image: 2qx8epl


After 8 years!!!!

Artisan Hayate is better.
Heb je ze allebei gehad(puretrak talent en die Artisan Hayate) ? Waarom is Artisan Hayate beter volgens jou?
Het voelt smoother aan voor mij, maar het is het niet waard voor de prijs die je er voor moet betalen.
Ik heb gelezen dat die Artisan Hayate probs geeft met stof dat je niet kan verwijderen/schoonmaken?
Ik heb er zelf nog niets van gemerkt, misschien over een paar maanden/jaar :D.
good mouse ^^
nice keyboard and nice monitor

e:nice mouse without irony this time :D
anybody whos buying a keyboard for more than 5 €, well i would like to shake his hand
20€ and able to pull of 160hz
I dont shake hands with poor ppl :<
>spend over 120 euros on mouse + pad
>play with 17" monitor.
its 21"
and its the easiest and cheapest way to get 120hz (even 160hz) without spending any money.
lmao nice pc from 1820
Help me out here, but I don't see any PC on the screen.
Do you?
doesnt matter, screen is from 1820
You should be worried. Imagine the skillboost if he upgrades!
haha newschoolers still think lcd monitors are better than crt.
Why there isn't any single top player using CRT then :(
because top players (in nowadays events) go to lans/tournaments where they have pc set upfor them by tournament sponsors. there are plenty who still have crt's at home unless they have monitors sponsored to them
what adeto said.

Crt monitors has 0 ms input delay, and its totally blur-free

There are some really nice lcd monitors that has reduced blur and fast response time, but a crt will always be better for gaming.
LED or some other new variant will solve that problem within the next 2 years.
you tell them biggie!
still i'd rather pay 20€ for a crt than 300-400€ for something that offers the same and the difference is that its flat
yeah true you can pretty much find awesome crts for free these days too. My old work had a bunch, took home a 24' beast. Just can't justify have such a massive monitor these days!
not actually true, CRT can blur I assure you - I thank my old CRT for my glasses situation :)

LCDs are much better all-round. Space, size and colour definition are much nicer - even for elitist gaming and the 2ms delay is not enough to revert back to a CRT, ever :D
Congrats :p best pad there is, why so waited so long though? :o

image: 20141212_221238yes I use one as my wristrest wouldve traded one for that monitor man, crt masterrace
Not sure, but I couldn't find any shop in cze/svk or even germany which would have Puretrak talent to sell... and paying the same price of the mousepad for shipping is meh :(
Shipping from uk to de cost like 4€ max doubt its Much More to send it to Czech
It's €20 :) (unless you get lucky and notice when there's some huge discount on shipping and it's like €5...)

E: I bought my zowie from a Czech shop, but they got a base in Germany and they got the mice only there, so I'd have to pay the whole shipping which was like €15 if I wasn't lucky :P
Ok thats sux :/
where do you find shiping costs like that? I need to send a package to uk soon for christmas and shipping is ~12e ;<
That's nothing lol.
the thing i want to ship costs 50% of the shipping prize, definetly worth!!
It generally depends on the weight and size of package and ofc the type of sending as well, then it pretty much comes down from where to where u are sending, for most of the packages its around 10-15e if it isnt too heavy or big.
For something small maybe, always depends on size weight etc and how long you want to wait :(
Send stuff to and from the UK often x)
There are no retailers selling this piece in Hungary. If I wanted to order from eBay that would have costed me about 35€ + shipping (+ 30€ probably) which is a lot. I found one from 2nd hand like 2 years ago, but by the time I got in touch with the guy, it was already taken. My GF found this awesomeness at some 2nd hand trade hungarian site, bought in 2013 unused since then. 25€ , no shipping cost.

Thank you btw.
Sadly this monitor is living it's last days. Until it's not warmed for 10 minutes, I see like 7-10 white lines on the screen, very thin and not abusing, but still. And doesn't always want to turn in for 1st try :D.
However doing it's job fine since 2007. I got to find another one asap :) Still wouldn't trade for anything.
prety good deal tbh for 25€ :D

CRT's are great and great value cuz they are cheap as fuck mostly if you can find one :p though if you have the money the extra options alot of these modern high rate monitors have + higher res is nice too. depends on preference I guess and wallet i guess P
I don't like to be a mean when it comes down to things I like and do daily. I play games 3-5 times a week. Still paying 300-400€ for a monitor that offers only a bit more than my lovely CRT, I find it odd.
I've got all my PureTrak talents either from eBay or amazon, never costing in total more than 40€ a piece. And completely new, I would never buy a 2nd hand mousepad - I was buying new one every year for like 3 or 4 years. Just by a brief research on ebay - there are plenty of them available at $35 starting point, including shipping.

That being said - Artisan Hayate > PuteTrak Talent, for me the only size goes in favor of Talent.
I was looking eBay each and every week for the last 3 years. And as I said couldn't find one under 60€ including the shipping.

2nd hand and 2nd hand could be sky and earth. It's UNUSED, literally.
I don't care if it's unused or not - mousepad is one of the things I will never buy 2nd hand just to save 10€.

