Game controls.

You're playing a game where you bounce along, it's a platform game.

Obviously, right is to move right and left is to move left. Jumping is bound to the down key and an action is bound to the up key (It lets you push objects, etc). My questions is would you prefer up to be bound to jump, would it feel more natural? Would down feel strange or would you be fine with it?

Any response with reasoning would be welcomed! Any response at all would be tolerated!
pervqj nah
hmm...depends tbh, but jump would be better on up i guess
Thanks =o), any reason for you prefering up? And what would it depend on!
because when u jump, u go up, so up seems more logical to me, but on the other hand action on down is weird :)
Ah, what if action were bound to another button, ctrl or space or something like it?
action would be nice on space imo, and on down it could be crouch or sth
Up should be jump of course, since you move upwards, skyward, when you jump!
He, the character, is always bouncing along, so technically he is really just bouncing higher, not jumping - I think the idea was that the down button puts more force into the jump, although there have been many mixed opinions on whether this is intuitive or not, hence this journal!
Regardless of whether he's bouncing or not, he's still moving higher, upwards, therefore up is a logical button to press in order to perform the aforementioned movement! Down is very illogical indeed, even if it's to put more force into the jump, since if you wanted to jump higher you wouldn't move down first, unless of course you were on some kind of spring!
That was my thought on the matter, the designer thinks otherwise though, and I guess either of us could be right. Check your pm for a link to the game, it's not really up too much but try the controls and see if they feel immediately intuitive.
I have not yet received a pm. :<
Sorry man, there's some shitty bug, keeps saying "You can't send 2 pm's that fast", are you on irc?
Yeah, idle^sol or ansiktsburk.
Pokemon yellow, no doubt about it.
down because when you jump you put your muscular power ( or smth ) in your legs and they are down there so

and every game has down : jump so, no need to change that
What do you mean by every game has down as jump? Every platform game? I don't remember mario having down as jump - Please expand what you said.
didn't read the platform part, sorry ;)
edit : up would make alot more sense then, idd ;)-
Thanks for helping =o).
Elaborate please =o)!
WHO FUCKING GIVES A SHIT, just play the game enjoy it, it's your personal preference, nobody elses..
Well, it's a platform side scrolling game - You can still have your left hand to press other things. In any case, the only movement options are up left and right, other than actions of course (like pushing).
grow up: <
Jumping is noobish
up = jump
Up for jump, seems rather obvious to be honest... no idea why the down key would be for jump :\
own preference, up key would be teh obvious for me.
i would prefer down arrow for jumping cause it fits my fingers better and my reflexes are faster that way.
Wouldn't it be better if the player could set the controls himself?
Up. Think about the old console platform games. Jump is always bound to the up key and for obvious logical reasons.
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