more CGAC ET bans

image: 81XpmVt

Over two months have passed since the release of CGAC v1.6.0, and so far six players have been caught cheating. Some names are not too unexpected, while others might be a bit surprising.

Here's the complete 2015 CGAC ET ban list:

Poland sosji
Poland sycyl
Belgium juicy
Estonia Needle
Poland Luki
Poland Abject

All players were caught using some sort of ET cheat and have received 12-month bans as a result.

Keep an eye on the CyberGamer EU group here on Crossfire for a regularly updated CG ET ban list.
Im soooooooooooo disapointed in u abject :(((((((
oh shit abj, GL lan
lol abj XD
pakuj manatki zjebie
ryja zamknij
Ty zamknij ten brzydki ryj, nikt jeszcze w et bana za niewinnosc nie dostal debilu XD
o kurwa wypierdalaj fraglesie :XDD
10 Nov 2013, 13:30
Chyba mnie z kim pomyliłeś kolego!
pepper w formie :D
proof of abject? xD
shit is getting real lol
I guess Oxy is furiously masturbating in his closet right now
zapiej goryl :XD
cmon abj
Juicy, how surprising
Still no ufo turtles :-)
abject wtf :D
ayy lmao
Abj :( I actually believed in you m8
i believe in being on time
you also believed in upload so your believing dont really count! ;d
well I never played with Abject, I was just quite confident he wasn't cheating against me. :p

and upload is a different story, I already knew he wasn't cheating when we played together.
but he was cheating, there is the difference
he cheated, indeed, but not when we played together :P
Surely he did. It's just what you believe and what the others do
of course, he was a strong aimer and so you assume he must've been cheating. I made his fragmovie and had to throw away like 50% of the frags he sent because of how trash the aiming was.

his ban was pretty illogical if he really had been cheating the entire time. :P
I dont know whats your love against upload here.. A strong aimer and a cheater is a completely different thing :> You know when you are playing against good players, you know when you are only facing random cheater trash players. I knew he will get busted eventually and he did :P
yeah but you're confusing facts here. he got caught on cgac for one of the earliest created etbots, if he'd used this ever before he would've been banned even on pb, tzac/slac, even uac. but he wasn't, because he downloaded a random cheat in 2014 and decided to go full retard. now do you see?
There hasn't been any facts / evidence posted it was "one of the earliest created etbots", correct me if I'm wrong.
dont even try, he has uploads dick so deep in his mouth he cant even breathe
yeah I forgot that CGAC/CG don't publish information of the bans, so you're right, it's not factual.
i would be surprised if upload played clean even once, when ive played against him
absolutely pathetic cheater, who was cheating all the f time
he was just a 3o3 owner, there are lots of them. thoughts on phyzic? joshua? nuggan? olbaa? none of their aiming ability can be explained by "practice"- they just have a skill that most others don't naturally have, and have worked on that.
none of those players have ever felt suspicious to me (well not sure about joshua / cant remember) all of those guys are better than this upload retard even with his cheats though

i would have bet money on upload cheating before he got even busted
there was one offi where he upped his aimbot (or enabled it along side wh) to the point it was absolutely ridiculous, since they were getting owned and started blaming us for cheating.. the guy is one of the biggest jokes in the game along with players like outlaw, pepper etc.
well outlaw was a clear cheater (banned 6+ times..) so I get that, which game are you even referring to? because surely if it was absolutely ridiculous (I've seen games like that- from others of course) then there could have been some bust .avi made or timestamps? that's how I got multiple obvious cheaters banned in the past, good example was Poland wssquad.
feres = upload
he starts ragebotting after they pause on their supply defence and blame us for cheats

but its not the easiest thing to bust humanized. its more easy to spot it when you play against someone. you know some situations its very hard to get good and fast aiming right and some its easy, but bots its always the same. its probably quite obvious by speccing too in this case. i havent even bothered as there was no questions about it.
this match was like 2 weeks before he got banned afaik so it's most likely he was cheating yeah :P
joshua cheated and got busted on his nick before that. i think. it was alike santi/santo i cant remember

unless im confusing him with someone else
santje, yeah he got busted. so with the logic caej is applying to upload, joshua was cheating the entire time too?
No, my logic is not the same, santje actually improved a lot after his bust and didn't feel suspicious at all, I don't think I've ever even accused santje of cheating :) Neither I've really been suspicious of Abject, since his playing was smart also. But we are talking about upload here, not santje right?

