best comments on cf

image: ACgB9jC

saw this the other day and it put a smile to my face :) I remember back in the good old days those brilliant comments on some journals. Do any of you still got screenshots from them? if so, POST THEM! Wanna see them again ;)!

On the Crossfire poll "Are you in a relationship or not?"

image: DnsQ8R0
need some Russia pulZa quote
Easily the video where Belgiumzeto was trolled in mrmen to run around for 20 minutes.
(Anyone still has it?)
was only uploaded to own3d :( tho maybe Belgium fratske still has it on HDD since he made it
How clever we felt, poor Zeto.

And no I don't think anyone still has it.
A fairly known Estonia or Finland guy made an archive of them years ago, but I can't seem to find it or even remember who it was.

EDIT: Here it is, by Finland decem -

Some not-so-old ones that made me laugh (two are mine hehe):

[in United Kingdom Baggiez's interview of himself and his ALNC teammates - one of the questions was "What is the most outrageous thing you've ever done?", and United Kingdom Meez and Netherlands teKoa gave the same answer]

image: gMLCHRJ

[in a EuroCup highlight journal of mine, back when Poland fanatic was "fanboying" eA hard because they played more than once a week and giving us shit for how much delays EC had despite the fact that ClanBase shut down in the middle of the season]

image: 91lSDNc

[in a CGAC update journal, the same day that the ban wave which included Netherlands base was posted]

image: dvVJs9R
decem's ftp was always a treasury of awesome shit. hes also one of few not brain damaged fins
He's def brain damaged bro.
but dem chemicals are good for you!
I absolutely love Decem, but he definitely has some weird shit going on inside that pretty little head.
pasting own quotes wow such desperation :DDd
image: dusty

Always made me chuckle.
Too bad I can't remember what my comment was. :(
go fuck yourself you little cunt piece of shit wanker tosser shit eating dickhead plonker faggot spawn of satan and cancer creator of ebola and aids the reasons why theres no water in africa. cunt.
Can't find the one I made to Poland Luke or whatever his name is with some poor auschwitz comment then he pm'd Tosspot and threatened legal action against him/Crossfire.
I posted a journal in 2009 something like "IRC vs xfire?" to see the preferences of CF users, Germany rise made a response and got bombarded with comments. :D

image: crossfire

after the EC XXII had finished, the EC Allstars match was being arranged ("best" 10 players of the tournament to play 5v5 showmatch for spectators). Poland Homer & Israel LION were the admins of that season iirc and United Kingdom R0SS decided to ignite some !!BANTER!!

image: homerownage

fun fact #1: mAus did actually play in the showmatch, in the end.
fun fact #2: homie commented at the end of the chain. :DD
image: PSHX8Vz

also the one with the relationship with mines was awesome, but I can't find it
I admit this was staged, unfortunately!
I have seen this picture pop up on multiple sites though fake or not still a good laugh though
Not exactly a comment, but snoops rage journal by chmpp/walle was fairly entertaining. Also some dutchie asking for a config (?) in the shittiest English I've ever seen.
everyone whats know a cfg not only the screenshot can everyone what that have send me pm with the cfg
I read that like 6 times and it hurt me.
It really hurts even for a swiss guy like me.
In most cases you can translate into their mother tongue and at least then it makes some sense. But in this case I am completely lost. Especially since I can't speak dutch :D
Genau des. :D Ahoi David :)
Most fun for me were:

- The 'Drunken Sheep' audio clips where he flamed the entire community, especially Potter.

- The Zeto clip on that trickjump map

- Vila's selfbust

- Ross getting trashed in every argument he had with Oxy and Decem, ever.

- Razz' rivatuner drama

- Lio posting nudepics of Evilyn

* Bonus : Potter thinking I was Belgium Mika for over 5 (!) years because we shared the same birthday on crossfire.
lack of phantasy? not my problem ;)
Vila and Razz stories were awesome, I think they are still there on crossfire? ( I mean, that some of the old topics you can rarely find or even open nowadays)
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