about boycotting cb....

and yet another journal

soon in march i have to make a project using Windows Application & Web Application too with C#

i already started working on it and fyi its the same project like clanbase.... (not so detailed - but later i can enhance it)

yes i'll give it to tosspot to use it for xfire so we can use the '(c)ross(f)ight skill' and not 'ec skill' nmore

Easy Bash nP!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111141

p.s: yes im crazy
i agree.

you are crazy =]
2bad4u if u want to implement it on xfire you need PHP :)
PHP myPHP = (PHP)myproject.cs
'k' u lost me ;d
if you want to convert something from a textbox (string) to int you use Convert.ToInt32(textbox1.text). Since Convert.ToPHP doesn't exist that is the other way of converting. but ofc... converting a C# class into a PHP file... that doesnt work at all

for private lessons /query pstarZ|hex4
build a wrapper for c# that generates php... no big thing
i never used C# and i hope i never will
The sound of Windows Application makes me shiver :>
a comment from the expert and the project ends there!
just for the admin panel
keep it compatible to mono imho
actaully once i was browsing sourceforge and found some nice open source projects same as cb or just a little bit diffrent, i think that might be usefull for you and crossfire, check them out.
GL hex4, I hope your time won't be in vain!
A big thanks in advance from the community ;)
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