
Why ban ppl like evan who actualy contributed to xfire and hacked in another game while ppl who use a wh so obviously on ETTV? (edit, i think evan should stay banned, just putting this in perspective)

For once, no clips. Just a demo with nothing but suspicous moves ... I suggest you watch it on ETTV as you wont have to use shownormals and its even more obvious if you watch it like that.

Quotekentsu on 25/01/07, 20:33:14
you are really stupid


This is the main "b99st" if I'm right? Where exactly you see a wallhack in that clip?

And btw do you really think it's wrong to ban a Clanbase Admin for cheating?
you cant see shit in that movie, besides demos > clips. Demos actualy give you a perspective of what is going on, that clip just sais shit.

axis defence at cp, he actualy starts shooting the floor where the allies are comming from 2nd spawn toward cp. to bad you cant see them yet.

when playing allied at cp he does suspicous shooting all the time, shooting at the guy on top of west through the trees makes it even more interesting. but at some time he's shooting trough the trees all the time, but i guess thats normal these days.

I really admire his pro headset etc, but at axis defence on sd2 he cant hear a teammate comming from his back. He only hears him when he's less then a meter away from him.

Its also the amount of changing targets that makes it so strange to watch. He notices ppl trough trees while he is already shooting other ppl. At other times he's fighting with one guy, who retreats and somehow he already saw the next guy comming and he's already shooting him.

When i spec mathias i c somebody who understands the game (and lots of backrape <3) With kentsu i dont really have that feeling, but somehow he knows ppl are hiding behind crates etc.

And last but not least, he doesnt loose control. He always knows exactly where everybody is etc. You cant surprise him.

ill watch the demo again, and give you some times.
I can go to his home and film his playing, np.
Yeah, that would be solid proof.
u can see movement behind that three clearly even in that .avi^^
Its not the clip that convinced me, its the ETTV demos.
well still i dont get how u can say he cheats for sure
cuz its way to obvious at certain points
man, i cant believe ppl are defending him... hes not even hiding his wh at certain moments
Yep, even I saw that moving
lookd both maps cant say he hacks for sure
still something suspicious but nothing that should be considered as solid proof
omg he is not hacking :d. are you idiot or smth?
Quoteare you idiot or smth?

how many times u stated this question?=)
Yes, you have proven in the past that you scare off cheaters ...
Yes,we had a cheater in our team,and he got immediately kicked after that match. Other teams didn't have any, right? And yes, I will step on kentsu's side this time and say he is not cheating.
wallhack, clearly.
ehm, i play with kentsu in the highly successfull 3on3 team mitä ajan? and i must say i never saw nor noticed anything suspicious in any game i played with him or against him for the past 8 months
Are you lentokone :O?
maybe he has the same sennheiser as you do ;)
actually i'm using logitech headset^^
pitääkö tulla tarkistaa sennheiserit sieltä löytyy kumminki!
lettu me tullaa ens viikonloppuna matiaksen kaa teille teelle, sopiiko?
ei oikee täytän ens viikon perjantaina vuosia (ainanki hyvä syy) :P
monta vuotta? :P
edit: ainii profiili :X
well you have to admit this demo look like something is not right
And you cant even hear a teammate comming from behind you? nice one
kentsutech gaming headset?

imo clear hax but i dunno
I have to say people shouldn't give a god damn shit about your opinion about your suspicious clanmates since you played in veLox. :p
I only talk about the guys he played with.
velox had how many? 3 cheaters out of 7 guys, who turned out to be very known hackers with which I've had ABSOLUTELY no contact before except from playing against them with them using DaNoNiC ip's and mystic etpro guids. nikoz brought me into the clan and it died after 2 weeks. sorry to offend you but this argument says shit, maybe we shouldnt give straight crap about your opinion as well since you used to be highly suspicious as well? :o)
he played LAN clears him
There is a difference between butchji and you, it's subtle but it exists nonetheless; through all the journals, the entire bonanza of hacking accusations, butchji did not once make himself look like an idiot: you, on the other hand, succeed in not only making everyone suspicious, but also in presenting yourself an utterly contemptible peon. I applaud you, not since evan has a person sunk so low beyond that which we call humanity.
you could also just keep it short and call me a fucking retard
lolll sock <3 ur comments
I'm just stating the fact that you played with many busted players. Now you are saying that you played with him in "team mitä ajan" and you didn't notice anything suspicious. I just don't think that this is a good argument because you didn't notice your old clanmates were hacking, as well.

