Not another religious journal plz

Well too late, since i found an "awesome" short documentary of ignorant people teaching children ignorant things.

But not everything is negative, watching a lecture like this allways cheers me up:
I watched one minute and then they said "evolution is bullshit" or something along these lines and I knew I shouldn't look any further!
I only got to the sign saying "Jesus is the only way"
Then I quit :D
You missed out on the little kids repeating after some "teacher" that you should allwaysbelieve the bible and god first and then the scientists. :(
Too bad. But I won't want to listen to bullshit. :>
The kids have to. :< ;)
well evolution didnt work for them
fucking monkeys
hehehe, well said :P
why are religous ppl crying at the funerals then? the person who died was released of earthly suffering and is going to heaven for an eternity, they should celebrate.
i don't think they do :P

But they cry for the same reason you do at funerals.. so thats not really a good argument
so they are crying because the loved person left them? they put their selfish desires before that persons soul wellbeing. thats a sin!

if science is bullshit then ppl wouldnt be allowed to use all the technological benefit the human has developed over the decades. i mean the churches themselves were construced by considering laws of phisics, so the church as a building is a sin too.

taking medication is wrong too, because you alter the gods plan for your life. if the previous pope wasnt more doped up than a regular crackhead he would've died 10 years ago.

i have some respect for the bible as a piece of a literature, but i have no respect for those stupid preachers who are cherry picking from the bible, and make up new rules which suit their own personality. its like the goverment in under developed countries.
they might be religious people but they are not machines, if someone close to them dies of course they will cry (most of the time at least).
sure, but why? their family member is joining the so-called "transcendence" to live an eternal life next to god, so why do they cry? there are for example indian tribes in south america-and-god-knows-where-else that clebrate in a quite happy way when someone dies for exactly the same reason.
yep lets kill them all, they'll go to heaven, we wont have any conservatives or republicans in our governments.
everyone is happy!
didnt fit my comment rly, but ok, nice idea
i had to laugh... americans and HUGE parts of these christians ignorant fuckheads are just brainwashing childeren with these songs and adverts

Why can't they let them decide for themselfs? And let people talk instead of say what is bad, evil and so on.
The ONLY Way
this "evolution is from the devil" sign somehow reminded me of the movie "the waterboy" :DD
lolz "For you everything is the devil mommy"
Or sth like that. :P
"i like vicky and she likes me back! and she showed me her boobies and i liked them too!" :DD

btw a little summary of the arguments given by the guys in the video:
-all we believe in is in a "book" which was passed on orally for a few
hundred years so it MUST be right!
-... ?
how bout some nice atheist vs christian war?
war stinks and atheism is not an idea to die for :(

And as several people have said before, trying to unite atheists in one organisation is like trying to herd cats :P
sure it does but that obviously is the only thing americans are slightly good at (except believing unproven stuff)
FFS the "Did your grandfather look like this?"-bullshit made me mad. That is the type of "evidence" that really convinces children. There's a funny picture and a stupid question, very nice!
Too bad that these kids are not told that it makes no sense. It would make sense, if they're grandfather had lived 60 million years ago. How can this be. Do they think that the theory of evolution includes "80 years ago people were monkeys"? That's so fucking lame.
jesus ftw junge
this is fucking hilarious, no wonder theres a stereotype of a typical american idiot. they dont even get what they believe in.

godhatesfags website is pretty funny as well (and so was digg taking it down some time ago)
saw it yesterday on dutchtv, pretty interesting and scary too at some moments.
im your father.
god created dead dinosaurs and put them beneath the earth to confuse the satanized scientists
Can't somebody just drop a few nuclear bombs on religious people?
I'm getting tired of them.
What a load of codswallop..completely ridiculous

"nobel prize in creation" sorry but..
Bill Hicks is also pretty funny on this subject =)
I don't hate god, it's his fanclub I can't stand.
It looks like ironic, such dismaying.. Where do they live ? When ? They aren't living in the same world, that's it.. The poor knowledge of these people make them so controlable and not free
Nice brainwashing tough :)
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