edit: I dont also like that you put words on my mouth.
I can only say that I have played lots of games with upload and all I can tell you is that he was a smart player with reasonable gamesense. I'm sure that he wouldnt be a bad player without cheats. He understands the game. Usually, cheaters are just really dumb and lack gamesense and are therefore also easy to spot/bust. But for me the upload case was different..
Well, upload has been playing pretty long time game, at least 7-8 years, should be super retarded if he didnt understand the game :P But he was cheating when he started, dont know if there are any clean time as some players are saying, but in the end he got banned, so I guess there is nothing more to say
When it comes to 6on6, he is not exactly brightest kid on a playground. In 3on3 he can get away with it because of his aim, it's not hard to count to 3 and if you can take down 2 people face2face, you are gonna pwn. But in 6on6 - if only thing you can bring to the game is your aim, you're gonna have a hard time. And that's the impression I got when I saw him in 6on6 (I even played couple of maps with him - if I knew he was playing I wouldn't accept mercing, but that's another story. However, I think I could count on one hand words he had spoken during those few maps, which another big issue. Maybe he has problems with english, dunno).
Wasnt talking about 6o6, no idea about his performance there. And aim is certainly not everything you need to be a good 3on3 player. It makes things easier, thats for sure, but still there are a lot of decent aimers out there who still dont know shit about how to play 3on3 properly.
Not taking orders from you lOl
Poland sosji
Poland sycyl
Belgium juicy
Estonia Needle
Poland Luki
Quotebut still there are a lot of decent aimers out there who still dont know shit about how to play 3on3 properly.

Belgium juicy
You implying he knows how to play 3on3 properly?
Quotebut still there are a lot of decent aimers
Agreed on that part, but not really agreeing on the fact that upload would be any big brainer on 3v3. Just basic playing on gamesense, made him really good with his aim helpers :_) WH is something you learn to play with in time also, to not to look obvious.
I didn't put any words in your mouth :P

Quote by caejbut he was cheating, there is the difference

this was your response to me saying he didn't cheat while playing with me.
Also, that aint really valid reason to say as "by my logic" now is it? So yes, it is putting words on my mouth, as I have a complete different view about santje and his ban which was like 8 years ago :PP Now, stop hating me only because I've a vision about upload, I know he was cheating also when he started to play this game competitively (with sKyrocket, Snacki etc) I didn't play on 2012 so it might be true he didn't cheat on that period if it was the very moment he also played with you.

Now I also may present my mistake on my past: France Nirv was very hated and many players (top) accused him of cheating, we played with him couple of months and he wasn't suspicious at all on those games, then he started to play with team viSual (Circus/aapke other retarded cheaters etc) and we noticed he went full retard with his cheating. Therefore, I am not defending him, I think he is an idiot. Think this case works here also, just don't know whats the thing with you defending him, noone cares if he cheated or didn't cheat on the period when he played with you, noone thinks of you as a cheater lover anyway and your reputation won't get dirty, so relax hey!
QuoteNow, stop hating me only because I've a vision about upload

please don't assume I'm getting personal at all here, this is just a discussion and I haven't been aggressive even once nor have I been insulting, we're just talking.