I didn't say my opinion about kentsu.
What you are trying to say is that perfo has the habitude to play with cheaters and cover them, so you apply his past case to the actual one
Or maybe that he is not good in noticing cheating clanmates? ;-)
I cant imagine you looking at demos of your teammates to see if they're cheating or not
Then don't say "and i must say i never saw nor noticed anything suspicious in any game i played with him or against him for the past 8 months". :-p
well i didnt play with kentsu for 8 months already but over a timespan from when i joined hunters (ca april) till now i've played multiple games against him. there were of course fishy moments but those could be explained when wolfcamming my demos to see their movings
ok peace ! <3
btw, i wolfcammed you too back in the days :d
but i dont think you cheated if you made that up from the context ;d
is this perfo vs butchji? WE NEED 1ON1!
looks like u didnt get his point
maar iedereen zegt wel "I didn't noticed when I played with him" maar je hoeft tog ook niet altijd een hack aan te hebben miss wou het hij het goed doen op ettv en deed zen cheats aan het kan tog? ik zeg niet dat dat zo is ik heb de demo niet gezien kan ook niet want ik heb geen et meer maar als je een paar x met hem gespeelt hebt en niks gezien hebt hoeft het nog niet te zijn dat hij nooit heeft of zal cheaten
gozer speelt al 3 jaar et, en ook op ettv enzo, waarom zou hij nu opeens willen gaan cheaten?
ik weet niet miss heeft hij een hack gekregen van iemand maar als ik zo die avi zie van butchji ziet het er niet als hack uit
Weet jij veel maar wat maakt dat ook uit. hier word toch redelijk bewijs geleverd wat wel aangeeft dat die niet zuiver is.
Om mij part speelde die al 100 jaar ET.
ik denk gewoon dat ze voor of onder de ettv match gewoon pb screens moeten gaan maken ? das tog slim :s hadden ze ook bij allu moeten doen daar zag je ook dat hij cheatte en tog is die niet gebanned of wel? heb me daar niet echt mee bezig gehouden ;p
op een pb screen is
a) een gekochte hack meestal niet te zien
b) een aimbot niet te zien
:o weet niet zoveel over hax ;p miss moet fusen maar ff alle andere sites hacken die hax verkopen :D
If you really believe that he is hacking, I have to say that you are retarded, although I always had a positive view of you.
Everybody is allowed to make a mistake once in a while. But I keep my ground: The supplydepot demos are fishy to say the least.
Well, if you know how long the enemy needs for certain ways and the enemy spawntime, preshooting is pretty easy, although it looks suspicious for nubs, who have no clue about timing.
Furthermore shooting through trees gains you an advantage too, if you know, that there is an enemy behind it(or could be(like in the sd-attack-case))
I can see the difference between timing and a wh. You can't time ppl who are hiding few seconds before their own spawntime. Besides preshooting behind corners i understand, but tell me how you do it when ppl are on the other side of a hill. Its no longer just aiming hs height and taking the corner shooting bullets ... You have to predict exactly where they will be comming from over a full horizontal line.

If you happen to be shooting at the floor before the come over the hill its kinda obvious.
Who the fuck checks spawntimes, goes onto an empty server and check howfucking long it takes to reach a place then sit in a fucking game checking the fucking timer then starts shooting when it hits that magic fucking number? Thats the most stupid thing I fucking ever heard.

