wc3 players

i love dota, but eurobattle.net fucking sucks cock.
leavers, brazil fucktards, romanian fucktards, everyone else are some other european people who can't speak english and are kind of retarded it seems.
so i'm thinking of buying real w3 to play on official blizzard servers - I have never before played w3 so yeah, I don't really know anything about it - are the servers just the same ? full on non-english speaking fagtards that leave ?
(i'm talking about dota games only)

edit: oh, and someone who wants 1on1 on hamachi / bnet or something like pwning some nobs on eurobattle.net , pm me
i saw a bad smelling WoW-tard in a store today, he looked sad :<

burning crusade was out of stock
Banned, never even been there, k
racism tbh, they hate niggers!
TD, 3corr, heroarena, etc ownz, but you have to be a geek to be rly good at normal mode
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