mouse problem!!

i've got a serious problem with my logitech g5:

the mouse goes every 30 sec out and then the annoying voice like if the pc found a new hardware appears.

the mouse is not broken cause i've tried it at an other pc and there it worked.

can anybody help me?
kom je hier vaker?
wat dacht je van een persoonlijke rondleiding van onze schattige gnomie door onze hele crossfire community site?
of je mag stfuen
ik voel me afgewezen :<
it goes out. tell it to make a "bakc frometh culb" journal when it returns
I have exactly the same problem with my logitech mx518 mouse..

now that i have a shitty old HP mouse, everything is fine.. but when i put in my mx518 mouse, it aint getting any power.. just dead..

and mine works perfectly on my laptop, so thats NO problemo..

if u find out what to do , write it here please..
old HP mouse... is it a mouse just like I have, with only 2 mouse buttons, no scrolls, a ball etc...? :D
something like that yeah:<<
must be the usb i think
i also had a problemo with my razr. it sayd
and then it worked again

the problem was a bad contact in the wire, so i put a straw around it, fixed some tape and he never dies again :)

try to twist & turn & slip 'n slide the cable everywhere to find where the bad contact lies and make it more stable at that point... (if you think u also have a bad contact)

toll, kauf dir ne neue !!!
Then that must mean that the USB connection is not working properly.
Maybe clean your USB port, or try using the front USB port instead of the back if possible (or reversed).
If that doesn't work, getting an USB/PS-2 adapter might do the trick, just plug it in with the adapter like the mouses in the old days :)
the problem is g5 doesnt work if you stick it in the PS-2 port!

and i tried 5 different usb ports but everywhere the same problem
this happened to me 2 times, first with mx518 then with copperhead.

I solved the problems by buying new mouses :S :D
so what mouse u use then? that works..
copperhead... after my 1st copperhead broke i bought a new one.
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