and yeah, as you said it was indeed 2012 that I played with him (and in that same year I made a fragmovie for him). for a lot of years I did actually receive a lot of hate & flame for the company I kept in my teams, because I trusted players who were suspected of cheating by a large portion of the community (phyzic, boNg, maza, rNz, kaze, spltH, flashdown, Jinosta, of course upload himself and more recently Webe). I defended these players (or simply ignored the flame) while I was playing with them, and when upload got banned I did actually have to answer to a lot of people who were like "ha, told you so"- you see? for example:

Quote by caejyou also believed in upload so your believing dont really count! ;d

@your final few lines, it's not that I'm denying he cheated, he admitted it, and I haven't played with him since that day (earlier in fact, stopped playing with him when he continued to play with Poland sw1ruz aka azpil aka arnold, so 2013?). all I know is that he never once skilldropped even for a day while cheaters were dropping like flies to chaplja's TZAC.
It was meant as somewhat as a joke, not to start this line of conversation, but it's only normal that I drag myself into these
that just spawned a subject, this entire talk kinda move on from that sentence :p
Yes, I noticed. Your opinion is that he didn't cheat the whole time, my opinion is that he very much could have been cheating whole time, are we both clear and ok with our opinions now?
I didn't think it was necessary to clarify that we have conflicting opinions, but yes, we do. :D
Not that really, but think it was necessary especially when you stated about santje with "my logic"

Odd for you to say that you were not trying to insult me on anyway, but still you refered "my logic" to things which are not relevant to this thing anyway. In my eyes it just looked you are trying to make fun out of me, which would be stupid and idiotic idd
you are entitled to perceive it however you wish :) I wasn't trying to insult, by saying "your logic" it pretty much means your reasoning for assuming he'd been cheating for a long period of time while there were only a few matches he was proven to have cheated in. meant nothing more than that, and applied it to santje :P
So you dont find that rather stupid move by yourself, applying something I said on another case and qouting me? Where it doesn't fit in any possible way? :P Without actually knowing whats my opinion about santje? Pff.
it doesn't matter if you know who santje was or had an opinion of him specifically, I just used him as an example because he was a good player who had cheated, like many others. insert X cheater in his place, and apply the logic you use for upload (a player you couldn't possibly prove was always a cheater). I don't understand why this is dragging out so far. :b you've already said you have no idea if he was clean or not during the time you weren't playing so this is finished. :D we're literally discussing nothing.
Your logic: Was banned before, played clean for the while and started cheating only recently before his current ban. Seems very logical also. Idd, sounds stupid, because upload is another story. Also I'd say you are lacking some serious experience if you are saying he wasn't a cheater, or if you only imply that he wasn't cheating during your time, when you played with him, to that I can not say anything, as I didn't play myself during that time, but why would he quit cheating for a random period of time and start again, that's why I don't mostly agree with you. As your player list, which you mentioned above, at least I spot 2 guys who were cheating actually. You just look like a cheater lover, "till they ain't busted/banned" -logic. Great logic you got there also m8
I've already said upload is a cheater. that's why he got banned. we haven't played together in 2 years and we don't talk to each other, I just have that firm belief that he was clean during the time I played with him, I also can't comment on anything else, because I only played with him for a period of ~3 months. see?

QuoteYour logic: Was banned before, played clean for the while and started cheating only recently before his current ban.

it is not.. common knowledge.. that he had recently started cheating before his ban? this is the point where cgac not being able to give out some form of information can cause confusion, because you're assuming he used a cheat that had only recently become detected. :D that's just a guess, an assumption on your behalf. since that's all that can actually be done when you don't have any information.
I actually thought his private bot expired, didnt think CGAC would detect shit and used some free old pb / tzac bot and got busted. That's what I came up with
Quotephyzic, boNg, maza, rNz, kaze, spltH, flashdown, Jinosta, of course upload himself and more recently Webe

