I dont really take part in crossfire so I was wondering before if i should write this, all i am going to get is flame.
I am Abject and as you already know i recenlty got banned.
I am going to be 100% honest here:

I have to say a bit about me:
I play this game about 8 years or even more, competetive for 6 year, all I can say I love it...
I am player who never cheat in any pracc / official / public, NEVER!
This ban and me being on banlist is fucking disgrace to me, I would never reckon something like this can happen.
Sad but true part is that i don't even know how cheats works... People who know me can say same thing.
I am already LAN proofed player where my perform was same like in online games.

Now about BAN:
Since my before comment got deleted for private logs by ohurcool,
It is gonna be less true to you.

I asked ohurcool why i got banned, all he said was that I cheat in this official match:
according to him and cgac I loaded cheat around this time and as he said I turned it off immediately.
Why on earth would i do this? Only in this one match, where I was playing so horrible and there is nothing obvious...
After all of these years of playing i got my own game sense + aim + comms, this game is not that hard. Since it is 2015 people play less and are not as good as they just to be, no time etc. I was playing almost everyday with friend and getting better. I think this is the only reason why we were playing so good lately and win a lot of matches.
I already played plenty of games why would I cheat in this one?!
When i asked ohurcool about second official he said that cgac found nothing there, despite that i was playing much better.
So I asked him, What did i load?
The answer was: he cannot tell me, because i can bypass cgac and he cant share those information. All i can do is write a ticket, which i did immediatetly (and pray for unban....)
Now I am waiting for answer from cgac and and pray for unban...

I have no freaking idea what could cause this problem it was offi like hundreds before: ts /cgac / minimalizer / et / chrome. Nothing special.
Wondering if I could have something on screen while et minimalized which could cause this ban.
I downloaded that day cracked version "life is strange",maybe something with daemon tools? What on earth cgac see as a cheat I would really want to know.
Also since i had party at my house in saturday two of my friends brought hard drives and copy Wolfenstein New Order one to another, not even saving it on my PC.
I thought It also could have been virus/trojan since i dont use any antyvirus at the moment (only scanning programms).That are kinda desperate thoughts.
I really doubt that has it has to do with the ban.

I only advise to all of you not to use cgac since when clean player like me who never get busted and cheat on any war/prac/public can get banned.

Now on people call me cheater and that i played obvious. Why didn't you tell me so before. I had my good and bad days and you know that...
Question is: Why would you believe me? How can I justify myself If I can't proof it. It's really hard to do so, how could anyone believe me if all i can say is
" I did not use cheats in this or any game".
I was one of you who didn't believe cheaters when they try to explain themselves. Right now after this happen i can believe in everything.
I lost my love to ET, to this community which turned immediatetly back to me. It is heartbreaking, just put yourself in my spot and try to feel what i really feel, me being banned was like shock, FOR WHAT ?! I asked myself. It is easy to ban me just because I am polak and no further proofs needed...

There is going to be LAN in two moths which i really want to attend. Since when they dont want to see cheaters there why would I cheat in random ladder match?! Most of you thinks that we would dodge it anyway. Why would I do it in that way?
I am 100% sure this is all big mistake and soon It is going to be clear it was fake ban. It is unbelievable...
I am innocent and I am going to fight for my unban!
I am sorry for my english skills.

Thanks a lot to all of you who really believe me I really appreciate that :)
and to all of you who thinks that i cheat FUCK you!

BTW it is great drama in 2015, kinda keep ET alive!

image: DSC0003
thx BloOdje for this lovely paiting <3

sad but true !
Gl boy
I don't think you cheated m8. #FreeAbject
gonna pwn on lan anyway <3 Gl
Cheaters got immediately banned on CF before to prevent from such a "I didn't do shit" think, why not in this case?

Quote by BOBiKAOxy furiously masturbating in his closet.

image: XFu2aWs
such a beast equipment
such a waste of money
of course you didn't cheat, everyone but not you! #FreeAbj <3

image: bMVFsNR
admins were not so consistent when maus get caught by pb for multihack in 2011, letting brother cheat day before of important cup final is way more suspicious than this.
are you mixing this up with perfo ?? ..
or did maus use the same 'my brother' excuse? :D :D :D
mAus' lil brother (aka rapz) was caught cheating a few days before either some EC quali or maybe even grandfinal of some cup...
lol .. i didnt even know that .. :D :D :D

how did david proof that it was his brother, fucking up shit?
KillerBoy solved it by letting them connect on the same server and comparing guids and some other info.
ahh killerboy .. one of the last 'great' admins! ..
he was a good guy!

how did perfo proof that it was his brother?
that was simple, he had to prove he's not image: pl
haha :D :D

wasn't killerboy from pl ??
ah yea .. malta..

it's been ages .. too long ago :)
i don't think so, either. if you cheated in that game, then you must be one of the baddest cheaters, ever.. xDDDDDD

it's probably some mistake from cgac .. no offense to ohurcool and the cg gang, but i've been doubting that
tool since i've installed it .. lots of dropouts, people not being listed .. or can't connect.

it has alot of issues .. that ban might be one of them.

i bet i can get caught by just coding a dll which does nothing, which inject into memory .. just to be there.

image: freeabj
Quotei don't think so, either. if you cheated in that game, then you must be one of the baddest cheaters, ever.. xDDDDDD

To be honest, I know quite a few players that "skilldropped" when they started cheating (at first) because they were scared not to make it THAT obvious.
well i've watched that game .. there is one scene .. abj as engi, going for cpost .. i mean, with a wh, he woud've seen that medic .. and prolly be more careful. but he just ran to the cpost .. very odd if he'd be cheatin..

well i don't know how they have to act to hide it. just my common sense and logic tells me, "if i'd see stuff through walls, i'd still wouldn't point my mouse there .. "

how many 'good' players are there which started to cheat, even if they were good? :O
Quotehow many 'good' players are there which started to cheat, even if they were good? :O

