uQ.Gaming = Dead

Past week the CSS team left uQ for the reason of no support what so ever. This mainly has to do with venom running the clan or better said not running it.

Guess he ran away with the money. No suprise i guess since he already had the reputation.

But since few days there channel is invite only and also site is down same with the gameservers.

I guess we can say uQ is no more.

Have a nice day.
NOOO! ping winz <3 !! :<<<
nice manager
Thank you, have a nice day aswell.
uQ had money?
your first name was way better anyway and tbh joining a clan when another squad won the EC is some kind of heavy task imo :)
oh noes, folding because your mgc quits
he didn't say the team itself is dead as well
misunderstood then, have a nice weekend
have a nice weekend dude
their > there
uQ Gaming was overrated as multigaming clan, which money could venom run away with anyway?
TosspoT: "It means about as much as a promise from uQ management."

Guess you were right ;D
can't join #UQ.Gaming invite only (+i)
Unexpected! :P I need some of Kev's binds :(
that sucks
i guess uQ cup is also dead :p
i guess you left retro :p ?
oh :< , tought so , anywayz gl in playoffz :>
that sucks ;/ venom is liek the new william abignale huh?
This was going to happen sooner or later venom I have to admit it is to quote syk "a pathetic little old man".
So fucking true.
what a noob manager
i would say drop dead venom, but im not that harsh so i'll say get aids
rofl levz <3
sorry :D
atleast we had a lagging server for ~ 4 weeks
nice manager!
Ain't nothing going on in the channel btw :x
Bye Bye free clanserver :<
xo is geowned olé olé
«16:59:20» « can't join #UQ.Gaming {invite only (+i)}
«16:59:20» « Press {Control+F2} to retry joining {#UQ.Gaming}

Looks like take over? :o
uQ is shit anyway, like TosspoT said, can't be trusted.

Quote<[141`et]Kevin> << unexpected >>
Thier IRC topic read :

"UQ Gaming is now closed- thanks to one and all"
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