360 gaming

Hi This goes out to all xbox360 gamers and online gamers...

Theres been a recent announcement from clanbase.com to produce xbox360 console ladders and tournaments and need your help and support to make this work efficiently. Everything is run in order to keep things intact with the systems that provide results etc and gamertags is the quid source for this every gamertag is unique, so this is the way they're goin to identify.

So please all you xbox360 freaks out there come join the fun and produce a great online communty of xbox360 gaming ONLINE! thanks.


clanbase.com / xbox360
yesh :]

ABORT!!! if your watchin this space! get an XBOX360 bitch :D there excellent
console + hard drive + online league = hacks :]
Wii > X360, ok?
Die with your overheating X360 :X
wii are cool too
Ok then don't die :X
never played 1 but zelda looks awesome is it really as good as it looks or what?
playStation 3 > wii + xbox360 + microsoft
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