How do you know ET is gone?

There is biggest ET scandal 2016 going on gtv and not even a single journal?!


Remember to keep the good mood always!
good mood!
What happened?
Tell us more.
where did ET go to?
The bin for most people
that was what I was wondering as well xD
Views from the 6
Is this what they call drama nowadays? Used to be daily shit
No idea how is this a scandal, bunch of busted, coder-related cunts didn't show up in time so the other team wasn't arsed and took a forfeit which is their right according to rules.
Sup Rafael mi smieciu
Not much cwelu

-yii, fumoffu, heady were on the server on time (even i was there on time, or 1 minute late, not sure)
-heady isnt officially in the team, but he was on CGAC, so we could have used him as a merc
-theres not even a rule that 3 players have to be ready, so we could have just played 2v3 for 1 minute, or just paused right after start
-pretty much the same happend to us some months ago. but in that case the admin gave our OPPO the forfeit win, even though THEY didnt show up in time (after a lot of talking he took the forfeit back and we played the match).
-timbolina isnt even on IRC when hes needed but instead making useless comments on gamestv, claiming he cant do anything about it. horrible admin
That was a different admin and a totally different situation. Wonderful argument.

Feel free to host a cup yourself to support your criticism and to proof you can do better. You are not doing this, instead you are (like always) complaining about the rules. Which is quite ironical because the situation you were referring to in the past, was actually you trying to literally interpret the rules as they were written down. Hypocrite as you are, you don't want them to be applied now in your case because it negatively affects your outcome.

You are the one who should be on time for the match. SSTAT is the one to blame here in my opinion for not showing much sportsmanship and not the admin for following the rules. I feel bad for your team mates, but not for you. Boontje komt op zijn loontje as we say in Dutch.

Make up your poor arguing next time if you want to proof something.
Agreeing pretty much with everything you said, but still, please. Apricot should be banned already for trying to abuse rules in the past, start loosing a game, sudden lags appears from out of nowhere, Apricot pausing the game and trying to move the game for the NEXT DAY. Situation takes long as fuck, annoys the shit out of everyone and the thing which is really sad, admins don't really care. Also, admins take these things as "individual cases" even though what Apricot deserves would be a ban for being a total dick, taking advantage of "strict rules" everytime its just even slightly possible

What should happen is finally give Apricot a fucking punishment, ban him out of this cup or even from the league for some time (week to three) and let shady and co play the tournament. Or make SSTAT play with some other guy and let them continue cup without Apricot.

I think there are proof enough, I think there are enough players to back me up with this. Oh well, its not like anything happens, cause you can not ever give criticism towards ADMINS, because then the happens the obvious: "omg host your own cup only thing you can do is complain about rules and admins". Which is actually quite retarded as fuck, useless comment. And how the fuck you cup-hosters can improve things if you can not take criticism from the "customers who use your services / events"? :)

tl;dr je nike ta mere
QuoteAnd how the fuck you cup-hosters can improve things if you can not take criticism from the "customers who use your services / events"? :)

I am willing to listen to people who try to argue in a normal way. I personally don't feel much to waste my time on people who blame all and everyone except themselves without even remotely trying to come up with a solution.

How often did people try to contact me personally about their issues? Excluding CGAC related problems, there weren't too many. Regarding Apricot, you are the first one to tell me about this and I strongly disagree about your conception with admins that they don't seem to care. At least, speaking on my own behalf.

Lastly, commenting on your "happens the obvious". Please don't generalize things, because this is absolutely not the case. I haven't seen any admins stating this before. The only reason I felt like saying such things this time was because it wasn't the first time he tried to publicly apostatize someone who does his best for the ET community. Making your comment quite retarded as fuck, useless comment.

Tl;dr people should learn to talk in a mature way and contact admins privately about their problems.
being mature on the internet? :D you expect too much :S
Fick dich Metla
mach ich jeden tag :S
Hab ich's doch geahnt. Schnall die Melkmaschine um, Selbstbefriedigung.
möchtest du mich melken? meine hände tun weh, ich brauch hilfe
Nein, er ist zu klein
auch die kleinen müssen ab und zu gemolken werden
ausserdem wird er größer, sobald du angefangen hast
butbut.. you just said many things there, what you just did by yourself also :( which makes your reply useless, and quite retarded as fuck

and yeah, the problem is people DONT CARE ANYMORE SO MUCH THESE DAYS, THEY JUST WANT TO PLAY IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND 8D thats why you dont hear about these things. Also, players don't really know when to contact admins, since I dont think there are any (could be though) notes about _sportmanship_ on rules

tl;dr Its quite normal that players attack admins when something stupid like this happens. I just dont agree with the admins attitude towards them, and also following so called rules so fucking strictly they let the retards stay&do as they like, and normally leaving out the more capable ones. Not saying that yii shady fumoffu are the good ones here, but definetly Apricot aint.
Well apricots lag problems are pretty much gone alrdy for a long time :D And now you want to kick him out lol nice idea. And yeah kick out SSTAT because tc fucked up nice logic

