NC 2020: Team Belgium

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Belgium has been able to dust off a few players to participate in this year's NC!

Belgium Chry
Best engineer in the game right now if he's not busy doing coke or jailtime.

Belgium JeRe
Only Belgian left that can do anything at all with the rifle.

Belgium JuiCY
Most active player in our country, comes in handy to schedule pracs.

Belgium bltZZ
We couldn't really find a way to keep him out of the team.

Belgium cArnAge
The Belgian Mayan, backup of our backup's backup.

Belgium D4v1D
Found him wandering in an empty mall, decided to take him along for the ride.

Belgium SYL_
Don't even know who this is, Jere made me lol.

Belgium eRoN
Invited due to popular demand.

Belgium VilAngo
Captain of the last victorious Belgian team. Not allowed to post Crossfire journals.

Belgium Kevin
Pretty good mobile. Pretty bad anything else.

We also have a Belgium mAUs.

Good luck.

avi for Denmark
Having big expectations from this line up based on Jeres talk
Gl to all and eron my LAN buddy! :d
gl Kevin m8
lol whut? Imposter much
No Lago no win
Gl guys! Great lineup with ETplayerstars ... Hf
Carnage!!! Hf my friend!
Danke Markus!
hf david :)
rape ze hard chry
omg mAus omg
wa nen backstab is da hier jong, de captain der captains gewoon left out
Dat van mij is troll ze vriend, dat spel komt nimeer op die pc =D
waar zitte gij eigenlijk nog? discord of gewoon nieveel online?
Af en toe discord, speel wel is wat Warzone af en toe. Had u nog gezegd dat te installen maarja!
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