Poland wiaderko, probably one of the most disappointing cases. I suppose he was one of my favourite rifles between 2008-2011 (where he was active but also competing at his peak level). he definitely was not cheating the entire time and must've just done it out of boredom in the end, still, no less disappointing. :(
As lesti told me, him, lukey & wiadro (I think they were the "main guys" who were actually somehow clean and actually skilled without getting busted before) just wouldn't(read couldn't) stop playing ET even if they wanted to, so they just all went full retard mode, got banned so they couldnt play anymore...
I somehow do understand that but surely all it takes is a little willpower to choose what to spend your time on? :l
I don't know, whenever I wanted I was always able to quit, but that's how lesti told it to me and I believe him...
not for an addict
tbh wiadro had quit in the past, true he came back but he proved he could go cold turkey if/when he needed. I just never saw cheating as a good "way out" :P nothing is actually stopping you from just playing another game or continuing to play on irc and stuff.
hmm .. prolly on some bad drugs or so .. :D
or wanted to check out why people use hax.. just because of finding no way out
of et? .. ahha .. deinstall, crash pc .. fuckup internet .. piss in the monitor.
but cheat? :D

lesti is playin again, though ... as dean
yeah he always used the dean nick, I also didn't ever think lesti was a cheater either :l I'm way too trusting :(
well .. they did it coz of stupidity.. so that's ok.

others who use hax to have an advantage .. they shud try catching lights in the dark on the speed highway ..
fuckin dialer wanted to make a team for reborn lan and brought me back, cant rip :O
No idea whats so hard to quit certain game, when u realize u simply dont have time on daily basis for games, it doesnt take a genious to figure that out, either with motivation drop or simply not having anymore time for games at all, but being addict over one game and not being able to stop on ur own, is quite ridiculous.
how did i get dragged into the cheating drama? :D
Upload needed aimbot to degrade his aimskills.
Like you bobicek?
gl, hope justice will happen

cya lan
i don't like cheaters at all ..

but i doubt abj is a cheater ..
he's in my chan, #kuraigu ..

show our bruh some love!!! :)
kuraigu pull your tongue out of his ass bro
just was usin him for advertisin my chan ..
too bad you didnt dug it, bro :D
tl;dr but I support this guy, no way he cheated
also free juicy and luki!!!
I believe you Abject, you'll get unbanned dont worry :D

image: QIBCdAg

There is no reason to cheat against testi anyway.
Your mouse is full ninja
#freeabj, i dont think you r cheating either.. you been just playing hardcorely everyday the past years so eventually people get decent one to compete in the (med/+) scene 2015 that it is now.

atleast some more info than yesterday but for me it make no sense at all
Back in my days polak banned = cheater 100%

now you get support, et is really dead :(
not true. gnajda had a lot of support :{
From anti-smoking hippies yes :{D
Polish windows has a cheats sources on already.
I dont think you cheat either but its kinda funny how this community influences peoples judgement. Wich exactly proves the points i were making couple of months ago.
Waiting for ohurcool response.
Until then /!\ Abj
nice try
I will not say whether I believe you or not, but your attitude towards cheats has disappointed me when I once pm'ed you and you told me " I dont give a fuck whether one of my mates cheats or not"
Not only that silent, just because this happened to him he "lost" trust in e.t, but he didnt seem to make up his own common sense with flaming others being busted and trying to convince this shit community. That what he's exactly trying to do now. Im sure behind the curtains cgac team i doing anything in its power to clear things up. Its kinda ignorant and douchebagger to lose your trust in possible fake bans or mistaken bans when it happens to himself. Only shows again, as i have said before, these players are mostly sheeps who follow the herd cause they are scared or stupid to think for themselves.

Support from ex/cheaters especially obvious mofos like u, base or nazty cant help him :(((

image: ZnXo2Tr
action pen ahahaauw
How would you know? :D
because a school mate has the same Kappa
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl
prawda i tak wyjdzie na jaw

image: 259813052677
As programmer I know that no anti-whatever (anti-virus, anti-cheat...) software is perfect and there is small possibility to experience false positives. There were such cases with TZAC before after all.
I don't know if you cheated, only you know the definite answer to that, the thing is - I personally don't really care. You had been associating yourself with people who were openly cheating (and even taking pride in it) in past few years, not just during random IRC wars but also during games on ettv, and because of that I am gonna trust whatever CGAC has to say for now. That being said - you are not the guy to whose ban I would react with "oh, I knew it all along" response, you seemed just like another polak with good aim and game sense.
If I was an admin I would look more into the case. I remember that last week a polish team(ESC) got banned in CS:GO for matchfixing. A few days later they were unbanned since they could prove that they were innocent. It might be a different case but it still seems sketchy since they didn't give any proofs. Shit like this happens, admins make mistakes as well. Hopefully everything will get sorted out.

It was said any proofs won't be given to prevent the Anti-Cheat from getting bypassed.
That's just stupid. Admins can pretty much ban everyone without evidence. That isn't a proper Anti-Cheat imo.
yes, it should be as it is in reality, where everyone who doesn't believe the judgement of a court can go to the police and look through the proofs theirselves
It is not about believing him if he cheated or not. He seems like a nice guy and the story isn't bad either, but you have to consider one thing. If you unban him, you question the whole cgac project. It will lose all of his last tiny bit of thrustworthiness, because unbanning him would lead to a mistake by cgac.

1,2,3 ET again without any anticheat. -> Therefore, you won't get unbanned no matter what you do or how much the community supports you. The only way is to prove 100% that you didn't cheat, which is kinda impossible i think.
yea, there is a right to fight for an unban. situation is fucked up, cuz I understand admins and abject ( if he is clean ofc).

It is not an easy piece of cake, Im afraid that ohurcool will say, that abject cant prove anything and if people wants to unban him, the cgac and admins are useless. Im studying a law and from my experience, good judge should make a good decision, but sometimes it is not fair for everybody. Ohurcool is responsible for a whole et scene in some way and he is a judge now.

