to all cheater paranoid idiots!!

so it seems the et scene is full of shieznets when it comes to players perfoming good ..
i wanna know your opinion about this video!

is this humanized or what so ever?? .. or is it just pure skill? ..
pro team vs not so pro team ..

who the fuck is x86^die ????
jONAS is a cheater.

worst bot euw
mAus cheater(confirmed LAN hack ala CS), azatej cheater, wiesek cheater gg bb
that was online tho
1st is from LAN :>
replied before your edit.
because you're a nerd
the irony is strong in this one
nic w tym lanbocie nie widze dziwnego :C ?
pure skill
attentionwhoring is not trendy anymore.
Yes he is retarded. More than it's possible.

it's about all these people whining about other players. even posting vids to ask NONSENSE or proof NOTHING..

i could posts some screens of myself .. having 50+ acc with 500+ shots ... in my best times.
most of the et people will accuse me as a cheater, most probably ..

too bad the et scene is full of meds only and whine about players which are actually high ..
(imho .. low/med/high skilled blabla is the dumbest shit i've seen in a gaming scene!!!)
kuraigu, the art of stupidity.
yea well .. i hope this will have an end someday. this wasn't so big when i went off for a break.
then i come back after almost 4 years and all are whining about cheaters here, cheaters there.

he cheats, it cheats, she cheats .. . and in fact, the ones who're cheating, play dumb as fuck ...

a few weeks ago i've played a 3on3 in the night. one of the guy i've played with, was surely usin a hack.
but hey.. do i write tons of journals now .. or try to bring him down?? ..

i just thought to myself that he's a poor guy ..
hence, i didnt know he was a hacker! ..

haven't played with them, since ..
if u were reffering to bobika's journal, if u couldnt spot that obvious aimbot, then u have to quit et and kill urself.
well here's proof that you didn't get MY point .. ;)
ofc i saw the aimbot. just wanted to TEST you all if you also think this is a humanized aimbot.

a few weeks back i've watched a replay of team-germany (butchji,weak,snoop,ramin,phate,me)
against team-usa. i've specced butchji ... he had a rocksolid aimtracking...
awesome test, where can i check my scores?
as nejm said, idk if you mean the bust avi posted the other day- it was 100% obvious. :D that was proof enough, and I'm usually quite careful with my accusations.
ye ofc the post of bobika.. just wanted to _see_ how people will react on this one.
alot of people really don't know what or how humaized work..
its like im_attention_whoring_right_now_and_acting_like_nobody_knows_butchji_where_he_actually_didnt_do_anything_suspicious

its the only video which came into my mind .. sorry if it's butchji ..
you pathetic fool! ..

i would've posted something from weak or anyone else.. just dont have anything else.
so u could request any official game with patryk.exe customers and make a movie.
"Usually quite careful with my accusations" .. man you trust like anyone. if you'd be a heroin addict you'd trust the motherfucker next to you saying: "It's alright man, I ain't got no HIV". :D

no offense intended with this one
no, I don't "trust like anyone" :D I'm just not paranoid. I've busted plenty of cheaters myself, I just make sure there's sufficient proof instead of banning someone because they hit a lot of headies. :P
just beautiful aiming

ps. does anyone still have the .avi of Sheep emptying an entire MP40 clip hitting 100% acc (on radar iirc)?

edit: (@ 25 sec, in case the timelink doesn't work).
Online or offline? :P
offline, and hitting multiple opponents
i had aim like that :) . ..

but now .. with this internet connection .. not doable anymore. ..
i hit 2-3 hs first and get killed .. i dont understand that shit ..

back then i had 16mbit, 10ms . .. now a low 3mbit with 128kbit up .. and 70-100ms .. sucks ass.
this proofs that a good connection and a low ping sure is a must in FPS online gaming
It doesn't prove anything, that's something really obvious.

