Who's your ET hero?

Who inspires you when you're feeling down?
For me it's none other than SwedenalexL!
I mean, if you asked any girl to draw the perfect man, she would draw a picture of alexL, and on top of that he plays ET! What more can one wish for?
Every time I'm feeling down, I open one of his old journals and look at his pictures and I like to pretend that he gives me a manly hug and whispers in my hear "Don't worry mate, you're gonna make it too!"

Belgium ViKO for making me moist when speccing him
O Please what? Never heard of the cunt.
Belgian bro! #cheater
Dude what is up with these Belgians? I once knew a Belgian guy that moved to Ireland first and then to Poland. Wtf does that say about Belgium?
I live in Belgium and I have to admit is a shit country...unfortunately.

Flanders had an economical boom in the last 20 years, Wallonia went down, but on top of all the people are shit...at least the flemish ones.
I get the Flemish part! There is a rule in Holland. If you can not pay your bills, you move to Belgium!
haha....well I don t care about flemish-dutch grudge, that s between you and them. I m just saying that most of the flemish I met suck real hard...they are either gay, or very introvertit, they have a lot of prejudicies towards some nations, and they have this stupid thing of smiling every time, even if you don t have a reason...I mean wtf...I m not a trained monkey to smile on your order...bitch!
Dude WTF you are my hero! That is exactly the way i feel about 99% of Dutch ppl. Wtf is wrong with them?
Today my boss asked me at work if I m happy?? He is Flemish, big fat fuck, with a face of a bulldog.

I wanted to ask him...Sir please define happiness. WT F is happiness for you Sir? And please go and make anonymous questionnaire and see how many ppl are happy?

And than he told me OH, I want to see you smiling...So in the end I could not help myself and I said: Sir, my smiles are not for free...and I wanted to punch him in the face...dickhead,,,
Tell me about it, working for ppl that even a monkey can see are stupider then you. Exactly what you say fake smiles! Every joke they find funny if it comes from a superior! How do I ad you as a buddy?
You knnow about your rule in Holland...hahaha it kinda applies to me too lol
Yea but I m just a poor guy from another country, you re born in Holland, you guys get money for free from the government to go to school and you pay your education as a loan and you give money back after 30 years...that s cool :)
I was not borne in Holland mate!
I am from Romania :))
Brother from another mother!
But Jugoslavia does not exist anymore, does it?
rly? Where are you? I always wanted to see you in real man

that personality of yours...!!!!

no but honestly, you described really good for someone who's here for not so long, Flanders economicly is alright but Wallonia is a disaster
And who are you? Your face looks familiar, I think I saw you on TV a long time ago...
does it matter who I am? Where in belgium?
Antwerp...duffy duck
you're talking about Rhand? rofl :D
Hi, that's me.
Can't say I know you, although I'm touched that you know so much about me.
Gay for alexL! Did you ever read his food journals? I can feel my ass relaxing just thinking about them.
Too bad he has the big mussels but a small penis.
Are you a fucking owl or what?
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
RaZiel! Timenudge for the win! Good old days!
Finland SWANIDIUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
probably United Kingdom nicon
ET hero from UK Hahahaa :D!
image: game30839

fumble, because he beat butchji!
NetherlandsJoop ofc
later Netherlandsperfo, SpainWinghaven
Drugs are bad!
Well, didn't read title properly...tought fav players
I love you man!
Love you too man :)
saintt.. lmao! xD
Polandupload , wonder how can u forget about god of aim.
Lag skills!
Every time I'm feeling down, I open one of his old journals and look at his pictures and I like to pretend that he gives me a manly hug and whispers in my hear "Don't worry mate, you're gonna make it too!"
Netherlandszenix my bro i learned everything from him!
Setting up you're bot is hard!
Mine is Portugal 999Jorge, the mysterious boy!
For me, everything started with "SoD" and "RazieL" later I looked up to Second/Ramin, FeruS, Butchji, Mystic, S4rnja, Kot, mAx, Aza and Agn.

Dunno how often I watched Vids like JaFo Row, Mamarosa or the RTCW Infensus vid.
France StrAf !
Hello 999Jorge, maybe I should make a comeback.

image: 11187123_1140048306021369_453576180_n

brb cook some food.
You're prety.
You're pretty hard right now.
Ah de crook se. Alles bon?
Zeker. Ik kom hier om de maand eens kijken fzo :)
Wat doet gij tegenwoordig?

(Allez, kzal een maand kunne wachten)
Haha, ik ben der al! Erm, nieuw werk aant zoeken en in vrije tijd project rond democratie. Qua games vooral D3 op de moment. Ik speel ook af en toe CS:GO, soms leuk maar vooral frustrerend want mijn PC kan het nie aan. Vooral DM dus want dan maak het niet veel uit wanneer men spel blijft hangen :P

En gij?
Aan't werk in Polen als Financial Customer Service, en ik verwacht ne kleine me mijn vriendin :-)

Qua games niet zoveel meer. Af en toe Football Manager of Baldur's Gate of Europa Universalis, en sinds een week of twee terug met ET begonnen op Jaymod. Af en toe paar uurtjes per avond is wel nice.
Ow jong, grote veranderingen. Proficiat he! Ik heb vroeger BG 1 belachelijk veel gespeeld, zo goe spel.
Ik heb net iets teveel gespeeld op korte tijd, effe beu :D
Poland Fasolka
I don't see a lot of serious answers, but I'll give one. I used to love watching Drc and Hatred when they still played. Didn't really have any "heroes" though, most of the top players I met or played against acted like dicks anyways. Maybe it was because both nkNn and bF had an unwarranted reputation for cheating and AL1 and chizz6l like to troll? I don't know. I guess mAus was always friendly towards me, but he was more of an exception.
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