appartment/studio in Amsterdam

Yeah so this is a pretty weird question to put on CF, but i'm spreading my search :)

Looking for a studio/ appartement in Amsterdam from February 2015 untill...
Budget is max €900/month.
It's for me and my girlfriend (not my hand, actual one).

Doing my internship there, she is writing her masters paper.

Thanks for reading

Flame on

ps: pictures of the girlfriend will not be provided
You'll probably get more bang for your buck if you live in one of the surrounding settlements and grab a train to work every day.
yeah prolly but i want to live in the city to have some nightlife but on the other hand we also want our privacy. So i'll guess we'll have to choose or spend way more money to have both :)
900e per month for rent, dunno why you would spend 70% of ur income for rent...
If there's two of them it's easily doable.
if 900 euro is 70% of your wage its time to get a new job
welcome to finland where 40% u earn goes to taxes
Holy shit, you actually pay taxes so you can have schools, roads, hospitals, trains? Damn that must be very upsetting, I feel you man!
40% ? 59 here

Gotta pay for our 7 governments
amsterdam zuid-oost, de bijlmer best place I heard
lel, i c what u did there
yeah so true
Aren't you that guy who brought gf to the ET lan(adroits or before?)??
Naaah, that was me!
do it like me, stay in haarlem, 15min to adam city and even 15min to zandvoort beach ;)
Got any tips in Haarlem? :)
Only been there once, stayed in the golden tulip hotel. We went to Awakenings, seemed like an old peoples town then :D

isn't Haarlem to... 'silent' ?
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