Louis & the nazi's

I saw this documentary last night, the guy with the glasses is called Louis Theroux, many of you would know him, hes like uberskilled @ making those documentaries about all kind of different stuff etc.
I just think you will be interested if u watched it 1 minute (like i had last night) and for ppl who have seen this already sorry, i didnt knew it was old.

seems interesting, ty

EDIT: wtf, kut amerikanen =/
takes to long to watch
ja dat wel, maar als je eens niets te doen hebt moet je maar eens doen echt. Ik vond het wel ziek, dus interessant
heb altijd iets te doen ^^
seen this before, it's really good
its verrry interresting
hi duroh
"hes not as ugly as kobe bryant!"
already saw it, great fun to see :d
the reporter is such an idiot! totally unskilled in his job. bbc....
You know he is faking to be like that right? ...
The guy is a fking genius but the americans dont seem to realize that.
well i can imagine it is hard to get into these organisations or overall to discuss with these ppl.

but it's shocking to see this reality, isn't it?
my sister is marrocan and my brother is a little bit a racist ( its not a joke )

(differents fathers)
Ye I've seen it... Made quite an impression on me tbh. Lot's of retards over there, teaching their children to hate black people and sing racist songs... Was a great documentary though.
The funniest one was the black racists, who believe a lot of important figures in history were black...

"William Shakespeare?"
"Oh he was definately black, without a doubt"
While most of the world is progressing, people in the USA are only getting dumber.
Jesus Camp is a nice documentary too, about evangelics indoctrinating their kids, summary:

"global warming isnt a big issue because we'r only here for a short time, jesus will save us" \o/

and christianity is increasing over there, its like they think its somekind of islam vs christianity thing or that the world needs christianity for morals, while the fact is that most ppl in jail are christian, only 0.5 % are atheists.
ye there is no difference! radical groups...
duro hou je kop es
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