from that list at least bong, kaze, splth and flashdown were surely cheating and at least splth and flashdown were caught even before you played with them. just pointing out :o)
I was playing with splth in ~2008 and he was never banned on cb, or came up on any list. if you mean there is some distant pbban of his from 06/07 then I can't argue with that, before my time playing with him.
i played some mix with him around 2007 and he wasnt even leaning on corners and giving perfect preshoot to walking enemies, was kinda funny. dunno if he actually stopped cheating at some point but i seriously doubt it, at least considering all the times i've played against him afterwards.
bong was another clear cheater.
he was playing very active and was really bad and then overnight transformed to a completely different player with lots of weird actions and skills 10 times better than before
I didn't witness his bad gameplay so I'll take your word for it, which era are you talking about? his quick skillboost I mean.
I cant really remember year (2010-11?), but we were playing a lot of 2on2 and 3on3 with RAAB vs his team
in 2011/2012 he was with a hummelsquad, before that was ovr.2010 with saken & co, before that was 2010 team with me phyzic, maza etc. I couldn't guess when the boost was, but if it was before he started playing with me then I really can't comment on it :P
jinosta & kiwi the ultimate beasts
He didn't cheat the whole time and yes he was one of the best 3v3 aimer. It's hard to accept but it's the truth.
Even if you don't believe it, he went through 3 anticheat before getting ban and didn't rly skill dropped anywhere. You could see known player getting busted by PB, tzac... lets not count UAC when he was still clean.
Anyways he got a life time ban so feel free to be happy :D
Well those are opinions, on you I based my opinion maybe a little bit too fast, only because you actually played with upload and some others I found suspicious about 8( sry bout that
I know why you were angry I guess It's normal it's good to see you saying that. You might be a good guy in the end :'(. Did you have good spawn times today?

e: what made you change your mind about me?wtf
Just playing against you when you had clean players with you, nothing else

Have had pretty bad spawn times lately according to scores, 50%/50% :S
been 3hsing everyone lately?
Agree. If I remember correctly, Abject was beasting around on Poland CGS lan aswell.
Dude dont u even dare to say upload is not cheating or wasnt cheating. He was the most obvious cheater there has been since gnajda episode. :D that guy was blatantly cheating the past 2-3 years fuck even the whole time he found out the easy way to handle the game.
obviously he did cheat because he was ultimately banned but I'll stick to my opinion that he was clean during the tzac period, at the very least. :P
he was banned when CB was still around :) and loads of those people had some cheats during tzac times and yes i stay with my statement that he was cheating like fuck and everyone who says the differ is completely retarded. I do remember when he was playing in that atoon 6on6 team, he was utterly shit. must been the only time he actually did not cheat getting carried by everyone in that med team so i think it says quite a bit :) but ill end the discussion here.
I played with him in another atoon team and idd he wasn't performing like some monster but he still had the good aim, he just had 0 6on6 experience as opposed to his +7 years of playing 3on3 every day. he did get banned on cb, for ot_logo though. kinda like being banned for kik_aim :P
call me a cheaterlover lol
I'm not even gonna talk about it with you as it seems ur his buddy so u r clearly dissapointing me here sir. good luck
all I said is that his ban was for one of those cfg cmds :D I also thought he was cheating in 2008 etc (around the time he got banned) but him being caught with ot_logo didn't really "satisfy" me back then. it's a command for a cheat that had no use in later years. :d that's why it gave 3 month bans (like kik_aim).
hey, i played with this atoon team, and only artstar was med on that team =[ !
he meant atoon with kiwi etc afaik? not sure, he also played there

also le fu :P :P
oh right probably

we were insane at the start tbh

hehe faggetstar :d
then you and kaze stopped playing et and started LoL 24/7

he he
i meant with kiwi line up huehuehue

with kaze we werent that close to the previous atoon line up :(

im still playing some LoL games but i dont know if he died yet

u going to lan?
spoke to kaze a few days ago on steam, still alive. :) I may go, but probably not to play, because I can't guarantee now whether I'm going or not. :b
Igi never plays with cheaters
proofs? and stfu bobicka
you call everyone a cheater with absolutely no proof, then when someone you play with gets banned by an anticheat (like, no doubt) you ask for proof?
yes cause im not an admin and i dont ban people,still .. got any proofs?
yeah I have proof
No they don't have proofs just banning people randomly montly basis
co kurwaaa :D