I recommend doing some vote, if there is a clear evidences that cgac failed in this case. I dont see any other option. We are ET. Cgac is for us (150 ppl). It is not our god, we all have brains (I belive :P) We all know that cgac is not perfect. If there is some kind of democracy here, we should vote about unbanning him. But again, only if admins have some doubts about this ban. It is all up to szczurek and ohur.

PS a typical lawyer would say to keep him banned
League rules are not about democracy, if u wanna vote for unban, u can do that with someone banned by admin on public server with public community. If the tests on sportsman will prove any kind of illegal substances in his body, even 7000 millions people cant vote him clean sportsman. Maybe admins could vote by themselves and unban him with 100% agreement, since they know all details of that ban and that anticheat.
Medical tests u r talking about =/= cgac (mostly). Thats why there is no mercy for sportsmen. Im not sure about cgac, it may not work properly sometimes ;) medical tests are rather unmistakable and there is also a sample B. So this is a different situation

U r right about league rules, but I think that league in case of et isnt just a leauge and we should remember about that. I'm trying to look at it more broadly... :/
actually a typical lawyer would claim a plea for lack of evidence
abject wrote a ticket

there are no evidenceS. just cgac "warning"
My point exactly.. There is no evidence, unless you count 'something bypassed the AC, but we don't know what' as evidence but you saying you are a law student would agree that that is a lousy excuse for proof. it's like getting arrested for stealing a banana, the camera shows you were near the banana's when you put something in your pocket but it's impossible to tell if you just put back your phone or you put a banana in your pocket. It's proof that something raised suspicions but it's not proof that you actually stole a banana.
I love ur story about banana, but I think that abject`s case is more complicated. There IS one clear evidence = cgac detection. At the beginning we accepted cgac as an anti-cheat, so it matters. The problem is that cgac does not work well for sure, but what can we do about it? we can only throw it away and play without anticheat...

what about other guys busted, are they victims of the cgac or real cheaters? give me some evidences etc. You see whats comming :P
It's not at all more complicated, and saying 'play without anticheat' is an extreme decision. VAC(Steam) has had many bans reversed due to false bans, the whole CS community didn't go 'well fuck it let's boycot VAC and play without anticheat'. If CGAC has the balls to just admit a mistake was made(if there was) and they unban Abject, with or without proof that is their full right. The only problem is that if Abject gets unbanned now without proof for why there is going to be a shitstorm of people claiming that they also had false ban. It's not about does the AC do it's work fine or not, every AC makes mistakes its just a part of programming there is no 100% solution. It's about does the community trust ohurcool regardless of what decision is made (keep ban or unbanned) to forgive him/AC for making a mistake and move on with the anticheat or do we go full paranoid and now play without any anticheat 'just because one mistake is unforgiveable', knowing that the current, previous and next AC will have the same base flaw of not being 100% immune to false flagging.
"I love ur story about banana"

Hehe u funneh
As long as they didnt catch him with banana in his pocket, they couldnt do anything.
well no, as filus said in either this topic or the actual ban journal- false positives do occur (as with tzac) and incorrect bans too (as with PB) so it wouldn't really have an impact on the credibility of the software. this is programming.
QuoteSo I asked him, What did i load?
The answer was: he cannot tell me, because i can bypass cgac and he cant share those information.

Fake anticheat proven, theres no fucking way to bypass anticheat just by intelling what you injected.
well lets unban insane then aswell
wasnt insane banned by a demo evidence?
no he wanst. He got "busted" on an USA jaymod server
By pb, not by cgac.
being busted by cgac means you have shit on your pc. PB "caught" me saying: your ip has been cheated on, so therefore you are banned.

it btw just so happens to be 4 out of 6 people that got banned are polish. ofcourse there's gonna be a "known" player in it. cu
no jin no demo, i got busted without screenshots blabla. basically the same shit happening here. it just needed to be someone dicksucked by this community to help occur it might be mistaken.
Haha, the nerds.

Gift that keeps on giving.

You would also be out, if you fucker wasn't lucky and CB's database didn't go down with it...
Go fuck ur flashlight virgerino
Best thing is you're hating on CG, while if CG wouldn't be around, you wouldn't be even able to play :D
Qoute me where i say im hating CG
It's fleshlight not flashlight, for a reason.
Thats the price you have to pay for not caring about playing with cheaters. It doesn't even matter whether your case gets resolved or not, you'll always be associated as a cheater from now on. Way to ruin your reputation. :'D

Man up and move along, this game is dead anyways.

image: 2r2rouf
w8 r u tellin me cf people read wall of text in 2015? :x/d::x:/D:d::D//D:xx//DD
Hee hee doe is niet zo mee met die hype
image: O6D4P6p
cool story bro
I am wondering now... because sosji was also claiming he was not cheating when he was talking privately on side. And I have mixed feelings about it. Same with Abject, tbh I don't belive Abject would cheat before the lan, same with Sosji. Actually the cg admins decision destroyed our clan, and morale in rest of the squad. We stopped play after this. Now I guess same happened to DDD. Wondering what is the "real goal" of this shit weirdo-situation, or I am completely wrong with my suspicions?
And conclusion of mine is that: if those bans are legit, just share the proofs. Most fucked up thing is that they won't even share SS. All bans are custom - this is how cgac really works.

