A good map?

Everytime I play a war, the only maps we play are either Braundorf, Supply, Adlernest or Frostbite. Not that there's a problem with any of those, I quite like them, but I'd like to see some new maps. I know we will probably see some with this Crossfire map contest, but since we only have about 1 and a half month left to make something, I don't think we will see very good maps. So I'd like to know what these old maps have that make them such good maps for wars, both 3v3 and 6v6. Is it the type of objective, the way the objectives are spread across the map, the amount of cover/camp spots, good fps, size of the map? I don't know...
If a new map would be made, what would this map definetely have to have? What type of objective would be best? Tell me your thoughts about a good war map.

There's loads of maps out there that are, imo, pretty good like reactor and dubrovnik, but still they were only played a few times in the past and they are forgotten now. What makes these maps not as good as the others?

Give your thoughts please.
et_beach > *
Reactor and dubrovnik are very bad maps in my oppinion.

Good maps, that are not played:
- Cathedral
- Fueldump
- TC_Base, without landmines
cathedral would be okay, but fueldump is like worst map ever :S
u should add some rtcw maps imo.

thundra rush

and ofc


very fun maps :D
Converting maps shouldn't be a big problem, I would just need permission and getting the original map file would make it alot easier :>
fuel sucks :< the other 2 are nice :)
Base is way too easy to defend, even without mines.
on et it is, i'd like to see you play a rtcw war on base, i can assure you that its hard to defend
I know, but ET has rifle.
Reactor is cool, refreshingly different imo :>
To those of you who are saying that fuel suck, do you base that on playing on public servers, or actually playing clan matches on the map?

Agreed the first stage is a bit stupid, but after that it is very thrilling.

And yes I am replying to myself :D
there is only 1 stage ( the last on, where allies already have cp) with cb config.

the first part is good and funny.

then the second part when to plant the doors and destroying the controls is a bit booring.

if u could make a map like reactor but like a doc run insted of destroying :)
Why did they remove Oasis from officials :[, i just do not understand that...

and Battery would be ok, if they would make some changes to map :)
becouse Oasis is allmost everytime 2x fullhold
i disagree, the map is very playable imo
running 30-60 secs
arty / landmine death
waiting for the respawn

repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat

shit map
de_dust2 :<
Play saberpeak_final
there's the competition coming up now afaik of maps

dunno if there are any maps submitted at all...
Yeah you're right, but 2 months to make a good map isn't a lot of time, so I think those maps submitted won't be very good, if there will be maps submitted at all... They can be improved afterwards of course.
What makes a good map?

- You should have 2-3 ways to the objective as allies
- You should be able to retake the objective as axis (not like braundorf)
- The objective must be reachable without jumping down to some place (easy target for the camping side, not able to retake->adler)
- It should be wide and open (too many walls are bad for online competition. Lean only)
- You should be able to hold the map with crossfire as axis
- The fastest time should be around 4 minutes (without any defense)
- It should have 3 stages. The last stage should be the stage you can fullhold
- It would be nice if it is outside, so you can do something with airstrikes, artilleries
- You shouldn't be able to win by sneaking through
- Exit of axis and allied spawn must be wide and open, so you can actually get out of spawn (or you should have 2 ways to get out)
- If it is a docrun, you should have 2 ways to go with them (long and safe, short and risky)
- If it is a dynamite map, you should be able to defuse as axis (don't make it too easy to defend for allies (once planted -> almost insta win -> braundorf)

just some thoughts, Goldrush is the perfect example of a perfect map imo
Sounds nice. Now somebody make a map pls. :)
troo only 2nd spawn on grte as axis is perfect either .. you can still get spawnkilled in a stupid way :x
It is pretty good, you can hardly get spawncamped if you play smart. On Braun, Adler, Frost for example you can get spawncamped all the time, you don't need to get through the opponents' defense to spawncamp, that's the problem!
- The terrain should not be flat like antlernest, but curvy like say... radar, goldrush etc. :)
Now that's what I need <3

I hate the first part of grush though, it's either too easy against noobs, or almost impossible against better players.
short spawntimes, sand, flat grounds and hideable objects liek sandbags!

Good maps to try out for 6v6 imo. I've never played them, or seen them being played in the past, only saw some pieces of them in fragmovies =)

From the current mapcycly, I like Goldrush and Radar because they're kinda big and depends on the tactics. Not really a lotto map.

This doesn't mean I dislike Adlernest and Frostbite though. They are lotto, and small maps but I like to play them anyways.

Braun and Supply are so overplayed, I start moaning everytime someone picks the map. :<

So if you want to make a new map, make it a big tactical one ;-p
QuoteSo if you want to make a new map, make it a big tactical one ;-p

night will have a tax in less then 10 minutes anyway :P
we always played braundorf and adlernest :/ and i was sick of it
I stopped playing ET cos of adlernest and frostbite xD i really h8 them :P
good maps are :Eagles and Cortex xD
ye cortex really rox, trust me ;D
Nice thread weebull =]
K, now draw me a map like you said plzkthx <3
You still think you have time to do it?
Probably not before...what was it, 7th of march? But that doesn't matter, we just need something new don't you think.
Point is new maps need to be made, but people won't want to learn them imo, they won't know where to camp or spawnkill.. oh noes!
They're gonna have to, look at some of the posts here. People are getting sick of some of the maps, they're overplayed. We either need some new maps or we have to take a look at some old maps and maybe adjust these so they will be good for wars.
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