Unbeaten for a year...

In about twenty-one hours the one year anniversary of idle.ee's last official 6v6 defeat will pass. They're currently unbeaten in 6v6 officials for 364 days, and given that they've not got any games scheduled tomorrow, the record is theirs already...

No other team (at EC level, anyway) has achieved such a record (at least, not without being inactive for a large portion of the year they did it in). They won't hit a year of solid victories until May 3rd though - they took a 3 month break after losing the EC XII final.
constant lotto
idle suck!
i was inactive for 8 months... figures

cu at lan reload
tardish naablet team :/
It must be boring to always win
you would like to!
oh hai adacore, what about your article? :D:D
one year? not...
i remember that idle didnt attemp to that polish lan coz they lost.qualifier? aint it right?
try reading the journal, 6V6 and remember the polish lan? 5v5- now compare 6v6 and 5v5, doesn't seem the thing for me...
no it ain't right
monkey see monkey do
I like this song... x]
image: Congratulations!_0907

gz nico tore & <insert random slovenian name here>
Guess it will end tommorrow!
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