Request: French

Any Crossfire FrenchMen or FrenchWomen that could make one or a couple of voiceclips saying these, your natural/casual french is prefered:

La cité des enfants perdus
Un long dimanche de fiançailles
Par l'opération du Saint-Esprit
lutteur professionnel Dwayne Douglas Johnson

Your handle can be in the credits unless requested otherwise, N.P.P.
Thanks in advance
Fuck the french
I could do this like tomorrow :)
Okay I got all I needed, thank you for all the contributions!

You helped with an elementary school student's French Project!
Wesh ma demoiselle c'est quoi ton 06?

Translation : Good evening dear lady, would you eventually accept that we share our phone numbers?
tes gentil sur la traduction :p
oui jsuis assez daccord avec RAFFF :D
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