Windows Vista & ET

When I join a server on Vista Business Edition (with license from MSDNAA) I always get kicked for Inadequet OS Privileges :(. What should I do?
re install Xp
Who said i deinstalled it?
be sure u are logged in as admin on the pc
I am logged in as the only user... the admin.
Can you install the version that is at the MSDNAA as 64bit?

I can download it from the MSDNAA but I don't want to use it unless it's 64bit...
From what i've seen it's the 32bit version.
Problem solved... but MS sux as usual:
GL_VENDOR: Microsoft
GL_RENDERER: OpenGL-D3D Translator
Like... wtf is this? I have only 50 FPS on goldrush. Why did they took off openGL support? :<
Because they want everyone to use their product ( direct 3d ) and dont want to support anything else.

Btw gaming peformance under windows vista is really shit i will not use it for the next 2 years!
get the newest drivers. Hardware OpenGL is implemented again. Doesn't matter if ATI or Nvidia
That is not true. Vista is like a big game based on DirectX engine. If u try to run another window over it you cant if the system doesn't let you. Avalan doesn;t let you render openGL over DirectX. It must be first stranslated.
OpenGL is not hardware integrated, just supported through system calls the library gives to the video card (im not sure about what i said in the last phrase :P).
that's how it is for windowed applications... but with newer drivers (the ones coming with vista are still from beta1) vista will make space for fullscreen 3d applications.

"A Vista-compatible ICD takes advantage of a new API, and will be fully compatible with the Desktop Window Manager.[18] At least two primary vendors, ATI and NVIDIA, are expected to provide full Vista-compatible ICDs in the near future." from sneaky Wikipedia ;)

the drivers are still beta though
If the dirvers will be capable to take full control over the screen then im a happy guy :>. Thanks for the info!
Why do you install Vista ?

only bullshit fixes -.- kinda SP3 with new interface and bug fixes

and afaik punkbuster dont works well
It was free with license :), so why dont give it a try. I like the why it looks and feels (XGL is better though). I didn't remove XP so I have no problem :).
some fellow students of mine are licence hunters :D
one of my friends got EVERY licence available through MSDNAA.
I'm satisfied with my XP Pro, Vista and some developing tools :P
My firends got cracked windows versions and are filled with bugs and spyware. I dont think I had any problem with my windows in about a year of MSDNAA license :). I rly love this MS program :>.
LOOL. It looks nice and its a bit better closed for n00b users.

Your point of the fixes: roflofl

And if you unlock the build in administrator account you will never have any problems. I did it and used the install of ET that i had in my XP patition. no problemos not with PB as well !
Windows Vista Serious Business edition?
That is what it said when i dw it from MS servers and that is what it says on booting. I guess its the real Business edition. Besides the ET prob I rly like it ( I have 1,5GB RAM :P )
lol im on ultimate and its sexy only there is not really a way to disable the mouseaccel as you can do with XP couse i think its still in vista.
And the usage of memory is more to the on board that the graphic card has and i only have 6600GT 128mb so that a bummer a bit but ET is not to heavy game.
About the accel... I rly dont feel any on my mouse.
There is no memory problem but a CPU one. The CPU must translate openGL instructions in Direct3D instructions (thats why they call it translator). This can consume a lot of processing power, and on my AMD 64 3000+ i can really feel it :<.
yeah i think i got a sort of similar one AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+

But the accel you will only notice the difference if you had accelfix.exe to disable and then play with it enabled again on win XP ofc couse the exe doesnt work @ vista
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