.gbooky .

I've got more than million euro in my gbooky profile !


Im so skilled, discuss :)
i care i lost my 5th acc yesterday 3 strike lost
If u have less than 10 €, it switchs back to 10 € automatically. Do you get more than 10 € with a new Account?
you get 100
Wtf? Say hello to my new account...
We will have something in gtv2 to prevent this bullshit with creating new accounts. Too bad most of the people take this "fun-game" too serious.
As long it is possible I will exploit it. =)
you are cool.
Especially since I found out new accounts get 100 €. And I am tryting since weeks to get back my money.
w3lc0me t0 Th4 club
i lost like 10,000 yesterday
cbooky >>> g(ay)booky
i got more than 1000!!
ow so it's u who is fucking up the odds every time!!
fuck you Germany! butchji = med skiller :[

I had €1300 on cdap - pi because I thought they would win altough I prefer aMenti :D

I am happy that aMenti won! but also sad because I lost €1300 :[
i had 25000 once now i only have around 500 :<
i lost all my money yesterday on germany and cdap :<
skilled bets on odds 1.25 maybe thats why your rank sux so hard?
odds always change to 1.25 when i place my bet, i would have to bet on idle opponent then
at the latest when i am placing my bet its switching back to 1.25 cuz me>u!
the odds should be given or smth, or else one person with much money can just change the whole thing :} or if you bet one time you cant take it back, smth like that
it shouldnt take number of cash for one team to make bets, maybe number of bets for each team :<
true, thats actually a good idea :)
dude, its just e-money
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