Wtf am I reading
troll part.2

Didn't expect it to be him :c
japierdole xd GWIAZDY.ET
najpierw upload teraz abject... najlepsi odchodza za mlodu :<
nie pozostaje nic innego jak zajebac magika z 6 pietra:(
pan daniel ruszyl:XD
czitowac w 2k15 nie dosc ze 2 teamy graja to jeszcze kurwa same kulfoniaste xd no to juz 100 procent :D
Tak, abj czitował...
; D jak zbanowali uploada to nikt nie pisal ze fake jak on dostal to napewno dostal bez powodu pewnie gral z wlaczanym winampem: D
aplold mi pisal ze to przez winampa a ja mu kurwa nie wierzylem
haha i jest pan Swiruz podaj konto na steam!:D
lets back to punkbuster then
playing with pb is like trying to use a pager as a smoke alarm
jk :D but this abject ban is pure bullshit, admins say that they cannot say what hack was used while pb and tzac provided these infos
tzac only stated if it was an aimbot or other shit but not exactly what... cheaterbutt licking people should be banned for a week or something...
You could ask for what the ban was.
cheating in some ways :D
Abject, serio?
my boy ohurcool smacking these polish nerds
this guy :D

`i cannot tell you why you are banned cuz you gonna help your friends bypass an awesome cgac`
1000€ secret donation to badkip and you can ban who you want guys
Its just my secret agreement with badkip: i wont share his naked pics, he slowly bans anyone who may prevent me from getting the best polish player spot.
wasnt the abject the one who was ragebotting years ago? dropped like 100 kills a game, never forget.
yes, around 2007-2008.
You mean Sweden slajdan against gnajda?
Hehe abject. He was teamfilling for a medskilled team about two years ago and now he was 1v3'ing top players.
In all seriousness, Abject wouldn't even know how to start a cheat.
What a surprise
you're next mate :))))))))) lag hack
cu on next list
uff, i just uninstalled this in time
I logged in just to reply for this :DD
Always knew Juicy was cheating, and he was always so fucking arrogant when I told him. #rekt
fuck you this journal is not about juicy, it's about abject
Played one 6v6 mix a few weeks ago against him and it was obvious he was cheating after a few minutes. Anyone who's surprised about his bust is a complete and utter retard.
So we lost the phasecup final to cheaters haha ebin :D
But you forgot we would have won them and u had meet us in finals and we obv winning turbot so money for 'xD actually
Gg turbot #1 all money to us gg
Sebson said that Sosji is cheating.
Sebson said Juicy is cheating.
Sebson said Luki is cheating.
Sebson is always right.

bb skillors
i expected someone else from DDD to get banned but not abject lOl
which one ?
not today, sorry m8
no wonder they were already landodging
About the Abject case.

I feel quite weird about it. In some games i was sure he is 100% cheating and some games i was like hm ok maybe not... and when i got a feeling about someone may cheat i was always right.You know when someone is cheating atleast for me its just a weird feel you get. ( Atleast for me tho).I wouldnt be surprised about Bloddje and meehow also getting busted further but also i still dont understand why you would even cheat Abject.. you spend like alot of hours playing into that game for the last months and you are also a good player imo that doesnt need to cheat.

