Inspirational Movies?

I haven't watched much movies lately that gave me any inspiration or any other feeling. Most movies were just amusing but nothing else.

Pick a name of some movie you watched / watched lately and share with me!
Seven Pounds
1 Night in Paris
All are great movies..That I watched.(^^)
Drugstore Cowboy

Un Homme qui dort



À bout de souffle


Pierrot le Fou

Hotel Chevalier

Le locataire

Lost in Translation

Salmer fra kjøkkenet

The Amputee


Cet obscur objet du désir



Reservoir Dogs

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask

Where the Buffalo Roam
no space impact
try browsing through the sports genre on imdb as it's the kind of movies i'd say covers your needs the most. the ones that come to my mind at the spot are
- the blind sinde
- 42
- remember the titans
and ofc rocky movies but they don't need to be listed up there i guess :p
You made me waste 20 minutes of my life fucker

Some of the go-to inspirational movies (I probably forgot many great ones but these stood out), by decade:

Battleship Potemkin, Metropolis

All Quiet on the Western Front

Bicycle thieves, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, It's a Wonderful Life, The Great Dictator, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Ben-Hur, Paths of Glory, Seven Samurai, The Bridge on the River Kwai

To Kill a Mockingbird, Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus (1960), The Great Escape

A Bridge too Far, Network, Papillon, Rocky

Das Boot, Dead Poets Society, Gandhi, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, The Elephant Man, My Left Foot

Braveheart, Forrest Gump, Good Will Hunting, In the Name of the Father, La Haine, La vita è bella, Leon the Professional, Magnolia, October Sky, Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's list, The English Patient, The Green Mile, Trainspotting

99 francs, A Beautiful Mind, Children of Men, City of God, Das Leben der Anderen, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Gladiator, Hotel Rwanda, Hunger, Ip Man, Million Dollar Baby, Slumdog Millionaire, The Pianist, The Pursuit of Happyness, The Road

127 hours, Boyhood, Dallas Buyer's Club, Interstellar, Kon-Tiki, Life of Pi, Rush, The Great Bauty, The King's Speech, Intouchables, Warrior.
Have you watched the older movies you mentioned? They are really great :)
Yeah, older movies are pretty fucking great.
+into the wild & 50-50

good list tho :P
I greatly appreciate your effort my friend. Watched most of the movies except for the old ones I'm afraid. The Road is my favorite!

// ------------------------------------------------
Babylon (1981) (
"Just spam it" bySwitzerland Dabster image: kappa
pala the pwner!
Rocky always gets me pumped!
The Road

The Divide

Both very inspirational movies that made me reconsider my stance towards humanity
Hercules (Disney)
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