Network Routing Help!

Hi, bought a router, and before I have to take it back because it's shit I wanna know if there's anything I can do to make it work.

I have a cable modem which when plugged directly into my PC it works perfectly: this includes ET, internet etc ofc.

Now when i plug in my router everything seems to be working perfectly, i have it wired networked to my downstairs PC, my own PC and my laptop. It seems to run fine.

However when I open ET, ET runs fine for I think i've about timed it to 10 minutes, and then I go 999 timed out, however it's not a complete timeout i can still see everyone running around fine I just cant do anything, then after about 3 minutes it comes back, it seems like the router is getting overrun by UDP packets and rebooting, but eek :S)

Now this has nothing to do with none of the ET software on any of the PC's, nore is it the way the network cards have been configured, i've tried to play ET on all 3 machines and the same thing happens with each of them.

Now i've opened up my router admin panel and enabled DMZ (god knows what it does but fusen told me that it opens all the ports, because ET uses lots of UDP packets n stuff...) but it still doesnt work. I have this specialist port thingy on my firewall (image below) but I dont know what to type in there.

The image below is a grab of my admin page, the top line is what i've attempted at doing but it didnt work... any help :)


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

p.s. it does this with every first person shooter and game which uses UDP packets.

Help me plz :)

btw my firmware is upto date
thats what you get when you buy sitecom! :)

Cheap stuff for cheap people ;)

EDIT: i thought ET doesnt do anything with UDP.. :(

I would try and see if there is any 'smart' options that locks outgoing data. a DMZ has really nothing to so with that.
My m8 told me DMZ did nothing too but fusen told me it did so :S and yeah about the sitecom thing erm.... :| local shop it was like £40 :| kinda cheap i guess but.... should still fuckign work lol
I'd say ask perfo, or get a new router.
I had the same problem when we got a new router, we put the old one back, and everything was fine again. Sorry to say, but if you can't find a solution, you'll have to bring it back afaik
hey dude - long time no c ;)
get a usrobotics router mate, your guaranteed success and satisfaction with em, easy to configure as.well. :)
Getting the router working properly aint easy :(
My suggestion would be to keep googling

Now that i think of it.. i havent configured any et stuff and it is working anyway! Praise the inet gods!
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