Tää kaikki on tosiaan vaan aprikottia kohtaan. Ja vaikka sen "lagit" on vissiin sit kadonnu, niin mistäs se tasanen 148 pingi tuli? Ooh, netlimiter kaippa. Tosi reilua on :) Koskaan ei ole ollu ketään vastaan niin paljon ongelmia ku teitä vastaan, ja se kaikki johtuu ainoastaan teiän rasittavasta ranskiksesta. Mieluusti haluisin nähä et se vajaaälyinen ranskiks laitettais pihalle "jäähylle" joksikin aikaa, jotta oppis olemaan. On myös aika vitun tyhmää pelata niin kehitysvammasen ihmisen kanssa myöski, mutta en ny lähe tosta puhuun sen enempää, kaikki saa pelata niiden kanssa ku haluaa
99% of the bitching and moaning in the ET scene is shit that was never even reported to us. I've never heard of apricot lagging himself out on purpose as an admin or even seen it in the comments on GamesTV. You can only blame yourself.
yeah and caej is just being paranoiac if he thinks apricot lags himself out on purpose
Ooh what a suprise. Could it be because players dont tend to cry about these sort of things anymore, or they dont even know they can contact admins about it? It is, or as latee is trying to say it was quite normal at least ~1 year ago or so :) Last time I played apricot he had this stable 148 ping, and also kept lagging out (2 months ago maybe). That ping for a french guy sounds like a netlimiter to me but oh well, it was a prac game so who cares

And then again, its quite stupid to attack me here, though you could say that its stupid also that I bring this out here, but better late than never?

And how long you been an admin on CG again? Or how long you been on the community anyway? You seem to be rather new around here. Welcome.
9 times out of 10 criticism comes in the form of publicly posted, unintelligible non-sense, usually written by some sort of man-child (or regular child) who is too furious to be able to see any other point of view. At the end of the day people need to realize they are playing a 12 year old game, and shitting bricks every time you don't get your own way sure as shit isn't going to keep this game alive.

If you have something to say, talk to the admins, don't bitch about them in public. (Not you specifically obviously).
Haha, you made a normal reply. Getting soft are you?
I squeezed in my quota of insults regardless.
13 year old game, idiot
listen you little shit
Well, this is not about my situation. If it was me, I'd handle this on private conversation. Also, with all respect to our current admins, they lack experience. But they are kinda good admins on their own way, so got really nothing that bad to say about them really.

But yeah, seeing Apricot doing something so stupid as he just did there makes me a bit mad. Not that I like yii fumoffu and shady more, but at least they are not as lame as this France Apricot is. Would rather play against ragebotters on daily basis than playing vs this frenchtard on dailybasis.
Yeah he is a massive moron and he would probably be yelling ethnic slurs at you right now if he wasn't already banned for doing so.
it was a totally different situation, dont really wanna go into detail cuz it was cleared (if u forgot, just check the gamestv match back then and ull see). i just brought it up cuz timbolina said he couldnt do anything about it when u clearly proved the opposite

btw: its not about being late, cuz that would be their right, its about that we had a merc there that could have played and they ignored him
2016 and you're saying "make it better yourself". If I'm taking horsedick up my ass, do you have to take it up your ass as well to be able to comment on my actions? No. Don't be such an idiot. That is like kindergarten level of shattered ego reply. Grow up.
did they even agree to allow heady to merc?
they ignored him more or less by saying hes not on CGAC, which he was, but they couldnt see it since he wasnt on the team
-cant get 3 players
-et is dead
-stop wasting your time on et
how is it so hard to show up on time? you knew for many days that we have a match at 19. Trmp actually left his work 1 hour before he should just to make this match happen but you manage to fuck it up.
And I'm not going to be late from work because of ET game and telling my boss that sorry im late because 3 incapable nerds can't show up on time.
if we would have started the game after 19:15 and we went for 3rd map, I would have to leave in middle of game and you get the forfeit win. so what do you think we do?

if the match is 19cet then u come sever 19cet vote map and ready up.
I can understand your argument but try to make it clear next time you are taking forfeit if the opponent fails to show up on time. Both of you tried to find a suitable date for the match which is not even that common anymore in the ET scene. People should be on time, but unfortunately I experience myself way too often to be the only one on the server by match time. I must say that your team SSTAT is a positive exception to this trend.

