Oldtimers lounge

Every once in a while I like to get drunk by drinking loads of cheap dirt beer. And almost every time I end up browsing Crossfire and watching my old frag movies while eating those sweet member berries - and I love it every bit of it.

And I know I'm not the only one. What are you faggots up to now? Why are we here? What's the purpose of life?
I too get drunk and watch your old frag movies.
send me link to any other movie that includes you apart from ensample
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bGgvzfxWbk (ENSAM FRAGMOVIE)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Xn5r5BOe8 (KRP MOVIE 3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YGL0vUutzk (Polarsoul [this is legit masterpiece if you don't care for my shitty fraps productions])
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsgO_m2srZ0 (NC Moments)
Polarsoul is my all time favourite FM krek
Yeah it's super well made, we could have done more frag-wise though.
Could've been more SMG frags, but the overall content quality and sync makes up for it imo
my fav movie just because of vokki in it
fuck that fragarea 3 > *
10/10 movie tho
yeah but u know well why i didnt send shit for that movie

polarsoul indeed in my top5
ensam & friends?
Go upload
I don't have it and apparently neither does anyone else.
member when u could get a 6on6 at every hour in the night ? member?
i want to have kids with you
i do the same eveyrday
then cry because of own3d.tv scandal where i lost all of my fragmovies except a cupple of clips i got on yt :b

would give my anus if i could see tikej's fragmovie one more time
e: rip anus
ear plus eye cancer. not worth your anus.
homo :D

lähetääks märälle enskuus
Pitää katsoa. Asutko vielä Porvoossa?
JOO, mut oon tulos TRE moikkaa yht horoo enskuus, kuhan yks oikeudekäynti ja toinen juttu hoidettuna alta veke et voin VAPAANA UKKONA men mis haluun
hehe that song and video used in KRP movie 3, amazing honestly
Here is the full music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amVfZ62Zcf0

Genius stuff even if you don't speak Finnish. The lyrics are about the old dude hearing about weed when "it's too late".
hahahaha top notch
I thought you people in Finland drink mead, beer seems fine for warm days. On the other hand, there is vodka if you want to get wasted, drinking beers one after another sounds time consuming.

It was good to play against some of you, did not like losing against others.
In Soviet Finland you need to buy vodka from goverment's shitty liquor stores, which takes too much effort so I prefer beer.
Moro syöpä, joko olet insinörä?
Oppari tekemättä, (mesu)
Hyvä syöpä, oon ylpee susta. Onko duunipaikka jo valmiina?
Kiitos ja menestystä myös sinun elämääsi. Oon joo ollu ~vuoden nykysessä firmassa. Koska tulet pelaamaan kanssamme?
En varmaan hetkeen, mutta varmaan joskus.
U member when you rq odc? I member
old fragmovies are the shit
i watch my old movies monthly. good to go back to those times.
Did you play in Identical with Zeku and Vanhafckingomena?
Yes, for maybe 3 months before leaving and stealing their best players (Sample, Vanhaomena) for MM.
Vanhaomena stopped playing, didn't he? Is he playing anything else? Asking cause I always looked him up as the master sniper..
I don't know if he plays anything anymore.
I still have a folder with favourite fragmovies on my HDD ;) I'm copying it in every time I'm changing my PC/hard drive, just to keep some memories with me ;) watching some of them once in a while

image: FM
Nice selfbust image: gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok
this is actually s4rna busting perfo :D dunno why i still have it :P my collection was much bigger, but one day i decided to make some space on my hdd and deleted most of fragmovies ;(
Could you upload interlude somewhere? Would highly appreciate it, thanks in advance! :)
definately one of my favourites!
sick frags, editing and music ;) fredd was the best moviemaker for me.
I see someone already posted it so let me know in case u still need it ;)
QuoteWhat are you faggots up to now?

Instead of playing video games with perfo I now play video games with perfo except IRL.

QuoteWhy are we here? What's the purpose of life?

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere.
QuoteInstead of playing video games with perfo I now play video games with perfo except IRL.

so like, Pokemon GO?? :p
Does perfo live in UK or something? Do you guys have your own anime house now? Is the brother there too?
He moved to London something like 1.5 years ago. United Kingdom Confo often hangs out with us as well.
very fucking nice!
I'm a father now. No matter how much I want, I can't get drunk and stay up all night anymore.

My life has no more purpose.
sell ur kid get a gaming pc

Sorry to hear that.
I love me some Crossfire memberberries. I wanna watch Night do something brilliant in a LAN final again.
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