My lan journal

It was ok
best lan journal i have read!
Only one you need to read.
Ich will ficken, schlampe!
was nice meeting you bro
was nice meeting you bro
Potty, the guy who didn't watch Harry Potter and LOTR
No crimes commuted!
absolutely savage m8
was nice playing you fifa bro
Committed fucking auto correct with my fat fingers
fingers too fat to press reply button properly
glad you told us mate you've inspired me to play again with this journal thank you. Keep up with what your doing! much love <3
Saw you getting cunted on HBC the other day mate, gj
such a lie I owned that shit!
This journal is no disappointment. I also think we did decent with our gang so far.
Ok I have to admit one of the best lan events so far. I'll post a proper post later when I am at home on a pc if people actually care about what I did and some exclusive behind the scenes interviews?
I can't wait to read it. Expect a video of your german soon <3
Some1 have to clip that shit when u were on the casting couch couc with kapot it was so funny XD
Before i start, i just want to say that as a community (especially the players) it is amazing how many people have posted recaps of this tournament. I just want to mention that this was the first thing that was appealing to me and encouraged me to try and read all the journals in the past few days. Respect to you guys and good luck with the comments

I think that the people involved in hosting said journals should also get a lot of credit, from what i have seen - the page response time, the website performance etc. is amazing. It can only lead to a fantastic browsing experience.

I am going to be straight and try and explain in the best way possible, because i know to most / if not all this is going to be something that gets a lot of negative attention and or responses. I am going to be as constructive as possible and i do not mean to offend anyone in this at all.

In terms of the post content, there are a few things that stand out for me. First let me just say that personally (and this is the part which i know most wont agree with) the post has to be financially beneficial to read. I know most will say well fuck you, its a community website now and we dont need that negative reason, but it is the truth. As the site and myself (note that im speaking for a few of my online buddies here too) grows older, priorities change and hence the step back from shitposting on crossfire. Personally i cant look at spending time to read a gaming news portal whilst saving for a ski season. Let me also just add before i try to make my point that a lot of us and especially me have spent a hell of an amount of time over the past few years on reading journals - especially browsing from the UK and those countries with expensive data plans, let me just say that reading these types of journals arent cheap.

I have always looked at the past few journals that I have read in trying to break even in terms of the time spent reading. When i say break even - i mean that the cost of reading is pretty much the same as the enjoyment that you can potentially experience. With this i dont include food / alcohol - as to me it is a luxury to be able to spend my working day with people that i have known for years and dont get the chance to post with at all or often.

Anyway, based on the points above i dont see there being a great chance of reading this journal based on my time and expenses unless I can find some form of support. Regardless and if I don't read it, i hope the journal is a success and hope none of the above (admins especially) take the constructive criticism i have said personally.
You really put too much effort into this.
That's exactly what I expected
!applause potty - so inspirational, virtual high five to you brotha
Somebody made potty pregnant during the lan. :D
My belly is ok now. I had a massive shit and farted loads. Back to being only 70% fat
Good to hear that you are fine mate!
was nice meeting you
Nice to meet you potty, practice some more table football for next year
I met that time we met if there is another lan and you're going I'm coming mate!
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