of them.
i voted for you in all of them xoxo
thats because you made shitload of alt accounts and voted on yourself.
id vote bob not even joking
sry bob ily like a fat kid loves twix but nigga you cray
id go for E. all the above choices
i appreciate your Vote, thank you!
Only one guy from NA? I loled
hm you dont get it?
because you forgot to mention Testi-cle in the nominees
Oh, the irony
Attention seeking so much putting yourself on a poll
sure a "laugh" Zzz very funny. OK
How sad can this guy be?
very very sad... no sun light in my basement but im still up for a laugh once week.
Please ask someone on IRC to make me admin. I will give a present for your kind words.
yoyo wateva
alc can change many people especially him
scheinst wohl auch tiefenpsychologe zu sein?
Not as sad as someone who lost all his demos, including his knife frags vs butchji, ferus and Ganon.
I swear i am coming to nerdland to bitch slap you ;DD
you are one dumb fucking guy
rly? i thought thats the topic in this journal...
leave ohheiscool alone you bastard
my god xd
pls.. you like that kind of shit
yep im waiting and refreshing gtv every few seconds (actually its automatic refresh) so i wont miss any comments you may write. :D
I know, man. I know.
ohurcool for sure. once gave a ff win to the whining belgium 3v3 team because they started crying about which team they want to start on. subway might promote him to manager one day and bring home that 20k a year salary. one day......
Are you legitimately still upset about a forfeit loss that happened over 2 years ago? :D Surely you could have picked a more recent one instead, like from NC or something.
who said i was upset, merely stating what i thought was the worst thing i've ever seen an admin do. that was honestly the dumbest thing i've ever seen any admin do online or in real life. you're worse than soccer referees. only difference is they make about 100x what you'll ever make making shitty sandwiches. your life could not be worse :(
Not really. If I recall correctly, you guys logged in as ref and startmatch'd then unpaused with ref after your opponent paused.

I'm pretty happy with my life actually, certainly enough that I don't feel the need to project my insecurities onto others on the internet!
i'm glad your parents raised you to be happy while working at subway, alone, poor, and jerking off to clanbase power. honestly, i view that as a sad existence.
Well, I do work at Subway, so you're 25% right.
ok then. by some pretty simple logic i'll continue.

poor - you work at subway... pretty safe bet lolololol
alone - i've seen your picture and i was taken aback. and you're not rich... so you're either alone or your gf is shrek's cousin.
jerking off to clanbase power - nobody, who abuses his power and is on the internet still caring about this game, doesn't do this.

it's a pretty safe bet i'm 100% right. nothing new there though
from my point of view as a swiss guy, you feggits are all poor

suck on my gold ingot
Are you done?
Quotesubway might promote him to manager one day and bring home that 20k a year salary. one day......

eventhough jon is my friend, i lol'd hard.
I like how you didnt include kalli as he would win with 100% of the votes.
winner will face him in final vote.
What is this shit? Missing kamz, robaciek and myself.

rip cf
new era.. i just need confirmation that the last 11/2 - 2years has been successful..
i wouldn't call this an era
death is just death
This guy is unbelievable.
just enjoy it man... look at ohurcool.. i bet he got a boner when he saw his name on the list.

and we need the cf awards back :(
Ohurcool isn't retarded.
He's just ignorant.
Warned him from the start how CGAC did nothing, only checks memory.
Did he do anything? No, they/he keeps just busting people by watching demo's/gamestv.
(not quite sure about this one:) playing against oppo's in non-offis?

From all guys posted here above,surely Zodiac could confirm this. Have seen him coding, and he should be capable to confirm/deny this. Why I mention this? Ask him, ask another coder except Kevin, and you'll see.

Anyway, easy made money. You should look at the score for how many times "ET" Or "Enemy territory" combined with "hack" or "cheat' has been used since CGAC. It's already more as with TZAC back then.

<3 all
CU @ Drupalcon
You're the one who is ignorant, an outsider who remains under the silly delusion that he knows more about projects being developed in private than the ones actually involved with the projects. And I don't want to hear about how much coding knowledge you have as it's not relevant here.

Really, let's assume for a moment that you aren't an idiot and are actually worth replying to.

1. What makes you think I don't know how CGAC works? That I haven't been in contact with the developers all along and helping to test it? How could you possibly know more about what's going on at CG than the CG admins themselves? You are not "warning" me of anything, just speculating and awkwardly obsessing over me and everything I do as usual.

2. Even if you were right (you're not), so what? How does this "warning" of yours help? What do you think, in your omniscience, I should do about it? Should we not use an AC at all because the one we're currently using isn't perfect? Or should I just tell CG that Belgium Hellfag says they are bad at coding anticheats? You make yourself out to be some sort of prophet, but you aren't actually providing a solution to the problem you think we have.
why comment deletet
"We do not allow spam on"
everything under control
your talking to much, this game is dead cuz of u. bb
Would be much more deaderer without me!
Sad, but true.
That's some flame you don't diserve. On the other hand you're still blind (or ignorant w/e) as fuck...
you're joking right?
he wasn't even there when et was medium active. he started playing when it was already pretty inactive. So yeah, he's probaby not joking, he just doesn't know better
that's a shame then. :P
aha dann schreib mir mal was der so positives gemacht hat für et du weltverbesserer
Oh come on.
You still don't get it, do you?
About tzac you always said I knew wnothing, untill recently it was more or less confirmed I knew more than the average et-player should know.
CGAC was 2 months(?) online when i told you in privtae it doesn't do a shit. But I was happy we had a AC that 'scared' known cheaters. At least it did for a couple of weeks/months.
Now we're in a stage where obviously admins are blind, and cgac doesn't scare anyone anymore.
After those Fins (popox and co) proved AGAIN for everyone how shitty it was, nobody has to fear CGAC anymore.