But if you did just man up and tell the community you did and you feel about it and serve your ban (if thats the case,can still be the other way around that they are trying to fool you but i cant imagine why they should do it tbh)

my 5cents to it

quite sad abject mate :(
he didnt cheat, im 100% sure
to tak na faze sobie banuja oszolomow ?
kto, jak kto, ale nie on
how can you be 100% sure?
Well, the thing he is admins say he 'cheated' only in this offi :P So yeah, feel free to request this match to see the ultimate cheating with negative dmg
Most spam kills, I call WH.
watch it!! .. i remember teams spaming the hell out of their enemy. .. and none of them cheated.
could be dangerous this accusation :D
Sarcasm /!\
watchin that replay just now ..

come join me ..
yup .. you can 'feel' if you're playin against cheaters. true that!

and i also doubt abj used 3rd party tools .. atleast for now, after watching:

if abj used 3rd party tools, then testi must've used tons of tools.. testi outaimed them all :)
which means, testi isn't cheatin .. so how come people think abj did in that game??
[00:49] <jiN__> lol i also uninstalled et minimizer immediatly, cuz didnt know what the fuck xdd
Let Abject and co go to LAN still, that way they can prove themselves or be humiliated.
mdrrr avoue tu kifes ce genre de post
ouais même si je m'en fous un peu now :D

mais je remarque que les noms que je cite tombent un jour ou l'autre #Prophet
most cheaters are younger than 22, i'd suggest ban everybody from gaming below 22 age


btw always these polaks :s
anyway its the saddest thing in gaming when a 'top' player cheats :'( now i know why they won everything (hope there wasnt any prizemoney involved anywhere :p)... then there are these americans who had a solid medskill lineup from 2004 to 2013, and now they were able to beat these polaks.

also there are newcomers like fumoffu and stuff, who just suddenly appear on gtv and instantly shooting higher dmg than well known and respected players. w t f

all these stuff seems very much legit.
lol are you saying the americans are hacking?
oh?? .. i've understood it like they were able to beat these polaks because they are getting busted one after eachother, making it more playable ..

besides that. he doens't know much about americans .. they(we) had strong teams.. atleast in rtcw.
and players .. anim and all those..
i know youre butthurt we roll you everytime but you guys suck is the reason why
your programs*

yet none of us have been busted but already ur mates have been
Dunno what you mean by bust if noone is able to even answer what kind of cheat Abj used to, there no demo, not even simply SS, nothing more than random post :(
hahaha two mates busted
still accuses the clean team of hacks
gg cu owned

Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 6:04 (original: 11:26)
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (4:16)
I think you dont really know what bust mean
owned #rekt
fumoffu and stuff aren't really newcomers, they are just ex-busted cheaters that just saw the oppurtunity with CB (and their lifetime bans) dying and CG so they started nerding again (and cheating in some cases)
Well from my experience against pretty much every player that plays 3o3's I havent seen anone else except for this guy named Furia botting hard. And even this furia guy started botting after blaming us for cheating :p
it's just about activity, the best players from the NA scene are active like every night of the week now as opposed to the best players in the EU scene (sick6/queens combination of players) who don't play actively anymore apart from ~2-3 members/team.

same applies to all of the teams who improved enough to beat the old dinosaurs, eg. erAse, xD, DDD (have some newschool talent), and so on. in older days the top level was hard to break through to because all of the top teams were active every day, and couldn't really be touched by the lower level. now lower level just need to practice hard against a "top level" who won't fight back as hard, and voila.
dude i barely play 5 games a month
I think he's saying that steroids are the best NA players
I'd suggest to ban all polaks from every online games *
haha its funny cause frogs are the biggest joke in cs:go community
Maybe in nova 4.
im talking about 'pro' gamers being banned
lol but polish community was and is the biggest bro so its simple %
Holy fuck, do you honestly think ohurcool would waste years of his life to keep this game alive, and then randomly ban you fucking idiots without justification? What does he have to gain from that? Don't reproduce, fucklords.
:D :D . .

back in the days, you woud've get warned for foul language :D .. hehe
well the scene are bitchin around cause they ain't seeing any proofs. just a normal reaction that a lot get pissed off.
mostly those fucklords ..


