Warlords of Draenor!

Is out in 3 hours! Cant fucking wait, gonna be awesome!

Anyone else playing wow? realm/class?

This is how I prepared in rl: image: XxgeC0U

6 Energy drinks, some pizzas, pre workout incase I get really fucking tired. 5 Cheeseburgers for dinner and some snacks!

Aiming to stay up atleast 24 hours :)
ChambersofAspect-eu 90 dk
Are you fucking kidding me? I can't wait to take my holy paladin out for a spin again!
Sweet! Got any cool transmogs? im running full t1 with sulfuras on my ret !
Darkspear lvl 90 Shaman, Mage, Hunter, DK, Paladin and Druid.

I pre ordered it too. But can't play it tonight :D
Is Euroshopper energy drink a thing in Sweden?
cba buying redbull costing more than twice as much when im going to consume these amounts ^^
Yeah just wondered since Euroshopper energydrink (ES) is kind of a... Dno how to say it but it is kind of a meme in internet which extends to a real life and they're really popular here.
They're also horrible and will fuck up your body.
Like all energy drinks... :D
Red Bull is kind of quality and won't do it as fast as the others, but if you will drink them consistently for certain period of time, yeah. Even the Red Bull will kill your livers.. :(
QuoteRed Bull is kind of quality and won't do it as fast as the others

xd, they re all same shit, so lets not start about it.
they are pretty much the same shit, red bull is also horrible, but they still taste sweeeeeet!
How about Monster energy drink (coca-cola company product or pepsi, not sure), which tastes better than anything else with much lower prize than redbull.
monster is utterly shit.
which class should I use the free leveling on? got rogue, warrior and shaman. anything extra fun nowdays or just same as before?
Ret paladins seem fun. Mage seems good as always :) I'm rolling mage as main and ret pally as alt !
If you aren't playing a warlock you're doing it wrong.
I remember playing some in vanilla. Probably still having nightmares of it..
If you're looking for a PVE class mainly, let me break it down for you. First of all every class can be fun, it all comes down to personal preference and what defines as fun for you. Secondly, in PVE all that matters mostly is your maximum attainable output (hard, cold numbers), with utility coming in distant second. With that in mind, there is a certain pattern with Blizzard fine-tuning classes as far as maximum output in PVE goes, some better than others, and if you really wanna get absolutely anal about it, there are separations into different tiers depending on the maximum achievable output (this data is relevant only to the latest expansions so it should be relevant for the next one):

God tier: warlocks, mages, rogues.

Middle of the pack tier: hunters, monks, druids, paladins, priests.

Absolutely shit tier, avoid unless masochist: death knights, shamans, warriors.
Been playing lock since vanilla didnt like pandaria expansion only played one season still got 2.3k arena nP
Personally (as a demo lock doing arena in MoP), I find WoW arena as enjoyable as trimming my ballsack hair with a cheese grater.

But I can say the same for other classes.
Did raids back in TBC when it was hard. Tried WOTLK didnt enjoy anymore so PvP only in Cata/Pandaria didnt play any lich king it was shite
TBC = WOTLK > MOP > Cata.

Ulduar is objectively the best WoW raid, with TBC raids following closely after.
Dat feeling when downing Kael'thas after wiping for months doe
All that trash food, jesus fucking christ

You are killing yourself
Also, I know this guy who got hospitalized after drinking a fuckton of those ES drinks for like everyday for a prolonged period of time, some liver failure

Of course his system returned to normal (idk about long-term effects) BUT YOU SHOULDN'T DRINK SOME TRASH ES
true, but its only for one night, hopefully and most likely wont give me liver failure! dont drink that shit otherwise

It's your body and whatever, but prepare for the foreseen consequences
Also remember to call the ambulance the moment your face turns yellow, friend
you're full of shit bro, ill be here to prove you wrong tomorrow. crossfire d0ktor!
Calm down friend, I was slightly exaggerating

Enjoy your evening/night of gaming!
I might make a comeback into semi-hardcore raiding with warlock/dk later in 2015, but not now. Ravencrest, alliance.

"Fragmovie" for the nerds.

i've played on ravencrest since tbc bro!
Everybody on the entire european internet has played on Ravencrest at one point in their lives.
I remember I started in Laughing Skulls and sometime after that i have played only in Stormreaver aka jonnereaver

horde enhancement shaman ofc
Enjoying the laggs ? =D
Hope your heart doesn't stop with all that shit :D
image: fnv94z

Are you enjoying it Uniq? I am!
yeah man its great, but the fucking lag is back, cant log in. couldnt play properly until 06:00 :/
Nice keybinds bro.
:XD freakin computer nerds out there
Only 98 atm, been slackin a bit tho, still going without sleepz :3
6 hours and lvl 91, gg :D
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