And I got no clue and I dont care about Kentsu.
noone does. experience does
for example: on supply axis defence you know it'll take the allies 6 seconds to jump from their first spawn to the hill. then you look the timer, you do the time + 6 seconds and you have the spawntime, tada

2nd example: on supply axis defence gate defence and further parts you know it takes the allies 2 seconds to jump from the cp spawn behind the hole in the wall. you can preshoot at 0.5 seconds before the allies appear and you have your wallhack moment
Dunno with you but I kinda prefer not to waste any of my 30 bullets on an empty place unless I hear that someone is on their way. I leave the rest to my crazy reflexes o_0 I also dont gib.
Just dont like to be left with only a pistol. Sure I can take down 3-4 guys but what if they all cum?
you would have been a bad riflenader.
Rifles are based on timing, quite different :)
However many riflers should learn from me, they chance wayyy to much. :)
Like tornis for example...
tornis should turn on his riflecam, might help him. :<
As perfo already said, experience gives you the timing.
But I can`t deny that I have tested a few times fo certain ways on empty servers for artys, nades, etc..
But if you think its stupid then just don`t it. All I can say is, that it helps me a lot and I got a better prediction, where the enemys are.
And remember: prediction > reflexes
Well arties'n'nades are a bit different dont u think? :)
I`m also talking about smg ;)
he is teh new mystic.
sä taas tiedät nää asiat =D
gonna take some times for you all, i saw like 5-10 wh situations
can u make maby an avi from all the wh actions? cause I dont have et anymore ;p so maby u can show me it with an avi with r_shownormals 1 :)
soz, i suck in avi making. but iv'e heard somebody else makes one
it's funny that I never got busted and still innocent people are beeing accused :D
you never got busted, but everybody knew/know u hacked/hack
He comes out of nothing to be come EC & quakecon winner CYA @ lAn

deze gozer speelt al 3on3 wars op hoog niveau sinds jij skynet pownt
toen ik op skynet speelde was jij nog 3 jaar:<
ik denk het niet
je bent 15 jaar toch dan zit ik er 2 jaar naast :< 5 was je sorry
he played also with me here from 2004 start
is he EC winner alrdy? LoL
lol this journal is funny, i have just watched a demo(ye so much comments with "clear wh" influenced me), and got bored so much that couldnt even finish it, it's really retarded to hear that he hacks, since he sucked in this particular demo. I used timescale 0.1 and didnt find ANYTHING fucking suspicious. He made 10000 mistakes, and if he had wh, he wouldnt do them.

ilol'd@some comments.
Don't really want to take part in this arguement wether this guy cheated or not, but not noticing someone behind a wall, or shooting a teammate once who jumps around a corner does not really count as proof that he didn't cheat...just my two cents, cause always someone comes up with 'yeah, but with wh he wouldn't have done that mistake there, thus he didn't cheat'.
but as i said he did 99943574399 stupid mistakes, which he wouldnt do with wh.
I of course see your argument there, but if I were a cheater, I'd go ahead and make plenty of tiny mistakes, or even stupid ones (maybe wh would have been too obvious then?) and whatnot...I do realise though that this also applies the other way around, so nevermind.
well it would really deconcentrate me ingame, and i wouldnt find fun in playing ET this way.
Atleast stop saying he came out from nowhere because he is playing ET since 2004.
he was born in an egg
frozzen true.
12.40 start slo the demo: very weird shooting with sten to the cp.

LOL REALLY WEIRD OMFG, can you tell me exactly what is weird? I can send u my demos, u will give me the same arguments, like REALLY WEIRD SHOTS THROUGH BUSHES WITH HEADSHOTS LOLZZZ
Some fishy stuff but everyone can have those
:( do you agree with me when i tell 1 out of 2000 mil chance?:(
well, shooting a guy trough wall and tree at the same time for few secs is kinda ''not accident'' material
n141 edit
kerään xiittejä, eli pistäs jakoon nynne!!!
käytän dartspawntimer.exeä :DDD
ei se oo koodi, se on sellanen ku avaat ni tulee ruudulle goatset tjsp
there must be an internal irc channel for all the suspicious people and when somebody gets accused he says: "LoL, im gonna tell teh public that all of you h4x to the m4x." So everybody involved defends him.

I've to say that I love that conspiracy theory.
brb, laughing.

no hax imo.
im on Overdrive's side with this
dont trust kentsuu he is one big cheater ! and hell trying to take over the world !
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