About friction and mousepads

Sow, ive got funcpad 1030 atm. but which side is supposed to be the smooth one? since both sides give some friction (and the hard one, which i suppose is the smooth one, is actually unstable at higher sens at times).

And what side should a high senser use? Or what kind of mousepad is good for high sens (stable and fast). Ow yeah and are there mice that are better for higher sens and others better for lower? I know all these things have been asked before, but evry review or article i read is contradictionary to the next.

And besides that, i only tried mx510-518 and funcpad. So there must be guys out there with more experience on this.
noob jonas use high sens so don't use that.
i hardly move my hand, lowsens doesnt work for lazy ppl
Hmmm about mouses I feel a little heavier mouse is good for low sensitivity, dunno if there are any mouses that would really fit highsensers any better than the next one.

Concerning the func, I don't think there is really any way to define which you should use, some people like the smooth shiny one and others the rougher one, I prefered the rougher one back when I used the ol' mat. In general there is no better side in anything concerning sensitivity and stuff, it's really dependant on which you like... So just pick the one you think is nice and stick with it. :S

Not a very informative reply i kno but :<
There arent any rules or manuals for what surface you must use, you just need to play on both sides and to choose on what you have more hs :) I have func too and first 2 days I played on smooth side, but then I tried other side and liked it more, it was more comfortable.
I preferred the rough one as well (if I remember right :D)

and as a low-senser, I prefer a light mouse (like razer db), so it's easier to move it long distances as well.

Using high sense, I would prefer heavier mouse, eg. mx518 is surely good one for u
you are low senser :DD?
300 degrees on 41cm, yes that's kinda low, isn't it?
Heavy mice as spirea said will be better for high sens.
And stick to this side of pad which give you control/smoothness
that you need to shoot well with your style <-- think about it a bit
tx for the replies all, helped me alot :)

Any recommandations for a smooth and stable pad if i would want to try one?
if you like to try clothmat, try Xray Aqua3 or Steelmat(pad) Qck+ or something. You would like these :o
I hated my funcpad... it wore down after a few weeks and was awful to play with.
Wouldn't recommend it to anyone :\

Cloth pads on the other hand, heaven on a desk!
The Titan Everglide Monstermat is nice, although I heard the ( discontinued ) Everglide DKT Edition pad was better.
I recommend u to buy Qpad lowsense 1.5mm <3 it
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