G15 keyboard

my baby has arrived

my question to anyone of you , does, someone have some scripts for ET/CoD2/Q4/America's Army for my LCD screenie :p

pm at #teamdtk <3 ya in advance =)
www.g15forums.com but i've found no usable scripts for ET (for linux) so.. ;x
some guys on the forum are working on som applet for ET called applET I think. I think they're considering adding some useful stuff to it.
Whats so usefull about a Logitech G15 keyboard?
like you re gonna watch everytime to your keyboard ingame...... owke...:O
what kind of scripts are possible with that?
Tells you where the dynos are planted and how much time left before they blow up. Some also give you the announcements like: Flag captured,
so basically like dynascripts that aren't allowed :P ?
spawn timer too
Well im using it since some months now.

Tbh the only plugins you should use are:

rays winamp plugin + the hidden feature that makes your hole keyboard blink -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JECUrkSMza4

Then the network plugin is nice, with various interfaces.

TS plugin is a must to see who is talking in mixes.

There's a handy qirc plugin too :) Shows you the last msg you recieved.

Forums are:


If your playing a nice RPG game check out the templates here:
For dynacounter in your screen € 5,00
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