P.S. If this unban will occur, it will only tell us that CGAC is PIECE OF SHIT WORTHLESS SOFTWARE which works manually by guy who runs it!
Kurwa dzięki. Teraz będziemy musieli zapuścić brody, ukryć się pod fejkami i przeczekać lana, bo w innym wypadku ban czeka i nas. Dlaczego ich zdemaskowałeś właśnie tutaj, gdzie mają największą władzę? Dlacz...
Słyszę go.
To ban.
The point is: Abject don't have to proof anything for ANYONE if he is innocent and also if Abject is truly clear-player, then this situation is huge stress for him, why? Because destroying morale inside of his team, and maybe the trust as well - in period of ban time. And it will just show that CGAC is worthless crap, if ppl desperately has to write such post, demand for the justice. I would do the same as Abject did here, if I would unjustly banned. But cmon, this is just wrong by software itself. Piece of crap and funny as well as sad.
yes, lets use CWEL:AC
Głowa do góry!
image: abj
*To dla BloOdje, żeby zobaczył jak wygląda normalny kciuk XD
Decent pair of tits and decent hair
Watched the match, imo i saw a few actions where it looks like a humanski aim "per button" not the whole match tho.
Since wiaderko my favorite rifle idol is also busted, i believe this ban is legit. But some Public SS or anything else i must agree, could solve this problem if i'm wrong :XD
u must be unbelievable stupid if u think he was using aimbot there
atleast it wouldnt surprise me at all, and read correct i said its looking like, thats no proof if u wanna hear this.
Quoteu must be unbelievable stupid

unbelievably stupid
yea, missclick :)
haltet alle eure schnauze sonst ab nach >insert ofenstandort>..
zum ausschwitzen ?
I really think you're not lying, I hope u'll be unbanned.
Oh yay, cheater defending busted player, didnt expect that at all
hey piece of shit, I mean u, Mr Boss of nbs, that's all you are.
Excepted comment coming from u, a kid playing with vyji, mirror and so on. You're like the others, u complain about cheats and u're playing with regular / known cheaters.
And yes, I defend Abject, I remember him in 2010/2011, he was already a decent player, with a good and brained 6v6 team ( WuT and co ), he has improved, so I don't think he was cheating. But I don't remember playing vs u 4-5 years ago ? maybe u were too young
and I think u are an attention whore, on every post here and gamestv, u're writing something, your life must be so bad to post 10 comments per day in ET 2k15.
and yes I remember my CB and tzac account being banned in your litle kid ass :S
So much rage, didn't even read, you mad? Lil cheating shit
perd pas ton temps gros cest un foutre raté
this is troll u idiots
is this artistic enough
image: Q3Ts58v
1 year, 3 months and 1 day

fak ju cwelu
and? :D
i registered on cf 1 years, 3 months and 1 day ago, and what is ur problem?
im newschooler? :DD
u can register again,and u are newschooler 2 :D retards..
6 years, 8 months and 16 days
7 years, 7 months and 1 day i niestety nic więcej sobą nie reprezentujesz
skill misiu, skill!
better than steelseries.. :/
razer is uttershit compared to steelseries tbh
Maybe on headsets and mousepads, but razer mouzes definetly beats every steelseries shit. Anyway, non of the gaming titled headsets are good, Sennheiser products beats those 100-0 :_) I wouldnt go for steelseries mousepad even, puretrak all the way
you used wrong et.exe happens sometimes :D:D

on a serious note unban him, guy who cares about the game so much to write this poem would clearly not cheat!
The longer the journal, the more likely your ban is justified.
I was searching for your comment, knowing it would be something that I could only '+1'.
OK first was ban from ass now this drama but
WHERE THE FUCK IS Ohurcool ?????????????????????????
some public official statement and proofs ?
as if ohurcool didn't check the proof(s) before he banned abject to make sure that this ban is legit or not
played with and against him - never had a thought he is cheating
Well it was the same with Strider, no proofs just a ban lol

Anyway you are a good player so you will own @LAN, dont worry Abj
lol actually I told bloodje 1 hour ago to do something similar
Ok you win, now they will unban.
DERRYN YOUR TURN!!!!!!!1111oneoneoneone
not nuff room ;) - deryn
made my day.
For... the picture or the text?
:DDDD oh cousin
makes me horny
haha :DDDD
I bet you masturbated furiously to this picture. Admit it, cunt.
Quite man boobs you got there bro
Is that another ass in the bra trick
not even recognizing his own mum's tits gg
is that hienka
#trivium ?
Where did you disappear to from diablo3? :@
got bored, sold some shit in rmah and uninstalled
Now the game seems to be better (this is how it should have been from the start) but still it needs addidional stuff.
What level you playing at? ( season/non season, soft/hard core, casual t6 / high grifts )

solo GR46 atm, though im a monk, so not so good for parties ;P anyway always up for some speed rifts ;)
Nice, I did a 44 on my monk with a copy of your setup. Though I've only had my monk since seasons ended, played wizard during season itself.

And ye, speedrifts would be cool, I have a speedbuild for it( perma serenity/ epi ) . Added you.
what's ur ingame battletag? had some couple of other invites, not sure which one was urs:P
I've been playing season tho now I'm nerding WoW.
lmfao fucking nerd
free mikkis!
free mikkis!!!
merci pour ton numéro de carte vitale.

free aspirine.
je sais que es jaloux de l'alsace car on a une meilleur sécurité sociale dsl
Nice Tokyo Ghoul poster.
you're a real man :D <3
Shaker Nutridiscount, np
hope of all of these asslickers get banned too.. first crying its not working and now crying cause assfucking buddys getting banned..
All I will say about this matter is that I checked the evidence personally on request of the ET admin team. The ban is 100% correct.
give some proofs, otherwise ur ac is one big bullshit :)
There has NEVEr been any competitive AC that gave proof of any busts, except for their AC detecting a cheat and banning you. stop the childish whine.
It's 100% fix.
thanks a lot... cu abj
Ye right this ban is 100% correct because your anticheat is the best out there yet it can't ban one obvious cheater from ufo turtles.

I'll just leave it here:
Quote<private logs>

This is your moment in ET where you can feel superior and write that you've got
Quote evidence
per each case but still you won't share it on forum and prove anything.

Here is my evidence that you're not going to be 'e-god' of this game:

image: ziemniak-warzywo-psiankowate
There is far more many players than just those ufo-turtle guy (although he's fucking stupid and easy to play against in 3o3) who should get banned :P
Quote<private logs>

What ohurcool means with this is we do not share information to prevent people knowing that cheat is detected and what is not detected.

