Post LAN Crossfire spam.

Huge shoutout to my cuz and to timbolina, for taking the initiative to set up another LAN.

My journey started with travelling to my cousin and get ready for the LAN, we had to take the server to Ronner, who took the time at thursday evening to configure the server and check everything in his free time, thanks to his wife for the hospitality.
When we came back at seb's place, mAxwell was waiting for us after he got interrogated by my mother and seb's parents. We went to Rotterdam Airport to pick up Shaman, our longtime team member and meet up with the guys from viSual and kApot, tbh I can't remember who exactly were in insane's car but it was nice te meetup and make a pitstop at McDonald's.

Seb fixed 3 appartments for us in the same building, where most of 'xD and viSual were staying, it was a really nice place, <5 min walk from Botkamp (without getting lost).

I can't place the rest of the events in chronological order cause, but:

It was nice to meetup with 'xD again.
Shoutout to Yokoo, one of the coolest baguettes I've met so far, skilled player too.
Shaman, fkn kux man jesus christ.. Hope u have a safe flight home, I'm sure we will meet again some time.
Mata, first time I've spoken to you, was nice to meet such dedicated guy :D or atleast that's how I perceived you.
Dialer, one chill Polish guy haha, haven't talked to you on LAN a lot but the last day and on the way to the airport to drop you of you were a very nice guy.

Every guy from viSual / Malibu, was very fun during the days, I think I've supported you guys during most of your matches and chilled with you throughout the day, lots of love.
Aie, Efax, hybrAtek, GizmOoO, iNsAne, outlAw, kApot, mAxwell. <3! Felt sad to see you go in the 6on6 tournament man, was hard.

Shoutout to kApot, #1 GamesTV Gbooky again, deserved. He tried to fix a few matches offering a snicker to throw a game but didn't need to in the end.

I'd like to emphasize the role of Msh100 and Ronner, they did A LOT to fix the servers / GamesTV every single time.

- Sebhes, again, self explanatory.
- Domi, testi, esse, was nice to meet you (again).
- Goku.
- The guys from Playing Ducks and their backup, very friendly guys although their German discipline might scare some people off, thanks for the kind words as well in the end, much appreciated, sick performance ingame as well. Hope you guys can take a normal shit after 10 kebabs a day.
- Highway, after all these days on trickjump servers, it was nice to finally meet you haha :D.
- sQzz, legend, always enjoy speccing him.
- Aquila, for coming up to me and thanking me + wanted to see my Crossfire profile to check my joindate/posts I believe ayylmao.
- Unforgiven, for showing up again and shoutcasting for a bit.
- Merlinator for streaming the games, same goes for Scatman.
As well as Rayzed on LAN site, was nice to see you again!

Again, shoutout to everyone at Botkamp :)!
Even if I didn't mention you, or forgot to mention you.

I'd like to thank everyone that came up to me and thanked me for the things I did, my pleasure, anytime.
Sebhes deserves most credit tho, thanks cuzz.

See you all next time.

Signed DelTorro

Keep hustlin cuzzzzz
Safely in UK again?
Yea just landed, on the train home now <3
Was really nice to see you again.

Hopefully cu @ next lan :):)
Ofc, will be there.
Thanks a lot for all of your effort! See you next time!
No problem Tim, anytime, till next time for sure.
much love :$
Yoguette :D <3

Osu master
Shoutout to kApot, #1 GamesTV Gbooky again, deserved. He tried to fix a few matches offering a snicker to throw a game but didn't need to in the end.
hahaha rip 50k
Thank you for being so kind and for supporting us during the 6o6 tournament. Hope to see you again!
Anytime :D <3
Are you new to the scene? haven't browsed the site for like 1,5 years, 2 years and your nickname doesn't sound familiar to me...
I've spent most of my time on 2.55 ETWars/FragWorld etc.
Trickjump: 'xD FragJumpZ, together with Sebhes (cousin), Hungarin Projumping, =ST= Trickjump on 2.55, on patched 999/eT.
'xD DelTa, + over 1000 nicknames when tj'ing :)
Oh I see that makes more sense, I also played on these 2.55 servers and know a few xD guys (hi LORDI). Thx for the precisions!
Nice :), yea LORDI joined a long time ago, I think he did join as a fragger tho not as a tj'er back then (Seb/Lordi confirm?).
Np, yw.
Volgensmij heb ik toen wij weg gingen jou niet meer bedankt voor je inzet & support of ben ik het vergeten door de shock, dus nogmaals via deze weg! <3
Volgende LAN van de partij?!

muchos loveos GiZmOoO
Haha np man, volgens mij wel tho not sure.
THX god-admin, vergeet jezelf geen schouderklop te geven voor de tijd en moeite en waakzaamheid ten tijde van de LAN. Goed gedaan buddy sebhes en jij zijn een goed duo
tot de volgende LAN DELLT0000RRR00000
Haha thanks man :D, most credit to Sebhes tho as I said ^^!
Cu next time
Your mind is sharp and clear, nice to see someone your age without talking shit on I net
Only realness
Was nice to meet you man =) Thanks for all the help during the lan and a great effort done!
U2 m8, no problem anytime for the fam, see you next time :D
the german discipline?
what did we do to deserve that? xD
and we ate a lot of sandwiches aswell, not just kebab :D
Haha just kidding m8, u guys seemed so disciplined in tactics etc
no worries :D
sadly no golden medal to shine for us :(
it wasnt 10 kebabs a day, it was like 5 kebabs and 10 sandwiches :D
Hahaha thought u were getting those big kebab sandwiches constantly :D
almost like that yea :D
nice to meet you bro, good admin and good team supporter :P

A i e
Thanks rob :D
cu m8
Volgende keer een passender afscheid, was beetje kort af :P
Losing depression strikes :(
Oh fuck man jij bent aie
Ja :) Was nice om naast jou en Azur te zitten, zonder Azur had ik niet eens kunnen spelen vrijdag x) Ik snapte er helemaal niks van
Fucking nice job for admin this lan with sebhes. BIG RESPECT!!!!
And I also enjoyed hanging out with you.
Thanks :D, same man chilling with the viSual <3
Zie je de volgende lan heh praatjes maker <3
Gang gang
:D <3
Was nice to meet u man, u did a great job! hope to see u for another lan
Thanks m8, if possible I'll be there :D.
eA did nice in the 6on6, with the win over viSual in the end.
thanks, that bremen was so insAne, no pun intended
I was sitting behind the viSual boys, wanted them to win, but yea u guys did sick on that first barrier and the rest ofc otherwise you wouldn't have won.
Like 4-5 defuses?
Ye understandable, u hang out with them alot. Thanks, believe it was 2 or 3 rebuilds and 3 or 4 defuses in total
Well played well played :D
Can't wait for Weslann's "who the fuck are u"
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