mouse fucked? Oo

Yesterday while dueling a bit in RTCW my mouse suddenly got a heart-attack or smth and denied control over my crosshair.
I left the game, unplugged the mouse (PS2), plugged it in again and rebooted.
Back on the server, nothing really changed.
I then left it as it was an went watching TV.
Back from skool today i decided to pub a bit ET, and guess what - ofc the problem didn't solve itself over night.
This time i tryed to use the USB slot.
Well, in the demo below you can see what that got me into...

download an ET demo here

for those who probably wanna help me, but are too lazy to watch the demo:

Every 30 sec - 1 min my mouse (and after a while my keyboard aswell Oo) just wont transmit any information to zeh game anymore - means, i can't move or shoot or do anything at all for a few seconds.
I usualy get killed by the time the 5-10 seconds are over.
When i respawn everything works fine again for the next 1 min bla bla bla and so on...

So i wondered, is it my mouse only, my keyboard, or both, or is it a bug in ET/RTCW/Windows?
Can't help it really.
So, if you experienced anything like this or can imagine what the reason could be, dont hesitate to post it here.

System Info:

Windows XP
mx510 USB (PS2 when it happened first)
Logitech Mouseware 9.80

Sorry for any verbal abuse of/towards the english language, but i'm kinda in a rush.
Thanks for your help in advance.

That's the technology in logitech MX300, MX310 and MX510, at least that is my experience. After some periode, uncertain how long, the mouse start acting like that. It has happened to an MX300 and 2 MX310's of mine.

Nothing else to do than buy a new one.
This is bad news, but expected bad news.
Thanks :)
Your mouse & keyboard cords, in what kind of condition they are?
Does the LED under the mouse glow while the functions @ ET / RTCW stop working?
Didn't really check the LEDs.
I'm no professional, but I'd say the cords are in good/average condition.
is it working @ windows?
Well, it's not.
try to reinstall windows, if that doesnt work, then buy new mouse.
Dark Tranquillity - Format C: For Cortex
hi phate
go reply at the other one :d
snoop had it too
same here with my G5 but it works again <3
another mouse funeral? :(
had same with my razer but now windows dosn't even recognize it
Quotewhile dueling a bit in RTCW [...] the mouse (PS2)

Trying to be oldskool? =)

Nur Spass, ich tippe auf Kabelbruch. Frag mich nur, warum das Keyboard auch kaputt sein sollte.
Bin niemals über die wnb-rtcw-oldskool-roxor hinweggekommen x]

Ja, vllt, ich werd mir einfach 'ne neue kaufen, hat ja immerhin 'n paar Jahre gehalten :>

greetz btw
You wont see if a cable is broken =p. But I had this problem with other mouses as well. There is a problem in the wire which loses the connection. Normally the start of the wire that comes out of the mouse will get weaker over time of use. Eventually it will "snap". it will go on and off if you even touch the mouse.

You got 2 options. If you are a pro technician, buy a new USB cable, and try to solder the plug from the original one on it ( hard part ). Or, you buy a new mouse =]

I had this problem as well with 3 mouses ( 500 510 and G5 ). I fixed my G5 yesterday with the first option (but let sum1 solder it =p ). Only prob is that the cable was thicker than the original ( try to fit that shitty cable in a small mouse :E)

I ll go for option 2 =)
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