Need new maps

We need new offi. maps !

frost_final.pk3 imo
looks rly cool, showmatch imo
what about a new game?
what about a nice, warm cup of shut the fuck up?
just had a coffee no tnx
Old oasis back, and battery too!
no @ oasis
Oasis is great map, she should be fixed to be more playable... Battery need many changes... frost sux et is not a rtcw, braundorf b4 also should be fixed... 2 new maps and some old fixed = :)
Hmm maybe we can replace the sd with the competition version ^^ and some new maps are a good idea.. cuz these are getting boring now o.0
Too many changes... its not good... I agree that we need some "fresh air" but old maps are also good but some of them need to be fixed....
railgun, sp_delivery
we should make a 2-3 week tourney tbh

u make a 8 man team and then u play 8vs8 ( maximum time 1 hour )
and the team with most thingys constructed wins.

16 teams imo !
lolololol reporting for duty
battery is good
oasis !
create new maps btw ;p
new (good) maps yes
oasis no

let's take rail gun in again =X
hi arrow
old but true!!! yes et needs new maps... I think everyone wants to play some new maps...for example in 100 3v3 matches, there are about 10 max where you dont have to play at least once supply... Yes i like that map... But it is always great fun when we play with gather some special maps like fueldump(new one with out tankt of course), delivery(it is one of the greatest maps in et imo), reactor(i dont like it) or many many more...
The problem is that what ever new map come, there are still too many people who whine about fps,lotto,appearance or smthn...
If would we new maps welcome we could have much more bigger maplist..
let's play sp_delivery
oasis ftw, need more fullhold maps :x
sw_fueldump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw arrow how's your buisnes? :o)
Get sw_Oasis and sw_Fueldump in the map pool and take out the shit maps Frostbite and Adlernest, imo!
I agree frost sux, but some lotto should stay in map pool (Adler). B4 should be fixed to final ffs...
Sw_oasis is bad. We need a new version of oasis with sw_oasis's old city and water tunnel parts combined with the garrison part of original oasis. The tunnel door switch near old city wall should be removed tho.
Reactor + Sniping <3
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