ET is fucking shit regarding hitboxes :P I hit differently on laptop and on desktop pc
lol? ..

how come? .. so are you tellin me i hit shit cuz i use win7 now?
i was on winxp .. :D
There is shit loads of things you can change in your windows to change your hitreg...
tell me about it!! ...

coz sometimes i feel like fuckin lost .. as if i only receive .. and nothing goes through
internet wise
its the ping. try preshooting to get advantage, otherwise there wont be a single fair duel xD
It isn't the ping :p .)
ofc it is. or is it this one of your "trolls" again? hehehehe
No, I mean ofc ping is an influence, but not by any chance it is the most important part about how you register your hits
well what is then? Besides skill.
As I mentioned before, I hit differently on my PC and on my laptop (while using same cfg/monitor etc).
There is even a few cvars in ET that actually change it and also there are internet settings you can tweak in your PC that change it.

I still have demo saved somewhere where I tweaked it so retarded, I shot rnade inbetween 3people (right at them from a long distance) and they just flew away and none of them was killed.. .or even standing/crouching and not hitting a standing object while just aiming on the head etc
There is no client cvar that would effect the splash damage from an rnade...
Nope, rnade not.
maybe your other set up has some flaws or different mouse settings but it doesnt really make it game's fault.

what cvars? / windows settings?

would be interested seeing those demos also :)
You can simply play with your network card settings and it will change it
yes but change what?
That is not how it works.
tramp beasting as always, move along
obvious ban material, admins where ar u
this scene was so insignificantly clean I nearly puked
strafebot for sure, just watch it again
get over it :D lols isnt this like half year old alrdy?
its funny how its 90% of time the lows compailing about hax
maybe get some skills before u accuse everyone for cheating
Youre a horrible Troll. At least I hope you are trolling
not trolling
but i think your dad was trolling when he made u
why you mad cwel? Is it because youre cleaning toilets???
get over what? do you see me in this shit?

and i posted it only because people keep posting some "hax" videos so i thought i should post that too.. but seems like mitja destroyed your brain so hard that you can get it.. like others..
What's up with the pillars gone in allies spawn?
dunno must be some sort of gpu bug..
well since the romanian bustwave i dont think its too wrong to be a bit paranoid, then add the abj to that and well cant be sure about anyone anymore. clearly the age of the game doesnt stop shits playing around.
isnt this a little hypocrite friend? since you accused me of cheating on a silentmod server :P
oh and what walle said above me +1
CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . ...

sup bro :D
hahaha nothing much bro, browsing the internet :') .. and you? going to lan or what?
nothin much .. browsin the net aswell . . checkin for some new ideas for music productions ..
nah dont think so .. seems alot arent going. are you going?
i see i see.. no i dont think so either, the only time when i will go is when ill play so yeah..
well check out my sounds in the meantime, bbrah ;)
u have a few nice tunes in there, better than i expected good job :)!
thanks alot :)
Old and nice but this preshoot on radar part is still retarded. Or someone already know how it was posible and I miss it? Good headset and accurate info from teammates isn't the answer as some still thinking...
prolly good gfx settings .. i think.
Dont try to explain a game where you can hit opponent when you aim behind him or it is more irritating when you see someone is AFK, you stand in fron of him, crosshair on the forehead, ding ding ding and it dosent register three headshots but body hits.

I remember some players had super hitboxes (and maybe worse movement skills) and other were "unhit", and I guess everyone made that "3.000 miles boom random headshot" on radar... lotto happens... or had some kind of 1v3 situation where he could save the day with 9 headshots... sometimes you have exactly the same 1v3 situation, you aim as well as before, it is perfect, you clearly aim on the heads and you even see that "smoke" when you hit it, but you end up dead because they just dont take those headshots. Deal with it, this is the destiniy of an ETPlayer:(
yes, exactly that is my probblem atm .. with my old setup i hadnt had these probblems ..
dingdingdingdead .. now .. dingdingding .but i am dead .. . even though i shot first and so
back then I had trouble hitting french people, they were kinda unhit for me, then we played vs germans and suddenly my accuracy got better and made 60 hs / map again. maybe it has to do sth with connection aswell... I dont know. Hopefuly if this ET Legacy happens they can fix hitboxes
paranoid retards in ET? come on kuraigum8, that just can't be!
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