CS:GO Busts?

I was told that there are/were a tremendous amount of hackers in CS:GO, even people at LANs were cheating. Can some of you guys link me to some of the great busts? Really interested in big players getting busted in general. Heard most busts are posted on hltv.org but I dont know what to look for.

Note: Ive never played the game, I barely know what im looking at.
Emilio,KQLY and sf afaik, some teams were basically banned for matchfixing (iBP,myR and Epsilon minus ScreaM) .
fnatic also got accused a lot by community, but never got banned.
KQLY is the most famous ban since he got banned after a lan his team won and he did this
He did that on lan? So it was a insane jump shot but quite lucky right? Cant wh at lan afaik
He implented a bot into his mouse via an USB or something :)
What Snatixx said is wrong, Supexo made a cheat which was an undetected LAN cheat. When you started csgo it automatically downloaded from the steam workshop.
He then released the code to valve which got emilio, kqly and sf banned
cool didn't know that! Actually read what I said on some forums (not HLTV)
Why does he have to read what you said on some forums? image: 1
Yea i just read that from an interview with supexo, which was linked on hltv :D
But, no wall hack, just aimbot? or what. he barely moved his mouse after he started the jump
Yeah no wallhack, works like an aimbot but not as obvious
Imagine wallhacking at lan
It's Aim assistance when you are close to the target not full on aimbot.
Yeah I figured it was just aim support. Cheats or not, still a nice jumpshot.
alot of clueless ppl incomming
I heard this Weslann guy got vacced, it was all over hltv and /r/globaloffensive!
not cs:go but Norway Aaseng got busted after the LAN was over (that he cheated during the LAN)

You accused me of cheating when we played against eachother =)
You being banned multiple times doesnt help your case.
He is just obvious with it..
Norway Domi busted too, has like 666 smuf accounts though so that's OK
This topic is now about sebhes being a midget
image: RPOWASt
smn was cheating at some lan's which he also approved at his stream, he just downloaded a workshop map and that had his cheat, other names like emilio, kqly and sf did not really get caught cheating at lan, but they've been banned for cheating. just check hltv, bigger names are yet to come, as there are still many people cheating which did not get caught, np
"bigger names are yet to come, as there are still many people cheating which did not get caught"
Ehm what? xdD
xdD there are atleast 3 more pro players (tier 1-3) who are still cheating, I am pretty sure
One of them is probably flusha :D?
flusha is legit you are a fucking idiot
I'm not accusing him myself, I meant mental probably thinks he's one of them in his "list".
flusha never cheated
What I said to Tupac.
thats because ppl are mad fnatic overtook NiP...only person who could of cheated before was JW now hes trash
no, you have no idea what you are talking about
inb4 flush gets banned and nip takes back it's spot and all hail nip all stomping fnatic like trash and weslann crying on his corner I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT

except NiP is absolute trash....they couldnt even finish top 3 in NA right now, let alone place at a major
katowice = major katowice = 2nd

which happened last year, they suck now
true, at least on online events they tend to suck a lot
oh, stop it you :)
That guy actually got himself banned by making that post? :D
KQLY was probably the most famous. Also Simple has been caught cheating and cant play in ESL events, serves that raging russian idiot right.
if simple wasn't stupid his ban would have been lifted long time ago - majority of his penalty came from "returning while banned"
all in all, you can go through every csgo pro players demos and find one instance where they do something that looks non-legit but I think for the most part they are clean. They have too much to lose in terms of sponsorships etc
they could lose a lot if they play clean and suck dick
not really...look at RPK, he hasnt been good for about 5 years but still got onto Titan and hasnt been replaced despite still being terrible
well I can't say I've followed CS:GO, but that seems silly.
hes on the team based off his reputation and past accomplishments. its not really that silly
Did anyone actually see what the kernel module from VAC can do?
It's fucking outrages.

All of you probably pressed 'agree with these terms' when you used VAC for the first time.
Facebook is getting sued for privavcy reason. If you see what VAC can do, Facebook = nothing.

Anyway, USB 'cheat'(=mouse software (hacks)) is undetectable when you can make sure your patterns always deviate.
So yes, it's exists.
* Patterns: The way you reduce your recoil. Legit pro-players players, will almost have no recoil, but the way they move their mouse won't always be 100% exact the same. If your reduced recoil is 100% the same, you have a recoil hack. Overwatch can detect it.
I know there are tweaks with macro + software being invented so that the patterns can deviate with 0.1 to 1 (with 1 = having recoil; 0 no recoil at all, thus detectable).

Try to bust a player using that, and having an ultra-high sensitivity. You just can't... Even VAC can't, and it's monitors alot.

For what I can see: CS:GO is right now the leader in having the most complex hacks on the market. It's not just 'now', it's been this leader for a while now. As long they stay in CS:GO, I'm happy. !#@§ that game :D
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