And everybody asking for evidence try finding 1 currently active AC that provides you with evidence (ESEA / CEVO / VAC / PB / FairFight). This is not like the court system works where the public attorney has to make a case to get the defendant convicted.
Tbh, that doesn't make sense, a cheater would know themselves what cheat they use and report it to cheatcoders that their "cheat" is detected.
Would they? Abject got banned and he can tell some hacker that his cheat got busted but no way telling how.
He's not asking how his cheat got busted, he's asking which program exactly got detected as a cheat. If he is actually legit, he's probably confused and wants to know.
Ok , lets assume Ohurcool or badkip say "look it was xzybot.exe he was running", then Abject will claim that he doesnt have that in his computer and will ask people to check his computer via teamviewer(or w/e) to check that.....

Then what?
then we have a new episode of this drama ??
That's still not a reason to not give the name, it could be something like RInput or DInput if they're not whitelisted by CGAC. He could then, for example, send Badkip the files and let him test it himself.
i use rinput. nothing happened
Just an example, u picking a fite m8?
example not approved. why you not on irc?
I quit ET.
honestly? if so, why?
I can't move on without my m8 Juicy image: 1
I'm here brah
See what's happening in my absence? This organisation is falling apart.
United Kingdom fumble - inactive
Sweden Icecrust - inactive
Netherlands IceQ - quit
United Kingdom owzo - quit
Canada rito - inactive
United Kingdom Scarzy - inactive
Sweden TiTES - Last Man Standing
(Belgium Juicy - Banned)
lol rude. :S
i left you out cuz your name doesnt support my point :P
fair enough!
juicy was actually playing today. so whats you excuse now?
I can't move on without my m8 fumble image: 1
Good work Tites. Supski will endure!
lol rude. :S
who are you?
goku??? :'(
ah right :p
Almost broke my heart there m8
you're just a shit United Kingdom fumble mate
rinput, winamp, etfakt, minimizer (like 3versions) nothing
Well abject himself wrote above that he wasnt running anything out of the ordinary, et chrome teamspeak. Many good reasons not to give the name, they would be advertising cheats and cheatcoders...
And neither does all this people their whine. As already mentioned, NO AC gives out WHAT it detected.
u are just reading in my mind, but i couldnt post it faster, cause i was shitting
Im sorry mate, but valve provides every information about ur particular ban if u ask them
There's at least 10 that should be banned with quality anticheat, if not even more, the amount of random trash out there is just meh...
I love how this is textbook denial stage. You lost Abject and now you will be going through the 5 stages of loss and grief http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-5-stages-of-loss-and-grief/000617
That seems more like acceptance :)
I cannot believe that what I am reading!
As I said before "I have never cheat, now or before".
I am one of the players who keept clean for all of these years. Recently your bad anticheat came out and found that i have something on my PC. Still nobody knows what was that. Show me some evidence, really...
I am 100% sure there is nothing. If there is something on me all I can say that you and your anticheat is fucking bullshit. You made mistake and you can't really tell it. Anyway You and FUCKING cgac broke my heart to ET.
Hopefully people from LAN crew can accept me so I can proof my skill there.

Anyway I wish i could get normal, personal answer to my ticket on cgac instead this short comment here from you...
Well from now on i think ET is really dead we waited till best AC showed up and ban clean players and ruin players reputation. Well played Cyber Games your anticheat is enough scary now!

Thanks to all of you who believe me and fuck you CGAC.
pakuj manatki
come to lan, prove it there! this gives u the chance for all of us to accept u again, admins cant do shit then!
he cant come to lan if hes banned :)
he can, if all teams allow him :) (thats my info, might be wrong now, but got in talk with an admin a week ago about another one)
<timbolina> Well have a talk to ohurcool
<timbolina> Well want to know the reason etc, what can be done
<timbolina> Otherwise, banned players are not allowed :p

Well don't get me wrong, we want to come and Abject is now motivated as twice as he was before, but if hes not comin, our team is not comin aswell. We are not dodgin, we just dont want to support this game after what has happened to him. As I said, if he is allowed we will participate surely
What would receiving proof accomplish? We tell you what you used, then what? You deny it like you have been already? You accuse us of making it up?

Anyway, glad you think ET is dead, you can drop the charade now.
image: 7a9f415bd7e74d418a9e528e15100ed8

In my opinion this ban is one big bullshit. Wonder if its not faked on purpose... Its my opinion ofc.
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but there is no logical reason for ohurcool to fake it. He has worked for too long and far too hard trying to keep this game alive, randomly banning clean players does the exact opposite.
Both of your links are over a year old, none of them related to ET, only one of them related to CGAC, and in that specific case, the ban was legitimate.
I am honest person, If you would tell me your proof, that me and everyone else can accept I will surely accept that, even in a official statement, I know i didn't play on anthing so, there is nothing, it cannot be. It is an mistake!
If not, ofcours will deny it, how could I accept it?
I know already that i won't get unban, but even if I would get this unban i would never ever play on your shit Anticheat again. I don't really care anymore.
I would never lied in such a situation I am not that kind of person.
I dont care about playing in your fucking league, It is not about that, It is all about the truth. I know about my innocent and I will not accept your decision.
You as a admin should never be glad when someone is saying that "ET is dead", seems like u does. I don't want to have admin like you.
All the best.
I don't really understand how you can run around saying you didn't cheat but say you will accept the ban if proof is given. So... you did cheat?

Don't you get it? it's happened same to us, it's a 100% setup, new #et-mafia NWO, illuminati, mongols-ET
Is it the same as Putin is saying that Russia is not in Ukraine??
better ask the usa for real infos...
crimea river
I cant believe cgac &/or crossfire is just looking past the presumption of innocence.
"Innocent until proved guilty."

