Reisbureau robbenoot


since perfo is gonna travel by airplane, there is just me and kris left in my car and i wont be able to bear the painful silences when we run out of stuff to say so i need 1 or 2 more belgians/dutchies who'd like a ride to the SHGopen LAN. You will have to share in the fuelcosts ofc but i dont know how much it´ll be yet. at least cheaper than bus or airplane and nicer ofc! =)

we could also consider switching while driving cause its prolly a little over 8 hours and we wont need as many brakes when we have 2 drivers.ur not absolutely required to have a drivers license though (i enjoy driving! :D)

lemme know (RBNT @ #crossfire or pm on here)

ps there wont be much room left for you baggage cuz i also need to put my, perfo's and kris' pc in the back + my k43 riflelauncher n stuff LoL
(j/k :X)
Hey dirk!
he droppie
ill come if u can pick me up first
staying on vent with krist is boring, can't imagine 8hrs with him lonely in a car!!!!!! ;p

i wish youll have a puncher

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he rly has humor tbh i found out @ CPC :-D although it mainly involves pWnIng nuBS humor :P its funny now and then!
QuotepWnIng nuBS

he's used to it i guess =]

i wanna come with toxic :(
toxic's afraid of perfo
Drive to Leeuwarden to pick me up, all tho no team to play with :))
well i wont drive to leeuwarden im afraid :Z its too much to the left (xD)

like i said put ur pc in some bag and take the train to some station like zwolle or smth :z

or have someone drop u off somewhere u will meet me on the way (zwolle or smth! :D)
Bad driver!, I'll pay you 10 Euro
perfo going to sHgopen LAN :o

i would go rbnt, the talking on the way to it would be settled for sure then! :P
last time we had enough to talk about =X ALMERE FOR EXAMPLE :PPPPPPPPPP ( lol still makes me laugh irl now :DD that was the stupidest thing xD)
hahaha, indeed!

it is remarkably funny now i think back of it! Worst navigating ever! :D

if i had any money to spare i'd come with you, but rl is owning my gaming life! :(

Gaming is waaaaaaaaay cheaper ;)
kost geen drol! :P
haha, nee nee

Als ik naar denemarken ga, wil ik ook gelijk vét stappen.. en dat zit er nu net niet in voor mij deze maand.. telefoonrekening(80), schoolgeld(260), wintersportafbetaling(320), nieuwe halfjaar lenzen(120), ziektekosten(120), internet(25).. inkomsten: 250 stufi + 500 werk..

rara politiepet :P
take me with you .plzzzzz so much xD
leave me a fart when you cross Bremen
last time i was in a car with kris, he tried to tell me the worst dutch word, atleast for pronouncing
which word then?
lol cant remember :p
scheveningen, dat moet jij toch weten!
well, you are wrong u know. there is no space left in the car since kris is so fat he is sitting down in the front and all the backseats so no more space for anyone!
it was my idea to switch , stealer
Good luck on ur tour.. Lakaii and me will drive from norway.. allso around 8-9 hours, since we need to pick up Nils and Kiitos in sweden.

Have a nice drive mates:>
neem mij is mee ik heb toch vrij :D
"Hey, daar loopt nog zo'n bundy!" =D

Hf jongens!
haha veel geluk en sterkte rbnt ! ;d
kom gizje wij boeken mee kunnen we elkaar onderweg bukkaken :>
ok , top heb me rijbewijs!!!!! :D + genoeg vrije tijd en geld
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