English to Danish/French/Norwegian/Portuguese

Hey guys

I have kind of an odd request. Can some of you help me out translate a few words for me?

For work, I program a device that dispenses a person's medication. But before that is possible, the medication roll must be loaded correctly in the device. It's a medication roll, just like in the image below.
image: medicijnrol_1

I need these lines below translated to Denmark/France/Norway/Portugal
Also, the lines have very limited space.
  1. Roll not loaded. Try again.
  2. Loading roll successful.

Greetings Kri

image: 29a03fd9b8e0d9e6d5569462ed61af0cimage: m86RryC
image: I9NFTnX
image: Db7UYvO
image: EO2d6fW
image: qimPr3W
image: DX3vvZB
image: sCdEnTk
image: P6GgGF7
image: f605jtC
sry don't live in these countries
I hate translation courses but I'd say it'd give something like this in France

1. Échec dans le chargement du rouleau. Essayez à nouveau.
2. Chargement du rouleau accompli.
Thank you very much. Any chance that first line can get shorter?

Would this work? Échec dans le chargement. Réessayez.
Could you translate: Loading failed. Reload svp.
It perfectly works.

Regarding your other sentence, "Le chargement a échoué." and "Réessayez svp" (try again please, reload, ...) is great
That guy's french is rusty let me give you a better translation

1. Chibre non enroulé. Réessayez.
2. Chibre parfaitement enroulé.
Cock perfectly wrapped
first pic motivated me
  1. Rolo não carregado. Tente novamente.
  2. Carregando rolo com sucesso.
Just ask Netherlands nicon, he can do all of these
I could give it a shot translating to Norway. But what is "limited" space? Need a bit more than that, like the amount of characters.
(Gosh, its harder than expected to translate these, me and my 2 norwegian friends are having a hard time figuring out a translation that makes sense)
Roll not loaded. Try again. => Papirrull ikke ladet. Prøv igjen.
Loading roll successful. => Lading av papirrull suksessfull / papirrull suksessfull ladet (Moldu suggestion)
And you could write "rull" instead of papirrull if you need to shorten it.
Evt papirrull suksessfull ladet. Og kanskje bare skrive rull istedenfor papirrull om det blir for langt ? Vetta faen, suger på norsk
Gode forslag! Var ikke så enkelt å oversette disse til "godt norsk" :P
Roll not loaded. Try again. => Papiret er ikke rullet sammen (korrekt). Prøv igen.
Loading roll successful. => Papiret er sammenrullet korrekt

It can not be less unfortunatly.

Numsepapiret skal fastsættes i røvhullet efter barbering for en mere behagelig komfort. Dette er gjort forkert. Prøv igen.
Numsepapiret er fastklemt korrekt
Paper is not rolled? This danish or?:p
exacly! You can also say instead of paper (rullen)
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