railgun bug

Yo guys!

There is a bug on railgun, near the Depot Yard - next to it you can run up on a stair, and there is some metal container shit. There is a way you can go into this container, and then you are basically invulnerable, while you can shoot out from it without any problem. I tried to do this bug for hours, but no success :'( there was 2-3 times i could make it, but then could not reproduce.

If anyone know the exact way how to do this bug, pls help me, i really wanna do this :D

image: JjifqGv

image: VA5WhVe

image: qvn5cru
I was only able to get in the container in 2.55? Never managed to do it in 2.6b
You can't do it in 2.6b.
ehehe:D Még emlékszem rá anno 2010-ből,de sajnos már elfelejtettem,hogy hogyan kell megcsinálni.
e: ha van kedved játszani,akkor néha délutáni órákban megtalálsz a wolfet ts-n :)
This is so useful <3
I think it's fixed in 2.6b but basically you just have to prone on the fence and just go forward into the container and you'll be able to penetrate it :D
Hey guys there is a supply bug. Near the allies spawn the first stone at up. You can prone backwards, shacke back and you're in the stone. You are invulnerable!
Too bad you can't shoot anyone from there
True dat. You can also bug in the stone before main gate. Vision ward?
Hey guys there is a supply bug. If u dont click the flag u will spawn back

Ez mate! (Was on a pub server).. am proned at point where you hit tower.
thx its working ^^
old as earth
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