how I miss the warning points
does it have exceptions for minimalizers and rinput for sure? :S
tak tak grali czysciutko i jakis zly ohur ich pobanowal dla zabawy :>
no nie wierze, jebany low:D to tak na powaznie?:XD
so i've watched his macht here (with shownormals):

and either he is very fuckin good in hiding it, even pretending not to see through walls, even has these
'didnt know' moments .. or he plain didnt cheat. 1 'walling' moment .. if it even was walling.

on adlernest he might could have had some 'walling' moments, but then again, running to the cpost
as engi, not seeing that medic camping, IF he had been walling, and just plain goes for cpost?
that makes it all unreliable again.

i find jiN more 'obvious' than abj

so maybe .. it's like in perfo's case .. the little brother was on pc .. :D
I dont belive in abject & luki,

its fuckin fake,

Luki was blatantly cheating in the last month or two along with mleko.
jeszcze mireczek i ty zawsze to wiedzialem huehuehue
ale zamknij dupe juz
eh ur entire buddy crew is full of shit.
Ty tez kurwa ukraincu juz stul pysk
Yeh i surely understand that dumb 3rd world language, u dumb uneducated piece of shit.
you kurwo jebana shut up ur face,

i dont care about ur opinion so dont reply,

Who the fuck asked u anything u dumb retarded inbreed, go back to your cave with ur failing cheating dumb noob, cant even believe that guy was cheating and still being so utterly bad, well then again, ur entire crew was shit, regardless of always playing that dumb erdenberg, on which u failed as well.
what u dont understaind in sentence "dont reply"?
What part of learn some proper english and get a good gamesense u dont understand, u dumb fuck?
yep your crew were clean as fuck :DDDDDDDDDDDDd
eh? what u going to whine again on now?
finally some comments to read on this site
Right?! HäHä
Good stories up there bro^^
It was only a question of time, goodbye fucktwat Belgium Juicy.
you do know hes been banned from almost a month ago?
you do know hes been banned from almost a month ago?
Didnt see it before this CGAC ban. Hes a freaking nova on CSGO XDDDDD
i doubt that is a false ban.. i even midified my et.exe with the CFF Explorer and did some other stuff for testing if it will reduce the lag with cgac and obviously i'm not banned, so i doubt Abject would get a ban for using a minimzer tool or something..
more, but nothing new :D gj tho
What a surprise. ^^
You're next.
why him? he's good u are bad -> bad players need cheats -> u are next. also me.
We going down together.
lets make a game whos gonna get banned faster. spectatular ban receives +20 points, olba claiming that u are clean + 15 points, another ECplayer defending u gives +2 poins per comment, retarded hate +0.5 for every single comment, -1 point per day before getting banned, we start with 100 right now. Cu on the battlefield.
nejm faggot, nejm 102
just comments right after ban, under ur excusing journal -.- also retarded hate gives 0.5
wanna play it with us?
Where u hiding? Editing codes of ur spectacular cheat? .s
They'll never catch me!

image: ECACFVz
Cant catch someone who been hiding in cave always :s
how when he is not using cgac?
WuT? Hahahahahaha noobs
ssij penisa bo mnie tam nie ma kurwo mala
Nie ma, ale jest twój partner ;0
bywa i tak
ay-y-y lmao
image: gnajdapu6
tak tak tak xDDDDD
bit surprised by seeing abj on the list, he and his teammates seemed to be playing solid games and what they did always made sense. Maybe i should rewatch some games with shownormals
he has been told that he cheated in this game: (feel free to watch). All our 6o6 team is legit, and we played legit. Thats why we wanted to go to lan :)
man where were you on hirn today? now i play on this shit server and then you not there ;S
couldnt hit shit yesterday, insane lag on my connection :)
Sosji always a cheater ofc, polish piece of trash. Can't remember a ban list I haven't seen his name caught for cheating.
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