
It's -25c cold outside. Here i am, sitting @ work, doing nothing. Being tech support can get boring sometimes. When nothing is broken, there's nothing to fix, when no one is asking for help, there's nothing to help with. It's freezing, my desk is right next to the window. I'm damn tired because i hardly slept last night, i've had more than 6 cups of coffee already and i still need more. I'm playing minigolf to kill time, one hour to go and i'm off to lunch. My old car is waiting for me there, soon i can go vroomvroom.

What about you? Having as sucky morning?
Labriit :X
-2c here (Riga) morning is so sucky (even more sucky than CB is) life is sucky (as sucky as CB) and morning tea is also sucky (not as sucky as CB)
-22c here and need to go out soon with some papers and im sick >_>
8c doing nothing all the day :)!
-9.2 degrees celcius, says my thermometer. Which reminds me: better check, that my car's window washing liquid can take the cold. Too late if it can't, though. The pipes are already frozen.

I think I'm going to take the morning off. Probably go to eat some beefsteak in one of the restaurants nearby. Have to work later today, do some 3D-modelling for a local Microsoft Vista-tour. Like anyone is going to upgrade their Windows based on some tour... Oh well, it's work.

Having a splendid morning in other words. Going to take a hot bath right about now, feels kind of cold inside, despite all the radiators.
I saw, you edited the numbers! About time that southern finns get their share of the winter eh :) ?
Getting colder by the minute, now the meter says -9.3c.
it was -12 degrees here =(
-20 here :/
-20 in Congo, is it the end of the world? =p
ever heard about global warming?

everything is vice versa in c00lngo!
+- 0 degrees here...

also nothing to do at the moment.
we are drinking coffee and eating muffins
Muffins for mee ? :|
Moi Moor!

-1 degrees here and IT IS SNOWING!
Hey Ara! We already have about ~30cm of snow :]
Woke up at 6am, drank my coffee, drove to school, stood outside smoking until a friend of mine came out to tell me that my biology class is cancelled and I have 4 hours of freetime. I drove back home and here I am again!
6° here, grey sky. The hairstyle still fine.
Sitting in school and have to do some project work with two guys, actually we haven't done anything the past 3 weeks.
One more hour then I can go home for 3 hours, but I guess I'll stay there, give the guy at the gameshoppe a call if my Wii is there and spend my day doing some useless stuff.
Same procedure as every day, James.
u and hairstyle? :D
we got 5 degrees here and fog like hell...
Havin a bud, killing JFK..
Exactly. :D
16.7° here. Thunderstorm seems to be coming, shit day.
Im at home, next lesson at 13. Till then im working on java, then come back, and work on some more java then play !
Woke up, went to school. German exam, had to get 3,4/10. Finished it in 40 mins instead of the regular 100 and went home. Now I have 2 days off before my chemistry exam. :O)
thinking about finishing my essay and facebooking
ordinary schoolday.
had dutch and math. currently doing some informatics.
I'm tired =(
no weather here
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