what is this (@ LAN) ?

:) red mark on yawm doesn't prove nothing!
:D i just showed this to the community!
LOL plz. I try a config a boom red mark on yawn. nice 1. plus i have the same guid according to yawn as rqmbo and tornis :).
so i'm pro?
ftp://www.cs3r.biz/pb000014.png I BUSTED A GUY IM PRO + I HAVE SMTH LIEK A SWEDISH IM MORE PRO!!!!!!!
which ets version are you using? :)
u sux @ quake
True but i rail all nps 4 me. but my strafe is low- :>

what cheats is that? i want one
some private cvars (ets???)
mistä sä sen tiesit..
I dont have any cheats. check all the pb screens, recently ive been trying to make a new low fps cfg, and i have now. I downloaded several cfgs. and i executed one on a random server to try it and 2 min later i get kicked. Check all the pb screenshots, earlier my cfg was different compared to now, check them from 3 days ago. and from now you will notice a difference.
+ you suck n stuff ;<
hmm pb sceeen save hacks :O
im not saying that u hax :( but showed this np. :(
/exec kik_aim 1 @ console *
styla its a cvar not an exec file. so basically if you put the cvar in console you get kicked and marked, so anyone who makes a random config and uploads it can hide this cvar in it.
i bet if i did it i wouldnt get a mark but again thats just me ofc! >:D
i dare you to try :)
im keeping my yawn clean as possible kthx!
not really if you execute it at console, there is little chance of you being kicked straight away, most likely at map change. But its also likely that the kik_aim 1 is in the etpro.dll from your hack!!
you must suck, i killed u once in cpma!
(kik_aim = 1 xD
haha funny that you accuse me when you have never specced a game :). i will see you at shg np.
hmm lets see how tough you are face 2 face while drinking A cup of coffee.
i believe thats what u said once
da wirst du kassieren im face2face
its not a threat dumbass!
im just saying, lets see you talk about hax while drinking a cup of coffee
not gonna happen imo
you are just saying stuff
yeh you will see how pathetic at the lan!
we will be the only etplayers with laptops afaik!
not if i come >:D founding father of laptop users club!
and yet you come out with such bullshit talk like "cu @ shg lolz0r" and "hmm lets see how tough you are face 2 face while drinking A cup of coffee" please.. overgrown nerd at work or what.
this only shows me that you make a very big deal out of things. but hey, who am i to judge? im not the one proposing to drink coffee with the people who flame me.
complete and utter arrogant retard
I have been going to several LANs and I am a beast at LANs... I can't explain why, but my aim becomes alot better at LAN. I've only been to one in ET and that was OptiHack, where I felt that I was pretty much owning both u96d and KiH, but my teammates wasn't :(

Anyway, real skill is showed at LAN :)
Plz like you could aim down that banaan-guy, he was s1ck!
ohhh yeah... I also pwned pr0ne :P
Was it against you we made the fake-siderush on battery?
My memory isn't that good...

I only think we played one game tbh.

Was battery played anyway? I mean... it was 3on3.
Yeah it was played. :) Fake siderush, killed Rippe (I believe), two other guys took kill and spawned side while we ran in from main and blew that xit up.
Rippe was playing for.... 3kr or mori AFAIK.

I played with SheWank, Quakeille and Z1p.

Teams were M8D #1, M8D #2, mori, 3kr, WL, KiH, pr0ne, u96d and one more...
I was pretty sure rippled played with hanken... bah, you're all the same - old >.<
I'm just sad I wont be playing with a team at shgOpen :(

Hopefully I will be playing at CPC2 :)
come SHG and Ill fuck u up.
your replies in this thread mainly, i didnt use to mind you so much but your overwhelming arrogance and self righteous-ness is just..
Lets see if you walk the walk then.
Trying to scare me now? Im not afraid of you.
my first and oringal account is 8 monthes old, and i know kiitos/nils fairly well and during the time ive spoken to them and played with them they have come across as nice guys.
"It seems there is some kind of misunderstanding. I have no interest in talking to you. You're scum and I don't care if you cheat or not, your comments are just making me want to vomit all the time. Just go to the fucking LAN, pwn everyone and then shut the hell up because even with the little time I am spending on xfire these days, you're still annoying me so much." - pretty much did it for me
lan player busted!
i love nerd fights.
haha! lol pls
scheiße dj ich liebe es wenn du leute runter machst :DDD

Nils, u retard=) hehehe.

How in the name of god can a player with so bad aim as u, have an aimbot? hehe

cya @ lan loverboy=)

:D ibarely reach 30% acc sometimes so plz ;P
In what way is he pathetic? Is he pathetic for trying different configs to improve his fps? Or is he pathetic for trying to explain why there are red marks behind his yawn?

The only one who's acting stupid is you. He is a natural talent and obviously he's talking about going or not, because mate some people just don't have the money or time to go, ever thought of that? I guess not, because you don't seem to be the brightest person here on crossfire.
lighten up fdj, nils doesnt hack :(
you havent met us offline so how would you know if it applies to us ?
it don't look like a cheat tbh
lol its not possibile thath nils cheat so i believe him :)

lolol i want the red mark as well!
danonic ip = no red tag np 4 u. or join game and type a cvar haha :D
they are making all this noise for a fucking red mark :D just say danonic ip nils so np gg
I have danonic ip.
he got danonic ip so stop to whine!
lol, btw I don't believe that he cheated and he is a rly nice guy. =)
Your the fucking worst wannabe ever hope your die you fucker..................................... l2p fucking idiot.
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