Anyway, you'll argue again. And again you'll tell me i know nothing. While I think i've proven enough to tell you it hardly works.
I know they are implementing the screenshots as we speak, in previous version it was already embedded, sadly it wasn't/isn't active (didn't look to it for a month i think).
But easy trick to block those too with anti-aliasing etc.

I just find it odd, that when you get '''warned''' you never do anyhting.
OK Kitt, asks maybe to much to check if a guy is cheating. But sometimes it's so obvious. Like the Fins: who was the first one the 'whine' about them? Kitt. When did you acted? When other 'respected' players told you so.

n-plane playing with WH with no chams on it, and still he's playing. But ok, that's open for discussion I guess.

I'll agree with you on this one: I'm not provoding a solution. I'm only talking trash atm. Don't mind me, cus you never do
Well, gl with CGAC. If Kevin has time to but some effort in CGAC- ET, than that would be great. But atm, it's shit.
Again, you are not being helpful or displaying any sort of intelligence here. Answer my questions.

If you were an admin in my position, what would you do?

And don't complain about me banning players by demo then complain that I'm not banning players by demo.
Wtf is wrong with you, why do you bust players ya player buster.
I was talking about Kitt's comments.
You once told me you don't have the time to watch eevry single time a demo when someones ask you to do it. That's why you asked for Timestamps.
I know you bust(ed) people with demo's. So far that's the only way people actually get busted, unless they are brainless like Nazty.
Then you go fill in "Caught by CGAC", like you did yesterday.

Pathetic, but guess some will believe CGAC actually works.

What I would do?
Having the time, you apparently have. And carrying about this game as you do. I would try to find me a AC-developer. There are enough forums where you can ask. Of course they always want to get payed, but look at what Chillax did. He organized a cup, and with that cup came SPONSERING money. People trust you (at least most do, ignoring those Germans guys raging at you always (not saying they aren't wrong or correct)). You could easily get money for a project.

Or, but you already tried on a lame way, evolve to an UPDATED MOD: Silent.
It has 90% capability to reproduce the gameplay from ETPRO.
With that sponsering money, and FORCING cup into that mod, you can easily convince those Silent guys, to make a separate encrypted mod (like ETPRO is encrypted) with as base: Silent mod.

But I guess in your eyes that seems just an Utopia.
Nevertheless I gave you my answer, your highness.
We have caught several players cheating without even watching any demos of them, including the two most recent ones. I don't know how else to convince you that you're wrong besides sharing private information, and I'm not going to do that.

I've already explained all of this to you here:

There is literally no one out there who is willing to provide an anticheat for a 10-year old free game with a few hundred active players (in competition). CyberGamer itself, a gaming organization that supports several games with thousands of players and has been around for years, took months to find an AC developer.

Even if we did find someone, they would likely require a ridiculous sum of money that is simply not obtainable through donations. Comparing the €64 (in donations, not sponsorships - big difference) that ChilAx has raised for his cups to the thousands of euros that we'd need for this is a bit silly. Not to mention the amount of time it would take to get this anticheat up and running without issues.

As I said in the journal linked above, we contacted the silentmod developers about their anticheat back in December and were told that it would take too much time and effort to release a clientside version for ETPro and keep it updated. And moving from ETPro to silentmod or N!tmod or whatever isn't going to happen either, as I'm sure you can imagine what the community's reaction would be like if it did.

So in conclusion, you're not doing too well as an admin so far. Any other ideas?
well i rly thought about to donate to chilax... but im happy that i didnt did that... reason are enough around in the latest journals etc.

i even donated to United Kingdom koop onm twitch and some others... im willing to donate money but i need some "response" aswell...

well im happy that cgac caught the 2 witch i obviously accuesed after "our" 3on3 offi...
i would donate to cg aswell but no updates since 1 month, no communation etc.
I've never asked for donations and probably never will. Donate to someone like WarWitch or MerlinatoR instead.
well i dont like warwitch... but i thought about merlinator when he is doin more ET coverage :)
Force it man.
Look at how many players from the ETpro scene are now playing regular on nub-slient servers.
You're so clueless, even your USA buddies play it...

So pls, half of this community plays silent mod.
Maybe 1% of them know what silent mod can do. yet, they play it.

EDIT: last 2 caught on WH.(maybe something else, but WH was on)
Ask badkip, he'll confirm. they used oldskool hook, which is used by eth32 (which means humanized could be on too).
How I know? I don't know according to you, just ask Kevin.
There is a massive difference between players pubbing occasionally on silentmod and hosting cups/ladders regularly on silentmod. Implying that switching from ETPro to silentmod would bring players back to competitive ET is even dumber than saying that reverting to CF3 would result in comebacks from those who have quit. Just because "half of this community" (doubtful) plays on silentmod doesn't mean half the community prefers it to ETPro. Changing mods at this point, especially if it's "forced", would do far more harm than good. The community would be split, with cups running for both silentmod and ETPro, and there would be more flame than ever.


QuoteEDIT: last 2 caught on WH.(maybe something else, but WH was on)
Ask badkip, he'll confirm. they used oldskool hook, which is used by eth32 (which means humanized could be on too).
How I know? I don't know according to you, just ask Kevin.

You're going to have to explain this dribble a little better, because it seems to me like you're just typing random things now. How could you possibly think you know which bot they were using, and what does this have to do with whether or not they were caught by CGAC? Are you distributing cheats or something? And what do you mean "ask badkip, he'll confirm"? Didn't you just say they were banned by demo?
people still do such journals in 2014?
who the fuck are you anyway
was denn los mit dir
ist mir egal, egal..
Why isnt Robert nominated ?
seems like he was inactive or something?
<3 no wurries
i start feeling smart image: Kappa
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