shgOpen ET Team List

As far as I know the following teams will attend shgOpen 2007.

Sweden dtekt eSports
Europe zeroPoint Gaming (unconfirmed?)
Sweden vae - KiH (unconfirmed?)
Germany Team Helix
Denmark Kapow!
Europe GiB
Benelux hard Method
Denmark nSens

Please correct me if one of the listed teams won't attend. If you know a bit more about other teams which will attend please write in your comment, I'll add them to the list then.

Nevertheless I hope some more teams will make it to Copenhagen. Actually it is just a disgrace for our community. I really doubt any further LAN will support ET with such a bad feedback of the top teams.

PS. Just read that toss wanted to make such a list too. You can delete this one if you like ;>
add the lineups plz :-)
gl hard method! <3 appel rocky
pi i hope
Seems as though zP! might go too.
Would be great :<
Rumour has it that it's a pretty good chance.
3 of them members are looking for some people to make a team, I read?
Yeah, but if zP! can go (which seems likely) then that mixteam obviously won't happen, or at least not with those players.
butchji 2 pro 4 lan
Idd, need more top teams imo
I wonder who is going to win ;o
polaks should attend byoc
ah nice, didnt know helix were coming. read that they will attend cpc2, but didnt see anything about shgopen. but getting from germany to denmark is quite easy
gl kapow :)
es kommt nur noch auf FiEND an
wenn er zusagt kommen wir, inklusive vae.CoD 2!
sehr schön =)
noch ist nix sicher. wobei das Problem mit FiEND das größte ist, der rest ist so gut wie geklärt.
I will also be there, with my own team consisting of me; my ambition is to take on idle in a 1v6 situation.
I heard that Johnny_R@cless will participate in all tournaments alone
isn't GiB playing in oc div 6 or 7 :d
Yes we are Chriss :-)

We are playing for the fun of it of course, as allways.

Celebrating Clan GiB 10 year anniversary with a few LAN's in Europe.

It is going to be very fun meeting up and maybe even playing so skilled and respected teams.
maybe some certain secret mix team will be attending
you got something u wanna tell me?
Had this only been in 2004, there would have been around 6 or 8 team from Denmark and I could also have imagined alot of swedish teams going, like iNfensus, merge, deo, dTd...

I'm actually quite happily surprised that there hopefully will be 3 Danish teams attending, since ET in Denmark has been pretty much dead since 2005.

ohhh and merge > dTd :D
LOL lineup of hard Method ?
who are hard Method?
I think he's just trying to find that out :f
modus, m1lk, appel, rocky, isen, apex en mikey that r them no id who r going to the lan
LOL idd :)
strange decision, pretty cool some dutchies going to sHgopen
I have to agree though, that I expected more ET teams to show up. It's a bit disappointing also from the Swedish commy.
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