I guess you don't know how to search for things (or maybe shipping to Hungary costs 10 times as much as to Slovakia/Czech rep.):
October 2012 - bought Talent for GBP 17.89 + 6.51 (~$40)
September 2013 - bought another new one for GBP 17.36 + 2.98 (~$35)

both dispatched from UK, so no need to wait for custom clearance or any additional taxes.
Quote guess you don't know how to search for things

im just not gonna answer that if thats ok for you
That wasn't a question, so obviously I don't expect any answer...
I just searched this mousepad on eBay ans i can find plenty of those fort 25€+shipping cost form uk
Yup! Just bought one from eBay inspired by this journal, was 30€ including shipping from UK and should arrive within 2 weeks.
Read on I think that that Hayate pad catches dirt like crazy and people complain that they can't get it clean? atleast not clean enough to notice more friction
well, ye - I got mine since May and it got visibly dirty pretty quickly. But, it is black mousepad after all. I didn't notice any significant change its friction from its clean state, so I don't think it's that big of a problem.
3rd world pleb needing 8 years to buy a piece of tissue, i shed a tear image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8afUmut7i4ZnSUUHsxzTMJMLY3edqGEXBW6UN6vW3kQcbyWUwfvpnpA
wtf im usin a piece of paper as mousepad....
explains a lot huehue
just reached supreme huehue :D paper op!
Selfmade urtier pads ftw
I made an Icemat like 6years ago , following dr3am's tutorial, still got it :D

image: nxu8mo
i want that crt :(
CRT ftw =)
image: BmbEg0CIUAAieji
zowiewiewie <33
I bought CRT with 20e around 2009(75hz support), forced it to 120hz and used it ~3 years. It started to has all kind of lines so I just bought led monitor when upgraded computer at same time. CRT still op.
HF, after 3-4 monhts with a puretrak ur mouse will start not read the mousepad and skip
Is that self experience? If yes, what mouse did this happen to?
Because I've never heard of that problem before.
Both NuggaN and me had that.

yes, I got zowie CL evo, with a puretrak.

Thought my mouse was broken,

All felt bad, mousespeed, skipping, when i move my mouse fast it stopped / or up in air.

Changed to steels qck to try, and all worked :)
Yeah, it's the Zowie mouse not the mousepad. When I was reading about the mice and couldn't decide which one to get, a lot of people wrote about a problem with the mouse at coloured mousepads (especially those fnatic/LoL etc SteelSeries mousepads)....
mine puretrak is pure black only :)
you have to have a black mousepad with zowies stuff

I couldn't play on my puretrak with EC1 evo. Don't know about other stuff though but prob the same ?
dunno about ur problems but my puretrak zowie combo works just fine
Same, with zowie fk and am
My puretrak was black.
thats not true
mine is the blue/white/black hexagon style pad and no problems at all
also used it on mantis speed, mostly green
no problems
I've been testing different pads as you can see and my Zowie EC1 eVo also works only on black pads when I have to make fast turns People are also telling on the internet forums that zowie needs a single-coloured pad or the skipping problem is caused by its low LOD.
image: 2mq6reo
Yea, It's a combination of both I'd say. Once the Puretrak gets worn out after a few months it starts skipping a lot due to the low LOD on the Zowie mice. Like alex said he's using the black Puretrak and still had this problem after a few months.
So which mousepad do you use know? Because I'm planning on buying a Zowie mouse, but i don't want to have the same skipping issues you have encountered.
I use Puretrak Talent, I just got a new one. No skipping, but it's far from worn out obviously.
The problem lies with the Zowie mouse more than the mousepad imo, maybe you could question the longevity of the Puretrak talent pads, especially since alex started experiencing skipping only after a few months. But personally I always experienced skipping sooner or later with most pads and mice. For example I used Razer Mantis Speed for many years and it took probably 3+ years for it to completely wear out and I started getting severe skipping.

QCK+/Heavy is a classic that I personally enjoyed when I tried it. It has quite high friction though so it depends if you like that or not, it does not have the same type of glide that you would get with the Puretrak Talent for example. Personally I've found that I quite enjoy that in games like ET though but it's a matter of taste I guess.

Either way, get a single-coloured pad just to be sure.
Aight thanks for some in depth information!
Can confirm, Zowie EC2 here. I have skipping issues on the NEW razer goliathus, old (as seen on the very left in above picture) tracks perfectly fine. Though most of the skipping is caused by dirt on the pad, really. Throw it in a washing machine once a month or every two and you'll be fine.
Got one as well, white edition, although I love the feeling I must say performance wise there's no difference between qck heavy and puretrak talent. Also I have got a 160 hz lcd as well and a 120 hz benq monitor and 144 hz gsync monitor by asus and I prefer both lcds over the crt, the xl2420 because of sharpness and the asus rog swift p278q because of sharpness and smoothness. But that's probably due to the fact that I tend to play on native resolutions
Now all you need to do is get your hand on some tits
How well are they?
Have tested and used loads in the past from pastic steelseries, icemats and cloth, been using the qck+ for quite a few years but started to go a bit now so whipped out my everglide titan dkt edition as it's still new from no idea how many years stored but rather good!
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