mo*ET & exotic.ET

Australia Modus Operandi announce their new seasons ET team.

QuoteToday we're proud to present our GameArena Enemy Territory Season 9 Lineup, featuring 3 of last seasons starters and 3 "new" faces.

First up, Kyle "Serp" Abernethy - Veteran of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3 CPMA and more recently Enemy Territory. Kyle has a long history LAN'ing alongside co-starter Wayne "haste" Arnold, the pair having met in grade 1 back in 1994. He brings with him a wealth of FPS experience across many Quake3 engine games, sporting excellent movement, aim and adaptability.

Secondly, Mark "ike" Watson - A long time Wolfenstein player who has 3 GameArena Championships to his name. Hot off of back to back GA titles with Adversus, Mark is in-form and will be working to refine his already excellent game.

Last but definitely not least, the return of Nick "schism" Brown - a starting member of MO's famed Season 3 and Quakecon lineups. Nick will bring international Wolfenstein experience back to the division, along with the dominating style of play he has become so well known for.

Of note is that bases 5 of our ET players in Queensland and 1 in New South Wales.

The lineup:

Australia Chevron
Australia haste
Australia ike
Australia schism
Australia Serp
Australia shaggy

Please join us in welcoming the new players to, and we'll see you all in Season 9 and the upcoming Aus-ET tournament.

And also Portugal Exotic Island with lineup changes.

QuoteAfter the last Enemy Territory tournament at Kaos-Lan, where reached the 2nd place, the team decided to refresh itself, becoming more agressive by adding 4 new top Portuguese players.

QkR, setup, kbl and arto left the team, giving their slots to players who have attended several Nations Cups editions and major Portuguese torunaments.
Let’s take a look at the new players:

Rui "IuR" Cardoso - ex-Playboys, attended several Nations Cup for Portugal, winner of the last Portuguese Lan, SteelSeries Lan.
Paulo "Koto" Correia - ex-Playboys, attended several Nations Cup for Portugal, winner of the last Portuguese Lan, SteelSeries Lan
André "night" Justo - ex-k1ck, ex-Mindless, has also played at Nations Cup for Portugal, and international events, 3rd place at SteelSeries Lan.
André "hitt" Cruz, ex-eC4, ex-Mindless, has also played at Nations Cup for Portugal, and international events, known by his last top teams, Nefastus and 6s, 3rd place at SteelSeries Lan.

With these new additions and the immediate pratice begin for the upcoming events, we are expecting great results at a national and international level, since the team is now more mature and more balanced at every level.

As from now, consists of the following:

Portugalmno (Captain)
Portugaliur wishes good luck and good results to our new Enemy Territory team.

I'll find more hot news... mom ;>
yeeeeey but ET=Dead© swas
where is dman? :(
where is bsr? :(
Please Matias, this clan is too low for me! ;o
good luck Koto :)
GL modus
Modus Ftw =]
zo, stoer stoer.
they can try and poach, but modus still love the silver

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