which call of duty...

is the nowadays one which got the biggest competition going on?
None they are all shit. Console fags play the latest game on Xbox and they have tournaments for it.
and mouse/keyboard is like cheating :_D
can you get even more ignorant? dense mofo.
So you are claiming that any of the games after CoD2 was even remotely good ?
Quote they are all shit

you just implied all cod games are shit. yeah cod1&2 are decent, thats exactly my point, dense mofo.
He said ''nowadays'' cod2 is almost 10 years old and hardly played so I don't consider it to be in that bracket.
i dont care about your considerations, we're talking facts here.
only competition for CSGO is on console - and the format seems really stupid :P like bo11 maps or something.. :D
CS:GO? But jesus feels like FPS games are dying.. Guess there won't be any pro scenes after cs:go
yea, meant CoD :P competitive FPS is indeed done for now. I am looking forward to the division - could be fun even if not competitive.
After over 10 years I'm done for :( Was willingly going to buy cod bo 2 just to play active game once again till we realized all the ladders are for consoles and there is some rule you can not play those games with mouse and keyboard etc :D "too easy" was the main reason i believe
Can't play with mouse and keyboard?? for real? :DD
I tried to play COD on a console (was Xbox I think), it was my worst video game experience. I felt I couldn't do anything precise because the stick was shitty, etc. What a joke
I had the exact same feeling when I got dared to play Black Ops 1 on PS3 by colleagues. It's a generally more frustrating experience if you're used to mouse and keyboard, but you do get somewhat used to it after a while. Additionally, it does have its advantages as the playing field is more level with regards to used hardware (the only exception being whether or not someone is using a headset), so it's definitely even more rewarding to wreck people who have been playing FPS games on a console for ages.
THATS WHY THERES AUTOAIM:X:X::D:DD Everything has to be automated in every modern vgame these days so everybody can have fun first time playing!
How are they going to check for online competitions ? I know Microsoft pulled the plug on cross platform gaming because PC casuals raped the shit out of ''pro MLG'' console players.
Well there was some forum topic about it.. The things how they find out was like 4/1 kd ratio (:D) sens too fast can evade bullets while shooting too good and what else xD
Calling competetive fps "done for now" is a pretty bold statement to make concidering that CS:GO is still one of the top 3 esport titles.
And what else on PC? :) Nothing. BF? Huge joke
You have 2 major MOBA titles and 1 major fps. What more do you want?
Maybe some choices?
CSGO has no competition in its genre though and does not have that amazing numbers considering that - outside the pro scene (which is amazing no doubt) players are forced to play the game in a broken way in comparison.
Not really familiar with the system - are there any like med skilled teams playing the scene and do they have any tournaments going on?
CS:GO has endless competition, for all skill levels. picture ET 2004-2007 x100.
lol no csgo death
can't see any league which is running competition for the others than pro teams
well as for all eSports scenes the pro scene is the only real shown one - there is plenty like ET had and more as Artstar said. I would say playing leagues etc. is the way forward if you want to enjoy the game fully, match making etc. is awful just because of the servers alone.
I personally loved the random russians playing with hacks when u get ur ass over the "sheriff" mark :P not an single game without an mofo russian whos boosted there or mofo russian whos using hacks, the MM really were and is awful
I personally choose ET still, altho got kid coming on december so gaming will be more casual to me after that but heck, still ET! 11 years and rolling!
I also used to think like "it's stupid to move to a game I don't enjoy half as much playing even if this game had 1 practice war per day" but at some point a man breaks. Especially when playing with good friends and there are not a single game to play anymore. Staring your desktop makes a man to play crappy games. 8)
well cheaters are one thing, but even if they were non existent CSGO would still have problems. atm it's basically like pro scene is playing ETPro and the rest is forced to play jaymod :D
Yeah I feel you, and specially when theres many capable players around no doubt the old clans from 1.6 and cs:s which have turned to cs:go still pretty much have the same players, if u werent known back then, then ur shit, thinks the rest of the scene
List all the competitive pages or such or gtfo. (only the active ones)
top 7* to be exact. And csgo is the one and only first person shooter with some activity on pc atm. And you still can't find official clanmatches 24/7. Would be so positively surprising if someone proves this wrong..
Can someone list all the proper competition related pages for csgo or a cod game for pc?(only active ones)
I also noticed there are not a single 2on2 "competitive" videogame for any videogame device atm.
top7? where did you dig that crap up? name one that is bigger atm beside dota and lol
1. Dota 2
2. LoL
3. StarCraft 2
4. CS 1.6
5. StarCraft Brood War
6. Warcraft III
7. CS:GO

But yeah, Only Dota, LoL and SC are bigger at the moment it's about top 3 in earnings.
Still it aint too heartwarming to know that there is only 1 fps game alive in pc and it's shit compared to many. And even in this only active FPS game for PC, 5on5 is the only competitive form.
Also there are no active enough ladders or such things for any videogame anymore. These "easy to hop in" kind of modes stomped over this actual clan against clan thing quite firmly..
SC is definately not bigger than CS:GO these days. Money and Viewership wise.

SC has been declining outside of Korea since WCS started and Koreans began to dominate all 3 regions. The last WCS final didnt even pull 200k viewers.
Thanks for the details.

Back to the subject:
As I mentioned before, it aint too heartwarming to know that there is only 1 fps game alive on pc and it's total garbage compared to many. And even in this only active FPS game for PC, 5on5 is the only competitive form.
Also there are no active enough ladders or such things for any videogame anymore. These "easy to hop in" kind of modes stomped over this actual clan against clan thing quite firmly.
Maybe this is the new generation thing. Everything has to be simple as possible.
Less brainwork from hobbies and such is compensated with (possibly) even smarter but more depressed new gen people without patience. 8)
4, followed by 2
Best answer to this post so far. But both are still pretty dead right? :O)
the only little bit what is left of those 2 is on cybergamer, although cod2 community activity is slightly increasing again
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