And so far, cgac has given the rest of the community no proof whatsoever.
In my eyes, not a cheater (yet).
Why would the CG admin team make up a random ban? If they were trying to prove it works or bring some confidence/fear about CGAC, I can think of a lot of better choices to ban. And honestly, I'm quite certain even if some technical evidence (other than a screenshot) was posted, half the community still wouldn't accept the ban.
Quote<private logs>

wait, if someone was cheating, he knows why he get caught on which kind of cheat. where did i make a mistake?
Why dont CG just make a poll with 2 options and decide wether he shall stay banned or be unbanned.

in which i think we all know how its gonna end..
lets make it personal, someone is voting himself clean or cheater, what u think?
Ye like 1 vote would mean so much difference.
no, i just mean to make it voting himself only, that would be kind of awesome idea. At least better idea than ur own cause busted player knows exactly, that he was cheating or not.

Well ye but, we all know which answer would that person circled xD
well, we can make a vote of abject's lan gaming permission and that would be good idea.
That's like if I would cheat the living hell out of it and play high level because of it. Then I get caught but I demand a vote of the community if I should be banned or not. I would ofc say I didn't cheat, don't ban me.. Maybe the community would vote I shouldn't be banned because I can convince them and cry enough and show some boobs with hashtags on it.. Come on.. That's just a joke. Cheaters should be banned, simple as that.

To be honest, I would like to see DDD at LAN. Just being curious..
Just take it like a man and stop crying about it.
U were taking it like a girl, even better than my girlfriend...

Just kidding

I still have no girlfriend and cant compare it :(
LOL I JUST WENT TO ABJECTS PROFILE HERE ON CF, and what is interseting that only he has a profile marked as banned of all the busted cheaters recently xddd.
Wonder what that means .
how exactly can you see Abject's cf profile is banned? :DD
image: f2123505f3b0e262e3180857f3b834fc
after retuter comment:
image: 47532d3f2f43e32b3b585ad69b228469
xDDD np mate :) #freeAbj
i wonder who is the admin of this site.
yeah, this was a mistake. we don't use profile flags anymore, they'll be removed entirely soon.

@retuter, flags don't mean anyone is banned.
Great job to the guys over at CGAC keep coming with more ban waves love to see them shout out to ohurcool for the great work #ETisAlive

BTW who's abject??? The guy can't even frag NA's finest with a 6 man cheater team

Welcome to the team abject, LOLL
cheater fuck off
ok than reActic
how can you be so good these days?
Practise practise and practise. Only practise can make u playing as good as testi do, also believing in urself, its an important too.
Lol i've read through all of this shit and one thing comes to my mind: you (admins of CGAC) won't reveal any proofs of that guy cheating, cause u dont want others to know what is detected and what is not - that means there are plenty more of dudes playing on the same cheat u admins will reveal? u're preparing some bigger action to bust more of those cheaters right?or maybe abject is the only one using this mysterious cheat?
at least give us the information what was he using? wallhack? aimbot? so we could check that match (or any other he was participating in) and his cheating skills :D
At the moment it looks like u wont give any evidence because... you wont! in real life it doesnt work that way, u have to prove someone is guilty ;P and all those explanations "we cant reveal what is it cause then others will bypass it" is bullshit for me, cause it means ur Anthicheat just sucks and is not worth anything, just like that ban (at least for that moment). over and out
that online.. there is no court or something.. yea if abject would have used a wallhack they would mos tlikely reveal a screenshot where we can see the wh in action but like you said:

Quoteou (admins of CGAC) won't reveal any proofs of that guy cheating, cause u dont want others to know what is detected and what is not - that means there are plenty more of dudes playing on the same cheat u admins will reveal? u're preparing some bigger action to bust more of those cheaters right?or maybe abject is the only one using this mysterious cheat?

is that not reasonable enough not to mention if he used eth32,nexus or other shit?
You know, I was being sarcastic at that point:P if there were other players using same cheat as him, why arent they revealed aswell? well maybe because there is no any others?:P and if there is, thats not understandable for me not revealing any of them.

So if there's no "court" online then one is able to destroy someone's years of playing without any evidences? sounds like bullshit to me:P

Couple of years ago, when there were still a lot of guys playing, there were actions like "fusengate" or smth like that, when killerboy revealed his lists etc. Everyone knew what cheat cheaters were using back then - either it was nC cheat or evidence @ CB (wallhacking during the match, all of the infos were listed there, screens and stuff). Now all u have is "we wont tell u anything, he's banned, end of discussion. Bullshit.

I dont really care about that situation - i dont play anymore. Im just trying to say how it should be done - cause if i was in his place, I would be pissed off - ofc if he's not cheating ;P
maybe players will use the same cheats in the future and when they would publish the bot or whatever i doubt that the players would use it but even then i bet there would be some idiots...
lol, you know its not like "ok, so this guy was using wh, here's the downloading link in case u wanted to check it"

Firstly, prove me wrong but for me its more like "lol that guy was using cheat.exe and got busted, i guess i wont use it, cause i dont want to be busted as well". so its more like preventing dudes from using cheats.
Secondly, if someone wants to use cheats, he will use them anyway. and if i were one of them, i would search for undetected one. Besides, im sure that, for example, after fusen lists there were some guys that ordered netcoders cheats afterwards. but 90% of those busted cheaters were fucked, and community turned back on them, so they basically stopped their "careers"
The admins simply doesn't want to go through this kind of bullshit every time someone gets banned not even bothering to answer this post is the best thing ohurcool could do as this is just propaganda

Ohurcool is probably not gonna answer to which cheat you were using as you could possibly be using a lot of them which totally makes sense and justify the reason of keeping your ban confidencial

Cmon people you rather believe in USA #1 admin or the shady dudes over at "CWELAC" ... Get real
why everyone is talking about ohurcool?

