A thought for every person who died in Paris tonight...

It was a friendly football match between Germany and France...

and Terrorist have stroken again...
The Year ends like it started..
Ive even heard an explosion in the stade while I was watching it

It's also an international problems
The world MUST be united to destroy these damn bastards motherfucker killers !

I'm still chocked of what happened tonight and dont really know what to say but please

Have atleast a little thought for all people who died tonight and asked nothing to deserve a such end...

and for their familly too.

It could have happen to one of you or one of your familly :'(

Thanks people

may the Peace leads in the World for soon...

stay safe meng,
Take care of yourself dude.
good luck to all families
Hadn't logged in for more than a year and two days later this... Enormous mess going on.
Just heard about it, stay safe all..
What are they going to find in that bataclan concert hall..
Easy target...

they want to kill the most ppl possible

its like u wanna be "best fragger on ET" and find a 999 player...

the coward guy will kill him again and again and again because this person cant move and cant defend himself..
they are cowards...

sorry for this poor comparaison

these bastards must be eradicated !!
No, as always you have to fight the reasons and ideals why they turned to these kind of activities. Killing them isn't going to solve anything.
120death atm...

Shame these people had to die because the French police is apparently incompetent as fuck. 2 terrorist attacks within a year with mutiple attackers being trained on weapons and having access to them.
Eh, what would you do differently? They certainly had a different response this time compared to the attacks earlier in the year.
So fucked up..

Hope it ends as soon as possible
Imagine how much less shit the world would be with United States of America banned from global actions and operations.

Right, this is not the opportunity to openly talk about your xenophobia, if you can't contribute anything nice here, hold a moment of silence and then go rant on facebook.
tv says its an attack on the western lifestyle, mourn the victims - imo: yes its terrible what happenend and the terrorists are monsters - but to be honest: the western lifestyle and our consumption behaviour does cost 130 lifes every day in other parts of the world and noone mourns

"The world MUST be united to destroy these damn bastards motherfucker killers !" there is a german phrase "auge um auge, zahn um zahn" englisch translation is "Tit for tat". the world needs to be united to erase hate, but its an utopian dream - so deal with it.
i have a mixed feeling about this.

on the one hand, its an attack on a western country like mine, with the same morals of going to work in the morning and play in the evening etc.

on the other hand, im a bit glad..
my country eat shit everyday from eurofags and eurofags activists whom understand shit about these beasts mentality.

and you force your shitty observation on us.
you all said that peace in the middle east will come if Israel wants peace, but the truth is, the entire middle east is shit because those savages, and we are cought in the middle.
terror attacks are on daily basis here, and none change his facebook profile to the Israeli flag.

few days ago the euro decided to brand products from area of conflicts in Israel..

lol, I guess paris is area of conflict also now..

mark my words, because this is what will happen.

it will only get worse, there are a lot of sleepers cell in Europe.
European officials are marching to Israel begging to buy our technology to track them, as we are leading in it.

you are all fucked!
I totally agree with you
Sieg Hei... wait a second
well at least you will get your head decapitated while still holding your shitty morals :~>
Quotemark my words, because im zionist
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