If you did make it clear beforehand that would take the forfeit, ignore my message above.
I said 19max monday so its 19max, not 19:20. We already agreed to schedule this match for monday, otherwise it would have been forced for sunday and opponent couldn't have played it. And you are talking about sportsmanship. It's sportsmanship to come 20 minute late from scheduled time? Our player leaving work to make it happen, we are on time on server, so I think we are the one with good sportsmanship here. Opponent made it impossible to play the match and you blame us.
Yes I don't find you guys having much sportsmanship indeed. That isn't solely based on what happened yesterday. And your question about coming 20 minutes too late is already answered in my previous comment.
How do you want us to show the sportsmanship then in this match? By delaying it? Don't you really understand that if we delayed it more there is a big risk that the opponent would have won it by forfeit.
I do understand your situation and that's why I stated it would have been good if you made it clear beforehand that you would take the forfeit if the oppo fails to show up on time. I mean, saying "max 19 cet" is not really clear to me.

However, you haven't acted wrong and have the right to take the forfeit. You guys have principles just like with the merc thing in our match. Something which is perfectly fine to me.
You said Sunday max. 19cet, but we agreed to play on Monday 19:00 and I haven't seen you saying there that you have to go to work soon or something like that, only your mate talking about forfeit. You talk like you never were to late and 20 mins please, we had 3 players there (even 4) and were ready to start If we were going to play 3 maps and you had to leave, sure would have come up with something, but doubt its possible to have any normal talk with your mate though.

hf in the cup
Miks pelata jos ei kerkee pelaan. Yks 3v3 voi hyvinki kestää sen 1,5h. Typerä selitys, mikset vaa yksinkertasesti anna kaikkien syyttää sitä saatanan aprikoottia niin kaikki ois iha ok :)
Öööh no oltas ainaki koitettu pelata. Ei yksinkertasesti ollu mitään muuta mahdollista aikaa pelata ku oon illat ja yöt töissä ja trpm päivät. jos ei oltas keretty pelaa ni vihu ois saanu forfeiti.
eli pointtis on se, et olit vissii varannu aikaa just sen 1,5h peliä varten ja 16min oli liikaa odottelua, 15min just ok? emt, ite en oo koskaa ottanu noshowta, toisaalta en oo myöskää pelannu koskaa nii et ois oikeesti kiire jonnekki tärkeesee samalla. tai jos on ollu, niin oon vaa lähteny kesken matsin menee 8)
tunti oli peliä varte aikaa. Ois keretty tai sit ei. Ja mistä sä ton 16 min revit? Ois saattanu mennä viel vartti ennen ku ois päässy alottaa.
Eiköhän se oo käyny jo selväks että te lähditte siinä vaiheessa ku niiltä kolmas tuli paikalle. Miten sä siitä saat vielä vartin menemään?
niin, mitä sitte? ei se tarkota et ne oli lähellekkää ruppaamassa vielä. ei niillä ollu ees kolmee pelaajaa tiimissä ku lähettii menee. jos on nii kykenemätön tiimi ettei vartissa saa itteesä paikalle ja peliä alkuun ni ei oo meidän ongelma :D
No kyllä tää vaikuttaa vahvasti teidän ongelmalta. Myönnä nyt vaan, että päätitte ottaa nössövoiton koska tiesitte että se on teidän ainut mahdollisuus voittaa. Ei kenellekään oo minuutista kiinni. Pelkurit.
haha ollaanko me joskus hävitty noille? :D ja vahvasti vaikuttaa siltä ettei todellakaan oo meidän ongelma koska saatiin forfeitti voitto tosta.
Nice mate always owning the nerds, on the battfield and with words
emt, kommenteista

ja joo, sun puolesta ok ratkasu. mutta se et aprikootti on homo+läski+huora+isänsä nussima äijä, siitä se mun pieni viha sitä kohtaa vaa kimpoaa. ainii, sana typerä kuvais häntä myöskin aika näpsäkästi
As a team Sweden player, forfeit win is the best win
I agree can't see this as a problem
what about admins removing journals when a serious computer conversation is going on between my computer friend and me?
the journal wasn't deleted by an admin francism8
so frustrating, fuck that polak then !
it wasn't a polak though? :P
tltr version
no names arguing about stuff nobody cares
legit never heard any of them :D
nice lifes
Posting again in legendary thread.
could do a cless post it would be more entertaining ..
AoD - - efterlyst - -cyberg4mes - - jiButch ..and then it was kinda fucking "g0ne" :((
Well trickjump+making maps is teh answer to keep it up (my thought's=)
No one cares about your thoughts, you're a retard.
I am a voice from the past
standing in the future,
to forever haunt you

I am.

you should have never done this to
me, because now I can never rest..
I agree With everyone that talks against sebhes
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