i thought they were 3 Admins.. its annoying (even when ohurcool is the "main" admin)
I have no idea at all of who you are or who you're even referring to all I know is that the only admin of CG I'm aware of is ohurcool
As far as I'm concerned Aniky got kicked-out and embarassed was only there in the first Season? (or maybe he even wasn't?) And it's only shoereck + ohu ?
kinda sad story if you actually didnt use any extra programs
but its a real sad story if he did
yeah but why bother to travel to enschede from poland if you are a cheater and cannot win anything markable even in online?
right now as i did read those comments, i see that its more about the team not going to participate (maybe last bigger lan in ET) because of this cheating drama ban.
99% of those that ever participated in a LAN competition, went there anyway to: socialize, be entertained and get wasted.
I doubt this team would go there with high anticipation of winning it, I could be wrong since I dont know most of this current scene.
Make that 2 teams :-)
No one gives a fuck about your crew though :DDDD
And no one gives a shit about you THO :-)
It is indeed a very bad situation you are in, Abject. You are a well-known player and you have many who are 100% sure you did not cheat and that you have been a victim of a false-positive.
But there is more to think about than just ohurcool trying to get you out of the way. If this was caused by a non-cheat related program on your computer, why it did not happen to more players? After all, the admins could also debate with the same accusations: You are trying to corrupt cgac in a way, that it would be completely lose its trustfulness.

Overall I have to say, that just praying for goodwill, will not get you anywhere.
same situations happend for few CoD players as far as i know. This case is lost anyway, unban is not gonna happen
If they would unban him because of all the whine in here, you might aswell play without an AC in the future. What has this community become that you simply cry to get a busted cheater unbanned? How fucking ungrateful can you be, it's basiaclly the same story with chaplja all over again. You want to have a working AC, but flame as soon as somebody unexpected gets busted or things aren't done the way you want them to be? Fucking hypocrites everywhere.

False detections are pipe dreams made up by the very same cheaters themselves. I've had a (detected) private cheat on my pc for most of the time while playing with tzac/slac and didn't get banned once, cuz I simply didn't use it and just left it there. And now you wanna tell me you didnt use yours, but got busted anyway? Thats the biggest bullshit I've read in a while. Whats even worse, you're polish, theres no other nation that the stigmata of a cheater fits better than PolandPoland in this game.
yeah i have also multiple hacks on my hdd and never had problems... simple use them on a private server for riflecam or movies..

you get a big fucking +1 from me
Breaking news: different anticheats working different, for example uac, that have been around bit over year ago been scanning hdd memory, u would get banned with cheats on ur pc even if u'll never turn it on. Actually cgac coder couldnt even prevent it from crashing randomly, so u are going too far away with ur comparation to tzac.
Wheres that +1 button when u need it :s
hahaha i dobrze tak nerdowi
i kurwa to żyje
oplaca sie instalowac ET czy graja juz tylko jakies gowna pokroju tych zbanowanych?
nie wiem, sam nie grałem chuj wie ile :D na nowym lapku nawet ET nie mam
Niestety, wiekszosc grajacych w ta gre to albo mistrzowie aimingu i wiedzy, ktozy wyszli z jaskin w ostatnim roku, albo turbozjeby legitymujace sie wieloletnim doswiadczeniem bez pokrycia w umiejetnosciach, wyzywajacych wszystkich na okolo od gowien, randomow i low.
No tak, zapomniałem ze po wylaczeniu slaca pare lat temu zaczely mnie bic na trojkach jakies abjectyPL i inne sebsony, o ktorych wczesniej nigdy nie słyszalem
olej to i tak w to niegrasz :D
sosji was absolutely smashing everyone on that lan and he's also banned, so unban him also?
all i see is him going barely positive or negative vs some shitty teams
you must be newschool then
each team has one or two good players then rest filled in with trash
i wonder if you are blind or stupid? i see him going only positive against every of them. And tell me who is good one in diversus/wow/cgs and who is trash. btw who are u random ?
I'm a random, but still he only went positive in one of those games if you include his /kill lol

Still, it was a good point above.
you look at k/d ratio? gratz, what about damage dealt mr brain?
he also skillboosted a lot since that LAN and even in the past year imo.
im talking damage given / damage recieved... not kill/deaths in which case he went positive in 2 games. How do you inactive polish nerds come here to defend him lmao was this in the front page of the polish newspaper? fuck outta here
laying the smack down
i did not respond to you about kills/deaths retard. You cant even notice who am i talking to so i do not expect anything more. And he got highest dmg in moslty every game. Btw, if im not plauying anymore im not allowed toread whats happening? Buy brain faggot and i still i ask, who are u random ?
smacking your idols since 2012
as i thought, u are too stupid to even answer on few simple questions i wrote. Your are not able to write anything constructive, just bullshit in every of your comment. Typical braindead kido
shouldn't you be cleaning toilets? the fuck you still commenting for either install et and get smacked or go outside. I'll even donate you some cheats i know you polaks cant afford them and cant play with out them
as i wrote above, typical braindead kido + you need a doctor to help your psychic going well again... :( ( if it went well before, i doubt it) anyway, you are just an imbecil, no worth to talk to you anymore. Cya random
Are these pliers sharp? devilry ~ errol 18 deaths without fragging

grubo (mecz vs wow)
dobrze ze potrafisz skomentowac jedynie slabe staty, a o jakichkolwiek dobrych nie wspomnisz, takie typowe :)
jestem Polakiem, niewiem czego odemnie wymagasz :D
zartuje, dobrze grasz ;*
generalnie to nie gram w ogole
no widzisz ja tez nie ;d

na et niema juz czasu :(
just because you go to LAN doesnt mean you still cant cheat lol
image: 20150210_183130

Pieprzyć wszystkich niedowiarków! FREE ABJ!
if they're smart enough .. they'll come up with an ac which won't be so easy to bypass ..
it'll be abit of a work .. but it'll be good ..

too bad most of the et sceners don't know shit about code and stuff .. about os and whatever.
not even slooby cheatcoders. .. which some of the et sceners think they are so fuckin great in coding their trash.

