pot leaves ET ?

goon-squad potsmoker has quit et?
having played 4 maps and getting a total of 4 frags pot has said hes quiting et

long live the balding cripple!

pot the fucking jalous man wnb
zak :DDDD !! ssup mate :)
would be what the fourt time? DOD again imo :p
bye green ugly e-bully
the whiner leaves ET yes!
about fucking time fatty left he was shit hope he can find something he is good like but doubt it gl baldy
hf bb to all my fans. loved bullyin u all
gl in your future gaming.
gl Pot m8 :(
i won't forget you, my teamplayer
dont leave us :( now who will give out all the abuse? :O

gl. hf.
rofl pot , i bet he still done more dmg than electro
you stopped smoking pot also?
no more pot in ET? :|
finally! <3
gl in future pot mate.
lol brzy
Oh noez, now I have to find someone else to piss off. :{
ET without pot is like coffee without sugar! :<
That's not really true, sugar isn't a worked up middle aged lowskilled man. It's actually quite sweet.
fuck off pot u pussy !
you fuck off mav, tart (apple)

phunks u should have packed up and fuked off many year ago u little tramp. go bye some hax and get some respect!!!
hip hip hurray hip hip hurray hip hip hurray pot fucking leaving go get a wig might make a improvement but not likely
good riddance, cheating fcker, go play CSS .

PS: get a new wig..

bb xD (apple)
pot just to let u know if u dont know alread nobody likes u so hurry a go get the fuck off commms and dont come back
bigsmoker why did u start playing?? come back when u had a nose job u ugly dwarf
as is said pot, GET A NEW WIG NAB
rofl they wont do op because i might turn around and knock them out so no hope there
as i said apple, find a team what dont kick u for havin sh1t teamplay( pot 1 v apple 1)
owned, at least im not bald :<
and to the rest of you who reply to pot u all suck ups ass lickers
fuck u to apple u the worst ass licker coming on comms
Frank shut it you nab

Baz : you sux cya too bad cant show u up in 1on1s
fck off keiran \o/

EDIT: you can fook off aswell bigSmoKEr xD
Oh shad ap bring it on
correct me if am wrong but i think my hair looks pretty fukin neat


owned apple show us your dweeb pic
nice wig baz
more receding hair please!
how recent is that hair cut baz? because its like last years style :P
looooooooooolll fatheat with pubics on his head for hair get a real style pot
tis that you
ive played with brezy for 2 years, and ive only seen 1 pic of him wearin a pink-tshirt, nowt more to say
well thats all eh should see wot else he wears
anybody what to know more about my hair visit shockwaves.com
That guy who called Glth a hacker? ^^
here is a real pic of pot that he sent me 3months ago

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