boom headshotzZ

quality: 6
frags: 9 ( beating up guys in shorts is lame )
synching: 8
Dusty, The Diamond was better!
Aerts rox, but face it Sam Schild is the best atm that guy is a fucking giant o.0
goldberg whould kill this guy :D
which pirates of the carribean soundtrack is that no.1 or no.2 ? :(
omg this guy rox
the first dutchie i like :o
i love watching k1
amazing sport
is this kickboxing or what sport is it ?
is it actually called k1 ?
its called k1, its a full contact sport, a lot of different fighting styles! there arent much rules 2 it, if u get knocked down u loose, and if u get pinned in a corner, the ref will declare u the looser aswell. so its pretty much like any fighting sport, except its full contact with little rules
cool! thx for the info.
rly nice, if i kick someone to his skull, my foot hurts + he wont fall to the ground :(
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