and now i understand all this fuckin whine .. about cgac.. after chaplja, that dickward, disappeared .. the cheaters
had high-life.. now with cgac gettin better and better, most of the fucklords gettin scared .. not being able to
'own' anymore ..

go fap abit .. fuckin cheaters .. maybe ur good at that .. surely not good enough for the real deal!

oh and to all others. stop pissin on poland that much .. every nation had their fuckin cheaters ..
holland, belgium, finland, germans .. just to name a few which atleast had a handfull or 2 of cheaters!
Not to justify cheating or any hacking whatsoever, everything can be bypassed. Literally everything.
you got a point there and i know that myself .. but no, not everything can be bypassed or reverse engineered. believe me!!!
or let me correct myself. it could be .. .BUT .. depends on if it's worth spending the time to do it or gettin it done!
i know for sure that chaplja's ac never had been bypassed if he wudn't have released the shit himself...
he was working smart on his ac ..

and well, as i wrote.. if they're smart, it'll be a good ac .. if they're smart :)
A code that has come in a humans mind can be bypassed via reverse logic all the time. 100%.
if you are able to be smarter then the on who coded it.

you don't understand i think
wow, took u 2 days to make that story up :D and i smell fanatics' logic in ur story :D
I have nothing to do with this story since we haven't played anything together with Abj for months I guess. And you don't even know me so maybe tell me what is my logic according to you mr.INeedToBegPeopleForMoneyToPlayComputerGames1000kmAwayFromMyCave?
Im not going to tell you anything besides that ur a big bad lier and shitface who just tells bullshit and is wrong all the time. like this time :D i just cba man, ur so stupid too.
btw I just put randomly ur name there, cause actually I think that there were many people involved in that story and he just wrote everything down what somebody said xD nicely mixed sausage.
you have 0 arguments or anything to back up your words what just prove how unintelligent you are. what to expect from a person like you tho :D cya nerd
lol, it would mean pages of text, cheater :P
a busted cheater with tons of fake aliases calling lan champion a cheater. your comments are just ridiculous :D pls stop embarrasing yourself already
lan champion l0l
online screamer l0l
lan champion lOl
thank you someone else has heard this nerd scream on vent/teamspeak he stays denying it lmao
u embarrass yourself after every post u make in my eyes and im not afraid to reply to u, finally, after all these years, cause now im just getting to know what a shithead you really are :D you just make everything up in ur sentences and talk things like 5x bigger than they actually are, or just tell things what people need/want to hear :D and u use words like "intelligence", which just doesnt make sense, cheater lan champion l0l
does cgac even record the time of bust while gaming? or it just an info sent at the end of game?

u could just say what hack it was and let nerds watch replay ( since he probably played 24/7 :D)
it uploading data to cg servers when u close ur et.
the best thing ohurcool told abject that he launched cheat and after several mins he 'closed' it so its impossible tbh because to close cheat u need to close et :D
so what ohurcool said is not true because you know that cheat used cant function like that?
its not about ohurcool as he recives infos from badkip. Its more like badkip is not experienced enough to spot some differences. Ye, of course u can think we are defending him because he is our mate, its true, but we discovered some things that might lead to abject being unbanned.
you can still kill the process, not every cheat work the same way
if u kill the process u will also turn off ET as u are injecting cheat to ET.exe, u dont create bimbot.exe etc
some cheat arent injected
(eg: some cheat needs to be launched first and then launch the game, some cheats can be desactived ingame or activated, this work aswell if you kill the process i think )

well if he launched a cheat then hes just dumb thats it
Not really.
le cheat a été ouvert puis instantanément refermé d'apres les admins et n'a été utilisé que pendant un match ou le mec a totalement sux lol
je suis d'accord
c est débile, mais il la peut etre vraiment fait :d
ça porte a la confusion mais si ça se trouve il mito à tout le monde et cest un psychopathe :D
de toute facon 86,47% des cheaters nient avoir cheaté
google statistics or never :xd
#FREE RISK image: 1d1d20c
These admin guys always spam they do what they do for the community.The majority of CF supports him, so in this chase you should show what you got against whoeverject and end this histeria. Please.

Personaly I dont care if he cheated or not, but back then admins banned my friend for "bullshit reasons" and nobody stood behind him.

Now the Polak guy has the community, so in my opinnion CF deserves to get explanation...

I don't think ohyouaredramaguy is faking. He is "drama type", but not an a$$hole.
e: or just simply ban every player who cheated during the past 10 years. It would be fair thing and the community's suicide :D
U cheated u deserved it. Polak exspected.CYA LAN oh wait... for it...... NOT!
u are mentally retarded, he was at lan already and performed better than u ever did
whats funny? U cant face the fact? im sorry bigboy
cant care enough what a polak tell me :))
thanks for info mr.I_used_to_be_highskilled_player_in_ET
Wer hat der kann :DDD
i cant understand Chinese sry
Can you already leave this site and never come back you ugly ginger?

QuoteI used to be an highskilled player in another game called Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory.
mad coz b4d :D
QuoteI used to be an highskilled player in another game called Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory.

image: scatman1-profile_image-510cf455f7db15ab-300x300
Bet ur ugly as fuck , cya lan :))))
Hope you get unbanned. Gl!
he will, in 2016.
I watched some upload games and was like 'wtf is this guy doing, this doesnt make much sense, lol hes a retard with insta headshots, shit movement which doesnt make sense if you look at where the crosshair goes and yet he still does headshots wtf this so doesnt make sense'

Then you watch abj and his mates and are like: meh, solid play, it all makes sense and the headshots dont come out of nowhere. The nades are all nicely timed, positioning is solid and they have a good gamesense & prediction, probably cause they played the game 24/7. I never got the cheater feeling when speccing him.

Unban imho.
not the same level :xd
Welcome Back Abj!!!
Ohujkul please check all Catalyst drivers :D
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