It should be called Wolfenstein III.

Well, in that case Wolfenstein IV, since you're there's also Wolf3D. ;>
tbh i think the whole community is ready for some new wolfenstein fraggin !
But in my opinion the weird stuff is every1 is coming back to ET atm :)
like me lol, but stil rtcw > *.... I chose for ET cause this is way more active and you don't have to wait 0,5 / 1 hour for a 3on3. but in 2 years the meaning of "med+" kinda changed though
laatst, ik wou tryout bij een clan die zochten med+. we speelden tegen med+ kon ze net hebben. hun de hele tijd whinen van "skillfakers" enz enz. de community is wel btj meer triest geworden op dat gebied
zo treu! heb jij nog een clan voor me ?:P kga slapen trouwens heb vanaf 10 uur gewerkt :< <3
Its not coming. project is iced. it comes maybe 2009-10, first to the PS and X-box then to computer(maybe)
'' the release date of the game on the distant horizon''

They are not even yet doing it on the PC, Happy waiting !
I would say 2009-10 :)
Come work with us on our exciting upcoming titles - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Wolfenstein! We offer a gorgeous work environment in our state-of-the-art studios; an outstanding compensation and benefits package; a fun, team environment; low cost of living, and an exceptional quality of life!


Iced ?
They do the game: first to the x-box then they tranform it to PC just like in GTA series, And they are not even halfway with xbox version.
and tramsform takes 6-8months like in GTA(PS > PC)

so it will take some time :=)
Not iced, in developement.. for XO
and if you search low you get even more skilled teams than if you search high lolz!
tbh im not looking forward to rtcw2 since alot of ET idiots will come over while they have never played the original rtcw.
Your point being? Lots of ET idiots are playing ET eventhough they've never played RtCW. RtCW2 will most likely be closer to ET than to RtCW itself, apart from the name that is.
How do you know that it will be more like ET? Are you one of the developers?
No, but I do know that ET is more popular than RtCW. RtCW might have been a better game and more suited for competition, but they make games for the general public. Why do you think they called their new game ET:QW? Not because it has anything to do with ET, but because they want to use it's popularity. Things like a rifle and covertops are popular, so I assume they will be implemented in RtCW2 aswell, instead of going back to the oldschool gameplay. I could be wrong ofcourse, but it seems most likely.
Well, you are assuming a lot of things. So you don't exactly know.
But perhaps you are guessing right. Who knows.
sign on that.
Only reason ET has more players is becuz its free and becuz its more suite for the average noob. :)

So i hope they will focus on the competitive gamers, since in the long run those are the guys that support and stick with the game. And if they focus on the competitive gamers, it should look more like rtcw..

The only thing they focus on is sales and profit. They don't care if a game is suited for competition or not, they just want the game to be sold as much as possible. Sure, there will be people buying it just for the competative side of it, but that's a relatively small amount compared to the average person that buys it for Singleplayer/publics.
My point is; that I dont care about them coming over to rtcw2, but this means alot of idiotic cheaters will hop over aswell AND that the ET attitude will be the new RTCW2 attitude instead of the rtcw attitude. ET attitude is arrogance, whine and alot of other negative things.
It doesn't matter if cheaters jump over from ET to RtCW. ET was a free game with barely any anti-cheating support, hence why there so many hacks out there. If RtCW was still this big and free aswell, there would most likely be the same amount of hacks.

I agree with you that there are lots of retards and whiners in the ET scene, but this is also because ET is a free game. Because it's free, it's open for a lot of younger, and less mature, kids. These kids often didn't have the money/permission from their parents ( alot can change in 5 years ) when RtCW was released, which is also why there are less immature pricks there. When RtCW2 comes out there'll obviously be immature people, but less than there are now in ET, hence it's an improvement.
your theory isnt holding up!

5000 rtcw players makes 3000 et players who in turn might only become 1000 rtcw2 players if no new players are allowed.
should make a nice active game!
Quite some bullshit you're writing there...but meh, I also hate all those newbs that played rtcw, although they've never played Wolfenstein 3D or even Castle Wolfenstein.

u r right avbout that fucker
Actually it should be called Wolfenstein VII

Castle Wolfenstein - 1983 by Muse Software
Beyond Castle wolfenstein - 1984 by Muse Software
Wolfenstein 3D - 1992 by id software
Wolfenstein 3D Spear of destiny - 1992 by id software
Return the Castle Wolfenstein - 2001 by id software
W:Enemy Territory - 2003 by splashdamage

About the older wolf games
I distinctly remember playing ET in 2003...
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